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BUILDING. INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE.WORK DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subfloor/VenUl nsulation <br />Roof Sheathing &?r) <br />Shear Wall <br />Framing <br />lnsu latio n/E ne rgy <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />Ivlasonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req. <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Engineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif <br />FINAL 7 ),{,Uq, <br />Certificate of Occupancy <br />Noles, Remarks, Etc <br />''terCz <br />! <br />.fl^t q .r,\: t <br />,!-r'aa{- n{ -;,r\te( r * <br />' <br />t L^ <br />1Yt,/ <br />J <br />I' <br />OWNER BUILDER DELCARA'IION <br />I hrcb, allm undo t nalr, of psjuty ln l I en cxonpr 6on the Contd.roB Lic.ns. Law lor rh. aollowin8 lmn (SE 701 I 5 <br />Btrsi.Gs and Protsion Codc): Any City or Counly Fhi.h ..rlut6 , ponir io .o.edcl, all6, improve dsn0l6h or rqrir ey <br />srruclue, pnor ro irs isudcc,.lso r.qlird thc applicd aor such Fnni lo lileo sisn.d slalool lhal h. or shc b h. anEd puqlel <br />lo the provisioas oflh. Contlcro.s Lic.nsed Lrs (Chapls 9. Condencin! wnh Sdrior 7000 oaDivisio. I ofrh. BusinN Md <br />P.ofcsioos Code) or rhal hc or sh. 6 d.nB thdcfton Md rhe bsis fdr rhe allescd crmplion Any violalio. of sdion 7011 t bt any <br />applicad tor a p.f,nn subj.* lhe applicetlo.civilpcnaltyofnol mor.lha live hundr.d dolltr! ($500). <br />./rlrll*oqneo,rhcpoptn).J,r)rnploy€q h sau6 s, compcnlar'on. (rlldn rh.$orl dnd rh. $dR s mr <br />'iirddal orolT6.d iorel.(Sc 70aa. D6m6s d ftnl6sioB Cod€ -lt€ cont,ctor s Li.6* tjs do6 Dot apply lo oNnaoI <br />lh. I'lpsly wto boilds ot inIrov6 thdon, dd who ddB n(h *.r{ hnns.lf or h*lt or rireush his or hn oM cinPloy6. <br />prolid.d rhar su.b inpmvddc € not intaddlorofidcd aor eL.Ii howss. tlEtuiBins or ilErelqein i5$kl whhinonc rs <br />ot conplerion. lh. O*n€r Builde will h,vc $. brd.n olprovi.s thd lE or $c dld nor tuild or improlc $c ,.oDsry InI l,\. A4or ol <br />l. s oNns oath. propsly. m qclBivcly conlra.lins w h licft.d coimdos io onnrud lh€ prcjcl (Sc. 704'1, &tros <br />and hnr.ssbn Codc: Thc Conlracrols Lic..s. Law dos nor appl, ro.nown6 olprop€ny $ ho builds or inprov6 thdsn. <br />and who mnlracls lor ch prcjecc wnh a Connldo(, lics.{ pu6@r $ rhe Conlrcclois Lt.M tiw) <br />I dn c\cnrpr uMd Stcr-//-2A-/F <br />I hdcby amm unds pd.l'yotpdjury on ofdc louowint dclffartuN <br />I havc md rill mainrain a Cslificalc oaco.scnt ro S.lfihsur. ior worl.6 onrp.nsarion, s prcvid.d lor by serion l?00 o t lhc <br />tibo. Cod.. for $. pdfomecc ollhc $o* lor {hich lhc pqnit is ttu.d. <br />_, h.veand*illnai .in work.G .omp.6.r ion insuranc.. s ,.quircd by Sd ion l70o of thc ljboi cod.. for lhc psfonlocc of <br />ltu \ork lor which rhi! pdnir is iasuol My wo,k6i cornpqHlion iNurance coio atd policy .u'nbd dq <br />$o.k6' conpqsarion povirioB .f sdion 1700 oarhc rjbor Codc. I $all. fonh*ilh cotnly $i'h rlD$ Pmvisions\\ RNlNc Failr€ ro su4 \orkc6 conp.nsaion corqale is unlaNful. <br />civil fitr6 up 10 one hund,.d lhou$d doll6 {5100.000), in addi <br />inrffir dd altom.y s lia <br />,' <br />I hccby rnm lndd p.nalty o i Ftuy thal I on licssqj ufld6 provisio. olch.prd 9 ( <br />ol th€ Busin* d Profsio.s Cod., ad ny licm. i. in lull forcc od eildl <br />ins Nirn Seclion 7000).rDirisi.n l <br />Liceo* clas <br />-Lt.e <br />Nuotd: <br />D.te Conar.cto.l <br />APPIj(IANT T)ECI {RATION <br />I arm undq pdalry oi pdjury o.c oarh.lollotrin8 ddlatarions: <br />Denoliion P(mirs-Asb6ros Nolificalion Fcdqal R.gularions (Tnl. 10, Pd6) <br />-R€quncd <br />kll6 of Noli6cnion <br />u4;iB thar rhc r€dcral rcsu l.r io$ aBedins ab6ros mno$l arc nol npplicablc!o <br />, ageto conply wilh all Cny 3Jd County$ar I rEv. rhis 0rplicdion.nd slarerhar thc <br />f'rltr,rtrres r Slrrc Lrtrs'.1.[i:]! t) lrrldr i!6 ofthis Cnyud Counlt ro mrd trtnn fi€ <br />abole mcnlnrncd prcFny ntr <br />Applicnnr or ,{t$r Signrturc <br />n*.r- *."U.,r,, K "". !11a4-/tr <br />II <br />r <br />UFER Ground <br />tz <br />-F-...---._.-.--' <br />rh0r in the Dsfonnanc. oflhe Nork tor *hichlhis r€mn ii Esucd. I sh.ll nor <br />caliralcllQNrlNDldclcrdcl <br />I hrcby ,mm und.r Fnalt, olpslury tlni ln6c is a coNtruclion leadins dscncy aor rh. pdfonn c.oflhcsort for stkh rhi! Fftir ir <br />Gsucd (S(.1097. Civ. C ) <br />L.ndd'! Addrs. <br />- <br />I