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SITE-WORK DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subf loor/VenVlnsulation <br />Rool Sheathinq 9 it\1{',/*/,1.". 1,r r"il&. -dl,l paq/4Aas) <br />Shear Wall <br />Framing <br />ln s u lation/E nerqy <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />Ivlasonry <br />Pool Fence <br />Handicap Req <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Engineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certil. <br />FINAL ,/ 2-/Z-t b 342 4) <br />Certif icate of Occupancy <br />Notgs,,Remarks, Etc <br />7)-ll <br />OWNER BUILDAR DEI,CARATiON <br />I hcrcby.ifiirn undcr ncnrlly of periury rh l aner.mnr fro rhc clJnh.nB Li.cnsc liw aor lhc followin8 ra\,nlsL{rt}:tl5 <br />Blsincs\ and Pn,fcsi,,n Cul.) Any C y or (bunry shi.h rcquncs a ttnnir ro .on(tucr, rlrs. inlprovc. dcniohh or rcPJi? any <br />{ru.rurc. prior ro ns issuancc. oko rcqutcsrhc alDlicanr l'or luch pcflnir h IL r si8rcd slorcrmflt Ihot he or ihc i\ liccn\.d Pursuarli <br />16 rhc fovhions .frlf, Conrnclois Liccnscd li{ (Cfi{'rcr 0. Co,nmcncln8 wirh Sccrion 7fiXl of Divnn,n 3 of rlt Bo\i',r\\,nd <br />l,mfcssions Codc)o.rhlr lEorsh. i\ cxcmpr rhtrcfR,h md lh.l,aris lnr rhcllLScdcxcarprion Anrrn,htimofsc.ronT0Sl5hyotry <br />aptlica nrtrp.nnn subjccNrhc 0pplicanr lo tr.ililpctrrkyot.ot nFrc rirtr filc hun r.d dolla( (S5(Xr. <br />-1. <br />as owrcr of lhc prorErly. (t nry cn1l)kr)$\ wnh w.8c( .s rhct slc .onFtrririon. will do rhc wdk dxi rhc srmrm is mt <br />inrcnLrt or ollcr.d f{n strlc (Se 7(}.l-1. Businc$ and Prcfcsions Codc: Thc Coik croi\\c lj* do.s nor.pply ro !n oencrof <br />rh. pFI.ny who builds or inlpnrs rllrcn. and whr dcs {ch srk hinNclf or hcrell nr r hr.ugh hn or hcr o*. t trloyccs. <br />nhvidcdrh.r such impmrcnrntl uc trn i.rcndci or oficBl for qrl. ll in,w.rci tlL hildi',B or imrsvc'rm is \old *ithir onc tto <br />9rsn Lr.n. ttF Owncr Bu,tls * rll hlE rhc hurdcn uf pnNn3 lh.l hc or shc dil nor l ild or imt v! lnc polxny lor rhc purF,r of <br />"tg' <br />I. N owNr of thc ,tuFcny. amexclusivelyco racrins wirh liccnyd conti.r.6 ro otrnfld ltE pmF-t I Scc 7044. ausR$ <br />lnd h.ic$in Codc ThcConrnckn s Liccnsc Luw do.s .r tplytu an owmr of [olcrly *ho hrilisor imffovcslhcrmn <br />rtrd wha onfds r(tr su.h pmirts qirn ! Co mdo(9 li.cnscd Ilu6oanr h rh.Conlr&ror's Liccnsc tiu) <br />I n .xcfrpr xNlcr Sccxu <br />l]!-8lil:ntlg.lilflilsrl.lM.N <br />1.2[cLAAAt!tD <br />I hcrcby illirrr un,lcr pcmlryoi|r{rjrry on. ofrhc rolL)qin! dcchrrriinr\: <br />-l <br />havc xluillnuinloin!C.nificurc.f(:on\c b sell lnsurc tJr workdc .omp.trsol inn. as pn,viicdfitrbysccrionlTln.flhc <br />L{lxtr C(ic, tr lhc pcrlormarcc of rtc *o!k nn which rhc ,cnDir i\ is\ucd <br />_lnrEa will uinrli'r work.r{ .. nrrcner ion iNurlrf,c.,s rcquncd byScclion-rT0Oolrhc hh.rcodu.lorrhc p.rionnuncc nr <br />rhc ,ork forshich rhklErnrir ir i\sucd. My worktrC..nlctrsalior irNunmc curicr andioli.ynunrh.r dc: <br />l.cnily rh.r in thc I'crfoirurcc oarh. Nork for *hich rhn Frmir t i\sucd. I shrll nar cmploy any ptron nt a.y mrnncr <br />so Nt,hccorc srhj.rr brhc w.rkcs .onf.nsariod lrws ofcllloarir.ond asrlrrhrr il I shJuld h..o'ft suhjccl torh. <br />*orlcB co'nf,cnlrri.n pbv*ions ofScti.n 37(nofrh. Lltu cod..Ishxll. tunh*irI coidy wlh rho* [ovhionshr.r x, rfl)lolc' r, (ri'ni 'l ttr'lri.. arl <br />t, oDc l,und'cd rlr,u\nnd J.ll rtti,r, ,i <br />(:Sc.ri(n, 1076 ofrhc L rtrCodc.)\ <br />I hcrcty rritr undcr Nnrlry oi rcrju,y rhdr l o liccnql unrrcr pr.lisiotr ol Clutrs 9 (conrnrrcins wirh s..ri 7uD) ol Divhio 1 <br />.I rhc Busirc$.trd P(ntsi.ns (idc, lRl 'ny liccnsc is i', fullforcc rii.t cl. <br />I hcrchy rfltn udd$ N dhyofNduryr rhcrc isrcon(nrrir ld in!rgcic,nrdr.DcrlnrnrNcollhcsorltlarwhthrhhnrnrir$ <br />hsu.n (SE. 109?. Cit. C.) <br />Lxndcrr Nam: <br />- <br />AIILICANIDECI,ANAITA! <br />I H'yfiim undcr pcnrhy or p..j!ry onc or rh. rollow'n8,rarhtrs: <br />Dcnrhio. Pcirnits.AslEsios Nolillcarn,n Fcdcrul Rctuhrions ('I'irb 'r0. Pdn6) <br />Rcquircd trlrcr ol Noriltarinr <br />furnntrrgrd[! rstr{.r rc n,vrlrrc tr.r inplicanh h <br />I agre rocomnly{irh rll cny,nd aoun'y <br />rivcs ol rhir Ciryrtrl Counr, k) cnrd ufotr ln! <br />I'v Rcrl,PtvsLce <br />z14@ <br />BUILDING. INSPECTOR RECORD <br />T-Bar <br />tf, AddEs: <br />- <br />t---+---