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ELECTRICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG. <br />Site-Work <br />U ndergrou nd <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dam pers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Groundinq / UFER ,a\11 l44rrA <br />Transformers <br />Torqueing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Faclory Wired Unil <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rouoh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough))r <br />Ivleter Release 't1 ,b\t\ ,L qrl t1) <br />Rough <br />Service lvleter <br />45 <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />OWNER BUILDER DEI,CARATION <br />I hseb-v amm und.r penoliy of Fjury lllll I en .xdnpl fron nE (onllacloB LicenE Lr$ lor rhe folloqinr r@n (sd 701 L5 <br />Busir*3 aod P,ofdion Codc): /sy Cily o, Counly shich requiG a p6nir lo consrrucr. alrr, improv., ddnolish or rclqn my <br />stNclu c, pnor ro ns isumcc. also r.qut6 rh. appl,cer for suct Frn lo 6L a s,gneJ sahor fid h. or shc h licc6.d p6udl <br />ro rh. pEvisioE oirhe Co.lra.lor s l-rc..$d liw (Chrprs 9, Commcncins sirh S..lion 7000 oaDivi3io. I ofth. B6ins d <br />Pofsio.s Cod.) or rh.t h. or sh. n cr.mpl th6.fror ed lhc bs$ lor th. .ll.ecd cxmFion Anyviolalionofsc.lion'r0ll.5byey <br />&plicanl for a psmn subj(k lhe apphcanlb.cnilp.nalryofnol,mrelhanfivehundcddollss($500) <br />I, s o*n6 oath. p,!, or my cmplorG wilh w.E6 s th.i $1. .onDNrior. w l & $r "orl and the nruclEc is or <br />inlFdtd \,. o fircd lor elc (56 7044. IruinBs &d Prol6sio6 Code 'l'hc contrdols t-i.m. Law do6 n r apply ro m ow.6 ol <br />th. rropdy sno builds or imprcvG tn<oc dd who doe su.n M* hims.lf or h€slf or lhmBh his or fi6 oM employc. <br />provid.d nrd such ioFovo11s e @r i.rak<t or oIldld ror $] hovad.lh. boildins or impmv.nmr is $ld wnhin on€ ya <br />ol conpldion, rh€ C}r oq Bliljr will hlvc lh. hrddr olFovins lhd he or shc did Nr boild or imp.ovc ih. pl.poly aor lh. Bnpo* ol <br />{ndofth.,rop€ry,d.kl8ilclycontia.lids{ilhli.ds.dco.a.ro6toconslrudrt.Foj..l{sc.7044.BchBdd Proftsbn cod.: Thl Conhcloi! Lic.nsc Ld*, doB mr rpply to u o"ro of plop61y who builds or inpro!6 ihd@n, <br />ad who conrturs litr luch pmjcG *iih a Conrra.lo(e) licm.d p6mr b (h. Conl,lc1ols LiccM tiw). <br />I amercmpr unil.y s6riotr , B & P.C. Lr rhis re6on <br />lla&iE8s:gDgENAlor <br />DECJ.AB^IA! <br />I hdeby amflnrnd6 t6ah, ofpsjur_v onc oalhc follo\ i.-! dcldalioG: <br />I na\€ d will ,mintain . cditicat. o f cosdr Io scla-lBure fo! $orkeB' conD.nsdrio., d Foid.d for by SElion 3?00 ol lh. <br />Llhor cod.. aor lhe pdfommc. o I th. trod for whi.h rh. pdmir iB isso€d <br />I hav€ and will n:ainrain *o*(3 compcnsation insurancc.6 r.rluiEd hy sdrion 1700 oarh. L{bor Cod€. tor lhc pdfomd.. of <br />Ih. sort lor *nich rhis p€mir is iss!.d. My w6rk.r. comFMrion icuece csi6 ad poli.) nu,trbr ac: <br />I .difylhar in lhc pdaormancc ol rh€ sork aor $hi.n rhis p.rmi is lssuen. I shallaor dnpt yd, pd$. ih ary mdner <br />s s ro b€onE subjat to the\ e peGnltun b*s ofcalilomia dasNrhar irl slould bFomc subjsl lo tl€ <br />sort6 co'npas.tionDrevisioN orScclion lT0Oorlhc LaErr C.d.,I rlhll. aonh"nh compl) Bilhlh.* prolisioB <br />WaRNINGT Failor. ro sur! soi{61 compGation covdasc is unlartul- dd shall subj(r m anplor€r lo simioal F.lx6 ed <br />civil line! up lo on. hmd!.d thoMd dollN (S100,000), in addilion ro lhc cGt oacompcBalion. dmos6 6 lrovided for ih. <br />DESJAAIIq! <br />I hdcby aflim und6 pcnah, oi Fdury lMl I dn licds.d und6 provision olchaDtd I (om.ncins with Salion 7000) of Divisio. l <br />oa rlE BusinN and Ptu (t Cod., E in tull forcc di €rd <br />;""+Ktr(-"**x <br />CONSI'RUCTION LFNDIITG ACI]NCY <br />I hNby arm trndd Fnally of pdjury thal lh6c is a onsruclion lddins for rh. psfomMc. of thc rork for wtuch lhis p6mn is <br />issued (S( 309?, Civ C.) <br />AIIUIIILDXCIr'\BAIIQ! <br />I lE€1, irlinn undcr rridlr) oapdjq on. ofth. Lllo$ii8 deharionsl <br />l)ennrlilion Pcnnns'Ashrsros Norilic.rion Fe{ral Rcaulaiions(Titl.40. Pr16) <br />.-Rcitrircd I dld ol Nolifi .ition <br />I .diiynr! rlr ledcrdlr.xdl.rioN r+ddnrr 6ushs rdno\.1trc Nr applic$l.lo lhis pn,j&l <br />_ lcdl'Slhorlh.veEadrhiMprlic,tnrnmdsbr.rhdir'.ahveinlonnatnrniscotrNl larr.!locomtlyrynh.ll('nrandCotrtrr! <br />ordinancB dSral€ I^$ clati.r ro bli ..€b, rurnortc rcpr6olaliv6 ollhis CnyedCoumy ro rahov. mdliorcd pop.ny lor irep€d <br />Appllmnl o. A8etrt Sign.lurc:, <br />Ptrnlle nrnB (p.inl)r lfl!i \5 <br />COMMENTS <br />FINAL <br />Poli$ Numb6 <br />-