<br />I herchy am n undc. p€..hy olFcrjury 6ar I m.xempl fmn rh. GnlracroB l.ire!* Lil' lor th. lollowins.camnlsec.?i)ll5
<br /> rfrl P$ienon code) Anri c y or c.od, sh,cn rtqones r Fmr b .orntud. alr.r. mrmv. ddmlBh or rcratr ,ny
<br />nrucrurc. I'Ih!ro ns hsunrce, trho requircs lh. innlicad lor such r.nnir ro ijl.r si8..d staremnr rh.rh.orshc ic liccnsed
<br />ro rh. i'orisona otlhc Li..nrd l-a$ (ChaDrs 9. Comm.rcins wirh sccrrcn ?000 ofDr6io.I olrh. Burin.s ,nil
<br />fma.ssiotrs Cod.) or rh lEorshc h ercin/ rher.liom dd rhc6,{s lir rlE nll.8.d dcnption A.yviol.'io.ols.ctinr7o3l.5hyony
<br />rmlic"nl lix ! p.mnr shlars lh. applicral to a civr I ,eMh y o a ml mre lhan nr. hundcd dollaF (5500)
<br />_1, 35 owmr of lh. r,mFny, or ny .mploF. vnh w.8B a sl. or{EMlion, will & lh. wut dd dE nnEir h ml
<br />ii{cd.d or ofr.rd for sl. (Sd.?044, B!iin.$ and Pmf.$ioro Cod.r ft. ConrEclor's Lic.N Llw do.r nol qinly to an of
<br />rh. Fmpcriy who buil& o. inpmE tlEotr srn wh rh.. *t s* niB.laor h<Mlf or llwust l or h6 oqr oplor{6.
<br />lovil.d thd tuch imlo\amm e mt int idcd or o,H jb, sl.. l[ h.wer. rlr ld ding or iqmtmnl k sld willin on ]w
<br />ofompLliol\ lh. OwRr BuiEd sill t E tlE b.d.n ofrDving dEl lE or rlE dil ml t ild or idpmE lh. pmpdy n)r llE ,urFs of
<br />-1,
<br />mowrof rt pop.nx on qclusivcly conl6clin3 wilh licmEd codEclo6
<br />'o
<br />s.{dd thc rmj(rr (56. 7044. BusiEs
<br />and Pb*.hn codr: Th. Conl6crol3 Lic.ns. Law (tl)6 hr 6t ly 16 in oon.r o f pmpdy qho t uil& or impmv.s lhn6n,
<br />.trd sho cortBcre lor such ptoF.ts *nh a Conl@ro(s)lic.*d plBu lorh.Co rrdor! Li..6c Li*).
<br />-l
<br />D .r.Dpt uda Selb._, B, & P.C for fii! ,letr
<br />.gQalil;Bs:la!!8lNsarltlB
<br />DECtlf,AllO!
<br />I h.Gby a,Irm undcr pcmlry of pgjury oN of rh. followiry dcbmlionr'
<br />_l ha\r rd *rll ms'lllo r Ccn,llcir. orcon*nr h s.lrlmr. fir {orkda .onrp.trsdidn, as tdvdl{ lor by S(hon l7(n o f
<br />'hcl,ltxtr Code tulhe n.rfomrnce ofrhc wo.k tu which rhc permil F hsucd
<br />_lhav.andeillnainlainwo(..!cohncnsrrionin3lEnc.,&srcqundbyScdionlT00olrhcLah.rcod..forth.p.rfomnc.of
<br />'h. srrk aor whkh rhir j. isr.d M, wMk@ @np.Brion ituudme 6tr dn Flcy numb.r E:
<br />T.a,-. /<- t
<br />a rJ
<br />-,
<br />ccni& rhat in thc rcriormm. oflt wort aor wnich rtis is lssucd, I sh.ll not .hrloy 8ny in a.y mond
<br />$ a lo h.6m slrjdt ro rh. wo*6 oopflrarion lam ofc.lifomid. n.d rs@ rhd ifl slsuld bjftl rollE
<br />w.drs' 6ort .srn'n tmvirioN of Sdrion 1700 of rhc Lihor Cod.. I d8ll. tonhw[h @Etly wirh rh.* pmvhioN..
<br />WARNING: ljoilur. lo Eu€ smpenethn cove68. i. unl.wtu
<br />civil fims up lo o.. hurdEd llDusnd doll.B (SIOO,|]O0), in.ddilhn lo
<br />s orglorr ro tuaol !@lrk3 dd
<br />@riotl' d.mgc! .r povid.d fo, $c
<br />S{tio. }0?6 of!h. tib.r Cod.. i.r.d a
<br />"",..
<br />to 11 7 /t t
<br />!I;CLA8/[IONIlt El,tiotnu t.r peialry o r Frlury ihnr I a l(cnal rd.r pi{,vsion ofchirr$ 9(comhcmin-{ wnh scc(ion 7l$0} ofDntion l
<br />ol rhe liu$nc$and l,rcIcsnncCod., trd my lrcene h in tull,nrceand.flecr
<br />1o1l rz<
<br />co! atcrQllillrllclt(iE!.qr
<br />I l,cEby int'. un(lcr p.trrlryolrcrJuryrhir rlHc F i conirucrion kxlrns rsrNy ir rh. nri,nndnc..l'h. s.rk for s[ichrhr p.nrr h
<br />issu.d lse 10e7. Crv. C )
<br />-l
<br />cniry lhat th. esularionr Essdms lsh€stos rcnbrsl arc ml amlic,blc lo rhh rmiu
<br />-t
<br />c.n ify rh.r I h.r rdd $is orDli@tion {d .lal. rhor intomdFn hon cl I arc ro oiDly wnh.ll Cny rnd
<br />ordmanc$ and Stalc li*s Elarins to tuildinsc.snrklritu rcrEs.nrari!.r ofrhr cn, rnd cou.lytr mr6 u,'.n rlE
<br />olnvc enlion.d nmpdy fo. itrsrlclion
<br />,\ppll.ant or A,aenl slln.lurc to/t z//t
<br />Waste & Vent
<br />Water-Under floor
<br />Gas-Underfloor
<br />Building Sewer
<br />Area/Storm Drain
<br />lnterceptor/ Clarifier
<br />TOP OUT
<br />Waste & Vent
<br />Water Piping
<br />Gas Piping
<br />Roof Drain
<br />Tub/Shower Test
<br />Rqugh Water Heater
<br />P{rap/Drain Line
<br />lr,4ain Drain/Pool Pipino
<br />Fill Line/Back Flow
<br />Pool Heater/Gas Line
<br />Miscellaneous
<br />Gas Service
<br />Water Service
<br />Lawn Sprinkler
<br />Sanitary Sewer/Cap
<br />Back Flow Devrce
<br />Rough Plumbinq
<br />Final Gas Test
<br />Meter Release
<br />FINAL Z-Dt1 Zc z2
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc
<br />,l
<br />I lEdry rliim under ncMlry ofDeriuryonc ollhe lollon inx d(limlions:
<br />D.nnlirnrn PfhnlAshe{os Norincdion l;.d.ral R.Bulari,'ns( l l. 40, Pd6)
<br />-Rcquncn
<br />Lctr.r olNotilidi.n