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PLUMBING-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS o1.l NllL Strtl,DllR I)tiLcaRl\ fl()N <br />I hcrcbt xlh lnJcr p.nnlrr-,ir pfljry rhl I c\cmDI nonrlrConr !tri Li.ctsr LrLr lnr Ih. b]l(t\ins rcasot (SLr.7oll.s <br />n) th. tu\isioi\ ol rhc Co tr.rr'! Li.c \.d LrN (Chrpr.r ,. (oDncring rvirh Sccrlon 7(xX).f Divi\ion :l ofihc Busnr$ rnd <br />rfdi.rrr,nr|fnnilsrhj&rrrhcrnrliratrrbr(ivil,,.rihy.lnor"rrclh r l'n. hundrcd (lolhs($5m) <br />l.NosNrofrh.ProNnt,ortrry.n'Pl.y.$wirhwxscs$lhcirn,lcconrpcfsrrbn.*illdolh.Borka lhcndclurci\nor <br />icndL.d or oflLrcd f.r $lc isc.7{X4. Busnrs lnd ttofcst)n!Cdc IhcCo rrcntr\ l,i(cn$ I:rs docs nor trPIly l. $.*ncr of <br />rhc n'.ocnt *ho huil& or inw,rs ih.ron.3nd s,F d.cs {rch soi* hN$lf or lDr*lfor rhrotrlh his or hcr own crplo)rc\, <br />F)vnl.d ihJr such i'nlrxrDEnh ar! frn inrc ndcd or .flardl tur!'lc ll, howc\$,!tu huiklin8 or nryn)rcnrnr h sld sirhiior. ycrtr <br />ot conDlclior. thc Owmr Suilds lhchurdctr.lpnni+rhnr hcorshcd tror huil,l or imtmr c rh. I,mFiy r(r rhc t,ur 1r\. of <br />-1. <br />asowmrolltc pmpcrly- , m c xclus ivcly .onl racl irg wilh li.ctrs.d .onlfuloa l. mnsr cl rL pmirl (S.c.7o4!, ausircs <br />md Bsfs.iro C.d.: Thc Conrr&roac Liccnsc Llw docs rer ltrly ro an owner ofprepcny qho truilds or im[ovcs rhoeon. <br />and wt'o cotrL€cts lor $ch pmjcch wnh r liIn$d plBumr b rhc Co.rrlofs Lkcnsc tiw). <br />I mc\cmn' undcr Sdion .8.&P,C.torrhnM.oo. <br />lqatrE8E.coMPiNtArlaN <br />DECLARATTON <br />I hcreby .ffirm u 0dcr peMlly of!€rjury om oflhc following delaErions: <br />-l <br />hlvc dwillm.ifiritri(tnilicarcoicoflicnrroscl n\ub liy work.n .onDcNnrn,n. as pmrd.d for by scclion lTul ol rhc <br />Lrhor Codc. tbr rhc p.rfonumc olrhc work ld sfiich rhc i\ issucd <br />_l havc and will moiniain wortcs' comlcns,lion insurdrcc. $ rcquircd by Setion 3700 of lh. tlbor Codc, for lfic pelornucc of <br />thc work for wnich lhis pcmil is issucd, My work B compcNrlion insum.e caicr rd policy numbcr m: <br />l.caiiy rtu ii rnc Fcrloroancc orrhc wdrk for rhich rhn pcrmir is issucd. I shall nor cry,loy inyDeNon in !n, maii( <br />so isr. h..Dnr subicd b lnc workdx onpcnernri h{$ dlcaliaohiu, rnd iBrc rha' ill slDuld beonc sxbjcd lo rhc <br />trorkcr(.ofpcnsmionptulisionsofsccrio.l?fl)olrhcLrhrGrlc.lshnll.tonhsirhconrplywirh <br />lurc to wue Norkca' coryrcnsario. covcraec is unlaNtul, md shal,0n cnrplo)er ro cnmin.l Ilcnrltics !nd <br />om hundEd lhousand dollm (Sl00.tD0l. in addnio. io thc cosl n. dam8cs !s providcd tor Ihe <br />l- .r Codc. intcr€sl .nd oltomy s <br />D[CldEdJraN <br />I hcrcby arfirnunddr pcndlry.fFrjurr rhd t an licci*d ln.lcr pmlnion ofChlprd 9 (co'norcncing wirh sucri.n 7000) ofDivirn,n l <br />nf llrc BusnEs lnd Proltssions Codc. ud myliccnse h in lull fncc o clltct.-r- <br />,,,**'*,ffi *r ^,**,tI hcrby dinmund.r pcnnlrt.rlf,rjurt lh,l rhcrc ie r.on{rucri{)n lcnding,g.n.y r.r rhc pcrihnun c oflhc work lor which rhh Frmt k <br />t.ucd {sE -1097.Civ. C ) <br />ATILICINIDECI,ABI.IION <br />I hnby.flim undf Fndry ol p(j!r, on. otrhe lollowiis dcclaErions: <br />Dcmolirion P€rnits-Asbc(os Norificarion Fcdcrul ReSuhtn,ns (Tillc 40. Pn 6) <br />-Rcquircd <br />L.ller of Noliticnlion <br />-l <br />ccnily ltd rhc lcdcral .c3!lul ions rcsadin8 ashcslos rcnDval arc <br />-l <br />ccnify rh.t I hrh rcnd rhis oppli.arion dd srdc rhar in.mrion h corcd.l,ercro comply wirhallCilyand Counry <br />ordinnnc.s itrd Sratc liws ohlin8 ro buitnrg.onsrdcr sxrhorir rcprcscnrativcs of lhis Cny,nd <br />ahovc,i.r6*nv ftr insxcuon <br />App[cdl m Ag.nt Slgrllun: N ,"'"S\t <br />UNDER GROUND <br />Waste & Vent <br />WaterUnder floor <br />Gas-Underfloor <br />Buildin g Sewer <br />Area./Storm Drain <br />I nterceptor/ Clarifier <br />TOP OUT <br />Water Piping <br />Gas Pi ptng <br />Tub/Shower Test <br />Rough Water Heater <br />POOL/SPA <br />P-trap/Drain Line <br />Itrlain Drain/Pool Pipino <br />Fill Line/Back Flow <br />Pool HeateriGas Line <br />Gas Service <br />Water Service <br />Lawn Sprinkler <br />Sanitary Sewer/Cap <br />Back Flow Device <br />Bough Plumbing <br />Final Gas Test <br />Meter Release <br />FINAL b/d//B \JCsT <br />Note s, Remarks, Etc. <br />Waste & Vent <br />Roof Drain <br />Miscellaneous <br />9q? <br />-------T------ <br />----+--- <br />t-