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20162127 - Permit
Deegan Dr
3101 S Deegan Dr
20162127 - Permit
Entry Properties
Last modified
6/16/2021 4:33:43 PM
Creation date
6/9/2021 2:10:12 PM
Permit Number
Full Address
3101 S Deegan Dr
Permit ID
Master ID Number
Project Name
Egger's Bathroom Addition
Street Number
Street Direction
Street Name
Street Suffix
Building Use Code
Resid-1 unit
Job Types
Permit Type
Applied Date
Issued Date
Finalized Date
Flood Zone
Description of Work
Bathroom addition at rear of house. Owner-Builder form on file.
Nature of Work
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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG . COMMENTS OWNElt IIUILDER DEIX /\lv\TION <br />1 hereby affir m under pe na lty of perj ury that I run exempt from th e Cont racl ors ' License Law for the fo llowing reason (Sec.7031.5 <br />Site-Work Business and Profe.,;s ion Code): An y C it y nr Count y wh ich req uires a pcnnit to constrnc t. alter. im pro ve. demolish U l' rq}air any <br />stru cture. prior to its is suance. also req uires the a pplicant for such pe rmi t 10 file a signed statement tl rnl he or she is licen:-;ed pursi1ant <br />Underqround lo the pro \•is ions o f the Co ntractor's Licensed La w (Chapter 9. Comme ncin g with Section 7000 of Div isio n 3 of 1he IJusiness and <br />Pole Bases Pro fes sions Code) or tha t he or she is c:<cmpt therefrom and th e bas is for the alleged exemp1io n. Any violati on of Sccli{)11 703 1.5 by any <br />applic an t for a penn il subjec ts the applican t lo a civil penalt y o f not more th an fiv e hundred dollars ($;CO). <br />Light Standards _I, as owner of the pro pe rty. or my employees with wages as thei r so le compensation. will do the work an d the st nicture is not <br />Spas, Poo l, Fou nta ins int ended or o rrered for s.1lc (St.-c.7044, Business ,md Pro fessions Code: The Contra clor's Lic ense Law docs not app ly to an owner of <br />the property who builds or imprO\'es thereo n. and who docs such work l1 imself or herself or thro ugh hi s or he r own employt::es. <br />S igns (mon ument) prn vided thnt such improvements arc not intended or offered for sale. If. however, 1hc bu ildi ng or improvement is so ld with in one year <br />o f complet io n. the er Builder will have the burden or prov ing that he or she did not build or im prove the propci1y for the purpose of <br />~ os owner of the prope11y. am exclusively contractin g with lic ensed cont ractor< to constn,ct th e project (Sec. 7044. Bus iuess Life Safety /Low V o ltage <br />Fire A larm I Dampers and Pro fession Code: The Contractor 's License Law docs not apply to an owner o f property who builds or improves th ereon. <br />and who contra cts for such projects wil h a Contractor(s) lit.:cnsed to the Contrn clor 's License Law). <br />Commun ications Cable _, """'"" 'V j '" ef;t""''"-" -~-?<--Dnt e· b-~ O wner : .-'~ <br />Building ",vol<KERS' CO~I PENSATION u u <br />DECLARATION <br />Under Slab / Fl oo r I hereby affirm und · pen alt y of perjury one o r the follow ing declarations: <br />Bondinq /Grounding/ U FE R _I have and will ma intain a Certificate o f C011sc11t to Sel f-In sure for workers· co mpensalion, ns provided for by Section 3700 of the <br />La bor Code, fo r the pcrfonn ancc o f the wo rk for which th e penn it is issued. <br />T ransformers _I have .:ind will ma int.lin wo rkers' compensntion insurnm:c. as required by Section 3700 of the Labo r Code. for the perfonmmce of <br />T orqueinq the work fo r which this pcnn il is issued . My workers ' compensat ion insurance can-icr and policy num ber arc: <br />Sub-Panels CaJTicr: <br />Air Cond itioners ,{7') b -. / o ic y um er: l::.:p ires: <br />( W c,iiry that in the performance of t he work for whi ch this permit is issued, I shall not employ auy person in any ma nuer Roof T op Equ ipme nt <br />Factory Wired Unit so as to beco me subj ect to the workers' compensation laws of Cali forn ia. and ngree I hat if I should become subject to th e <br />workers' compensation provisions ofSt.!C tion 3700 oflh e Laber Code. I shall. fmt hwith co mply with I hose provis ions .. <br />Wall s (Conduit) <br />WARNING: Fai lure to secure workers' compensa tion coverage is unlawful. and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and Wa ll s (Rouq h ) ci vil fines up to one hu ndred thousc1ncl dollars ($100.000). in .tddi tion lo lhe cosl o f co mpensrll ion. damages a s provided for the <br />Cei lings (Hard & Soffit Rouq h Section 307z7;La~h dc. iutcrcst and attorney's rees. .,:;:? } _ // <br />Cei lings (T -Bar Rouq h ) Dntc: f , /P_ 1/,h A ppli cant: 'i:£&r~~ .,,,,e.-( l --~ LI CEN C N RACTQR ,, <br />Meter Re lease ~ DECLARATION <br />I hereby c1 nirm undc penalt y of perjury that I am li censed umlcr provision of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Di\'ision 3 <br />;; of the Bus iness and Professions Code. and my license is in full fo rce and effect. <br />Rouqh ~f-11'--l 7 X,\L C71~ Lic cusc Class: <br />Service Mete r u V Li1:ensc Num bt.-r: <br />~ <br />FINAL ~~._,,,, 'A~ ~ Date: Cont rnct ur : <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. V '-...I C O NSTRUCTION I.EN DI NG AGENCY <br />1 hereby a nirm under pe na lt y o r pe1jurythat th ere is a constnu:tion lending agency for the pt.Tformance of the work fo r whkh this p<.TJnit is <br />issued (Sec. 3097, Civ. C.). <br />Lender's Na me: <br />Le nder's Address: <br />A PPLICANT 1>~:CLAll ATION <br />I hereby affinn und er penalty o f pcljury one of th e fo llowing declarnlions · <br />Demolition Pcrmits-Asbt s tos Notification federal Regu lat ions (Titl e 40. P.u16) <br />_Re<1uired Lcttcr ofNotificntion <br />, ·::;-1 Ct.i-t ify that the federal regulati ons regarding asbestos re moval are not appli cable to this project. <br />-,9 vi{ ctTtify that 1 have read this .1ppli cation and state that the above info rmat ion is correct. I agree to comply with nil Cit y and Count y <br />ordinauccs and State Laws rclnt;ug to bu ild' c structio,,, a"d hereby author~is City and County to cntcT upo n the <br />above ment io ned prn pcn y for in~'?,~ . < ~ ,I/, <br />Applicant or Agent Signatu re:_ <-;!; p$?-L>ate ; '-~ ,.✓ 1/ b <br />I k /),'f)y// _/-' c._ P~~ e~ I I I <br />Permitcc name (1,rit1t): ~ <br />a,. .. , ('IQ t\7 ·;rd k {./ u
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