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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECOFD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNIiR IUILDER DEIII'T TloN <br />I hc!t, r,'m lnLr F.,ny ot Friry du I m.r.npl tun 'E cbdd6' L.ic.E t * ror rlE tollo*ru Eun (S.(.?ollJ <br />auilB rrn P!.fahi Cnd.): A.y Ci, d Cddy virh E{uir . Fln ro @nnru<l .ltn, ir{roG &trli'h or EFn D, <br />rMrc Firb i! ('l.N,.1o EqoiB rlr Tt'lr.r l( rxi FlU b 6lc. 'iF.d flqdr rtiho.rlEilercl Inrar', <br />ro ir FovnioB or 0. con!.rni ri.Ndl lr* (ch.rG 9. col'wEin, iih sd-n 7gI) ol Dlvtbr I ol tlE B6rE. !n <br />PDtGltkrM Cod.r u rhrr tr or rh. n .r.nVr rha.trlm {d rh. h.rir lo. tE t&rd.mAin Aly vbtrim o! S.dio ?oll.J by uy <br />lP?licrmfor!'ubFrrrh.,pplicon(roadvrlD.MrryoanormEdr{6v.hldr.ndollrt(t$l) <br />_1,!orrr.rrh.FnF!.nmy.nploFtvih*r!6aoEir$Ldiqrdih.rilld'0E*ltrdrh.tu@!dd.dal or olT.Ei fr !L (lir 7tx.l, BsiEs d PNrdiE cuh TIE Crfu5u! Liw !.* &,c. d +dy to u orE ol <br />th. Flt:dy *rn ttrildr d,qhB rhaan dl who dB Eh Elt hiNror tg.lf ( tEDud ni! a t r os.qbys, <br />Fnridcn lhd rEt itrFomdr E d idcid.d or,)lrdrd ,( .l r.lFv.w, dE bildia q rrylErd ir hld * n'mFr <br />olcnpt ia r()*E B{iUq }in h.E,E hl^LnorFrB lhr lE * rlE dil d hrll a irg* tlE pDFry lor iE F poeor <br />_1, s o*B of rlE popcny, m.r.lusivcly cotu&1in, rnh lic.Eal .otu&tB to @lrtld tE Foj4l (S... ?O(. AlliEs <br />.nd Pr*sI Cod.. TL Coihtd t L..n.. hr dcr n*.r?1, to u orF ot FlFrt wb hild: or in+'okr rtdotr <br />&d *b s|fu I kh FrFB lin . Gdr-tn, k..'.d FE!!n b rtl c.dr-d'. L&qE Lq). <br />-lan,.r.m <br />u'xkr S.dir,-, B &PC lfiillnRr$n <br />uaafIIIiS$4llBSAIIq! <br />DFCLTN flOI{ <br />I trrcn, .rtrn ur&r p.r.n, ol Fnlry or of ltE aollo*og drlnio6. <br />_l h.w t d *iU Bi rin . Cdiftr. orc|re ro S.r-lN io. Eto otrFri& a ,oviLd tq by Seto lr00 o, tlI <br />ttho. Cod., lor tl! Ftcl:tr. ol tlE *od ror vhih rlE Fmir i! ir&il <br />_I h.k ul r l ndnxn hrtd cdrEMrrn Bunr., a Equi,qt br Scr$. 1700 of <br />'h. <br />Ubo! Cod.. ror dE FnmE. or <br />.h. rdk la *hih thi! Frni it is,.d My rrt6 mtrp.di,tr iBlllld M; rn Fbcy mt$.r n <br />Poli., N!nhq:-l:+ir-: <br />_l c.nify th.r h rhc lEn{nu. of rlr *od ntr enih Llu Frmii n isu.4 I thil d .t?l'y uy !6b. 6 uy M <br />- a b b.or slFr to rlE saa'dtrp.Mkn her of C.lrlom4 rnd {r. thd irlhuld b.cor ubj..! o Or <br />slto orENrion FuririrD of SdFo l?IDoroE trbr Co&,I tr[, rdh*ih!!t ly*nhlhotpmvabB, <br />WAI(NIITG: FrilrE b w. tgrd' @nF{bn oMF ! unLrtul. .rld rh.U ubFr u 6ploF b dillml p. tii.rn <br />civil fEt up ro oE tudEd thoutrd d.lls itl@,@), in r.Htin ro rll d o(.drp.Mioo. &nrlq , FoviLd fd !L' <br />selor 1076 ol lh. tatln Codc. i .I.! rd .bdyl ,e3. <br />ucEdtllcoNllacma <br />D TIjBAIIAN <br />I h.r6, llrm und.r FMl, o( p.rJury rhrr I 'h lc.dsi !nd.r Fovnion of Chirnd g (.olllllE[-*^in8 unh Sdxn 70fr) of Dilition 3 <br />ol rh. IturE! nrl Pmfdio6 Cod., el ny t <br />'n <br />rull lor€ <br />(A!EIB!!:trIBJAOI!G.A!Bq <br />I lrEby.rrmuid.r FMlyo,F,lryrhd rlE! Lr..dd tnd.trrcy fn 0! Ffil]rc 6rilt *.rI fi, *ithtr'ilaf,i i <br />nrEJ (sc. 1097. civ c,). <br />AI?IISANI.OECIdEAIIIN <br />I had,y rtrhr u!r.r FBly of Fia, G of rL f.llo]i., &br.tiB: <br />Dcmliiir. P.rhirlA$.nor Nddidi,n I*J R.rolriD (Ial all. Pd6) <br />-R.quiEd <br />L,nq or t*ri6.iin <br />_l cdily lhr D. Ld.rd r.3ulcir)N E3r&nt ltE ro! r.Br.l E rr ryplr.bk ro rhi( !oit. <br />-l <br />cdiiiy rhd I h.h Ed rhit t rlr.ti,. .nd tdc tld rh. ih.v. ilforrndDo i! l],fu ! rtE b Mpl, vah rll Cay .!d Cady <br />cdill.rB t d S@ L*, Er!! h bildins .otfuhE !n h.E6, .urlnri4 dF.Gliii6 o, rh. Cny rn Counly to aE uF i dE <br />r!.v. nd.rrl fr iBp..iid FIFE! <br /> or Atdr SiSMlu <br />Site-Work <br />Underoround <br />Pole Bases <br />Liohl Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Founlains <br />Siqns (monument) <br />Lile Sarety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Groundinq / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueino <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rouqh) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rough <br />Ceilinos (T-Bar Rouoh) <br />Meter Release <br />Rouoh <br />Service Meter <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />Rev.08.07-2015 <br />CEI <br />Ilrr. <br />knd.,'r AddB _ <br />Building <br />FINAL