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ID/SIG,COMMENTSAPPROVALSDATE <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Lioht Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Siqns (monument) <br />Lile Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bondinq / Groundinq / UFER <br />Translormers <br />Torqueino I /-1"ttr?Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rouqh) <br />Ceilinqs (Hard & Soffit Rouqh <br />Ceilinqs (T-Bar Rouqh) <br />Meter Release <br />G-^.<L "-/,(1 lo),0a1fiitRouoh vIService lvleter <br />FINAL <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc 7 <br />(r\!NuR llu!LD[R DUI-C]\RA',l l()N <br />I hcEby .ilird r.df ,.nalry ol pcrj!ry rhd I m cxcmpr lmm rh. O)nrBclo^ tiw in lhc rolbwin8 lcaqrn (s" 70ll's <br />Bu\incss ind Prolcssion ctdc) Atry Cily or Cor ry which rcquiN a Frnir ro .lnntocr. alr.r. inr[ovc- ttcrmlish or NItn trny <br />stu.rurc,rriotroilsissuaftc.alsorcqrnc\rlraDllicanriorslchtcnnirlolilcosiencd$crE.rrhaltrorslEirliccnlcd|Urnnnl <br />rorhcptr,lii,onsofhcConrscrofsLiccn*dljw(Chrprcr9.Comhcn.ingwilhSccrt,nTuDofDivisionlofrh'Br\inc*nnd <br />Prnassnr.sCodc) orrhsr hcorshc hexcnDr rhcrcrro rundlhc hasn lorrhc.llcgcd crcmprn,n Anvviolurt'nofscdiunT0:ll5bv'nv <br />,mli.rnr r'oi 0 Pcmil sxhj.cls rhc !0Plica k, !civil Fnulryoln.r rmr. th.! fivc hxndred dollln (S50, <br />lll, s owtrs or rhc Fs,rxny. or nry cn$ r!De\ wtrh q 08c1 0s rh.t slc om|tn{ltrn will do r,E worl ord rhc (BluE i\ ni <br />inidrkn or ofcr.d rrt $k ( Ss 7(]14. Bnsi,rs a.d ttofcsio.t codc l hc o, ncroi s I iccn{ hw docs nor nmlv r' 3n n(rr or <br />rhc!tuFny *ho hoildror nryovcs th.E,n..d who dms skh w)* htriclror hcrcllor lhrcxeh hk or hcr own cmlloles' <br />pm'a"a rrrar sucrr inrmrcm.h e nor inlcndLri d olTctoid ro. sk ll l$wcv$ thc hiHine ot itr{'mEmd n $U wthtu onc Fu <br />;r.onucrhn. rtE Ownfi Bu lcr will haE rh( l{ftlctr oi Proin8 lhd he or sh. d nor build or irurort rhc I'toFnv for lhe purFs or <br />l. as owncr ol rhc pmpcny, s'n c(lu\ivcly.onr|cl ilrg *iri lic. s.d co rucb6k,..n(rucl llE ltr'i'1(SN ?(E4 Bu{i"u* <br />ad PDrssbnCodc:1h: Co ra.ror's Liccnsc t,!$ docs mr a!'llv ro an.*ncr olJ'rcpcnv *h(' builds or ifrlrovcs rhctcon' <br />drd wlr contr( ror such proFcrs wirh i c.ntmcrod n*d Fnruml lo rh. conlt.dols$ kw). <br />I rf,crcrrr r tr Sc.ri <br />"",.,f <br />J qL7-letf <br />lrl:lllailuQN <br />I lIrchy !rl nn u dc' t,cinlry.l i).riurt o . ol llt tull riDS tl.clnrnri, \ <br />I rhtr G r.,,, rhc l].rl.nrx .c rr rhc \.rk,nr \hi.h rh. Nitrrir n n{r,t <br />ih. \y.rk tu $ hi.h rhr\ rIrnil i\ i$md My $otk.rr contn. n\rrnr ${tr xn.c rr t rcr rftl Po!i.r- iu l{r r'' <br />Poll.yNun$cr <br />- <br />Z ccnirrrh, hlhc lcrtormnc.ortlE qork iot whichrhh Pcirnir h G cn.I shall od cnll)lov0trvleson in onvnanncr <br />'v, s h sbjecr b rh. wottss cd'nP.nsriotr lsws ol Crlitudin. and lgrcc lh ifl should bcoit subisl k''h' <br />lorkcs compcnslrion Fovisions ofScdi(,.:lTlDollhc tjhor Codc l shall. lbnhsirh conplv qnh rho{ ptuvisions' <br />WARNING: Faihrc ro scurc sorkcn compensarn,n .ovcfl8e is trrhwtul. and shnll \ubj..t trr cnrploFr lo d'niMt Ftr'hics mn <br />c \i ftr\ rn ro .D. hnndrcJ rN)u\rfJ n. l]^ 1\](x).lXX)) ir t'l(lirirnl rhc co( of..'nI[tr{rri.n- JrnrrCcs rs Ir.!id.d lnr llr <br />Sccrion 1076 ol rh- &hr Codc. int.tcsr and atrormy s fccsll-\Lq8 <br />I hcNby lftinn undd o.nrllyofFrjury rhar I rm lieo\cn xnd.r !6vnion ofCh, <br />or rhc Busircssand Pmr.ssi NConc. s.d 'nylNnsc is in tulln,cc,nd cf,cur <br />pr(, (mnntuking \ilh Sccri('n ?m0) ol Divni,n I <br />QNSINCITONIIIDING.AAEIiCI <br />I hcrcby llrtn utrdcr tf,.rlryolneiury rlrrc h ! q,n{ndhn L:nnins ascnrv ror rn. Pcr,ormr'c oirhc Nork tu r'[ich rhi\ p'nnil n <br />irsucd (Sc.. 1097. Civ C ). <br />APPI ICANT NECLAIAT(TN <br />I horby lnim udcr penalryofpcrjury.n. oflhc {ollo*ing d.{ld,riotrs: <br />D.mdlirion Pcmils A.b.sos Nolificrlion F.d*rl RcSul{ions(firlc 'lo. Pan6) <br />Rcquncd Lcuer or Norifi c.lio. <br />l.c iryrrr lhcledcr!lftsullriotrstcaadint dsh.nosrcmovalarc nornPllic$lc t, rhi\!roitt <br />4"n',,rlr{ l halc rc rhisapplicrri{,i rtul sldclh.l rhcuh'rr nironn|liof hcotr.d l aere h conrdv wirh ill Cirv dnd Courv <br />onlrmo.c\ nt Srrl.ln*! kldhS lo hn <br />rtxrc *nrtr,rd f roDcnt i(tr \l,cdi,n, <br />and hcrcbrNrhorizc rcprcs.rarivcs oarht Cny nnd Counry ro cntcr ulbn <br />Apdi.snl or ,1rrnt Sirnalu (l'ennilco nnnr JInron <br />*,lJrlL2lI <br />ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />t -'l <br />.,WtUq/ <br />Lic€nsc ClNsr-Liccnsc Numh.rr <br />-.-Drle (-onlmcror <br />knd.r' Ad,lrcq <br />-