<br />DATE
<br />'
<br />)ttc COMMENTS
<br />Site-Work Y
<br />Underground
<br />Pole Bases
<br />Light Standards
<br />Spas, Pool, Fountains
<br />Signs (monument)
<br />Life Safety /Low Voltaqe
<br />Fire Alarm / Dampers
<br />Communications Cable
<br />Building
<br />Under Slab / Floor
<br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER
<br />Transformers
<br />Torqueing
<br />Sub-Panels
<br />Air Conditioners
<br />Roof Top Equipment
<br />Factory Wired Unit
<br />Walls (Conduit)
<br />Walls (Rouqh)
<br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rough
<br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough)
<br />Meter Release
<br />Rough 748 -t9 2-zz-\
<br />Service Meter
<br />FINAL ?./8-t1 f,-,<-z-t 7
<br />Noles, Remarks, Etc
<br />OI*Nf, R BT'II-DER DEt,('ANATloN
<br />I hd.by dmrm rndd t€nillr of p.rjury rhll I 6.\onfl lmm rh. (itlllrlclou l.icds h* lor rh. folloNinl rtu. (s( 70i15
<br />It$in6r d l\ofd'oi ( {n.) Any (
<br />'ty or Colnlt shth t.cur6 i IEnn k' ..drucl. dld. idFola d.mliih nr Er€n lnv
<br />ntucluc F, 16 i8 i!sum., .L. r.qut6 th. eplker I.r such Fni ro frL t 3r*..d ttdffil lh, tE or dE i! li(du.d Fmln
<br />ro rh. FrratlB .t llr Co rkltr3Iided Lr( ((n,FE e. (-onnfritrs {nh Sdi..7000 o,Dnition 1.f rh< IIBi.6 xd
<br />P,ol6ions (i'dc) or It.l h.orrh. a.rmpt lhc.6omdndIhctEsi! tor lhc alLg.d.rmFKn Any\iol.lionorsdi..T0ll5hrFv
<br />imlicrir litr . Fmi lubjftlr th. lp?licmr ro a civ il p.nthy o a nor mo,. tho fivc huodr.rl d6llm (S!fii)
<br />l.s otrFofrh.FFn). mr mpl.rc qrth r.rd s lh.n.t onp.MF.. unl & iE *ftt in ErMcad
<br />ddv.lcl o.ofald for $k tS< ?0,n, 86i6 &d PhfdirN Cod. n (onraror'3l-ktrll$AErclq',lyr.oo\ruof
<br />ih. pr.pd, lhi hil{h or itr{ro\ 6ltqEn. dd *h. &€ $.h mn himtclf or hGlIor rhouah hrr o. hs o*'. oplortd
<br />F)vid.d rh.t $.h inris\ffir s. ml hrdjtd orofid.d lor sL ll hr*6q.ln hildhs or inltudrd is sld *itfiin on. )w
<br />or.onpklm th. (xG Euilda $iI h.r. ttr bordo ol Fo i,rI lni E or .h. dil mt tliU or in{mrt lh. Fpqlt fr tlE I,,Por ol
<br />L s osn6 ofrh. F.rd1t, m.tclur\clr contr6clns $nh licdBl (onrm.roB !o $inru( rrE FoFtr (s( 7(rl.l.l\6lod
<br />ind hrtsirn ('o& 1 lE (tnrr&lor r l.i..nk I$ do6 mr tprly to dn os no o r tropdt tr ho buil'j. or improv.t rhdon.
<br />ind uho codr&ri aor tu(h p..Fd. * n. Conlrelor(r lt.Ed r{n@r ro !h.(i) r..1or3l.ic.e lr$)
<br />l0 rt.mfl rnnd sdrn
<br />ll . ()nn(
<br />MrBhl;85:(aUI}:r-SA-llA.rDi:(j..t&lro}
<br />I h..h\ ifii,,trtrd6FTrlrolnrlu^.n..lrh.inlN'n!'l(lrd(rr
<br />I havc and will maini.in r ( d ifi.dc .f (i,nsr lo S.lf'l.strr. lor s.r ta s coNp.nrarnrn, s FoviJ.n lot by 56l ion 17m o I rh.
<br />Iitnr Cod.. forth. Ffotl11s.of rh. nrL for trhich lhc Fn nsu.n
<br />k;;rkl$ill ,rinr n ro't.s' cfnrFNirkin n$,
<br />lo \h'ch rhs fonnr 's
<br />LssRl Nl\ {flls N
<br />\,r.t a. . fro -.,.*
<br />r,(c. is r.ludl h\ Sdnr r-r..f rht l. ir (,{.. n! rI. 16f!'mr....f,0:*^,--*- -rr,ric) nrrra tr.
<br />r'''"' J-t -Lo,r,- n-r- v\ dC 3{o I 9l'{
<br />I cdify rh.r in rh. tdntrn.nc.oflhc sorl for *h(h rhn pdnn n isu.J. I shtll nor.nl,loy iny tdson in itry mend
<br />$ s ro b.rom subid ro rh. ur.L6 onFndion h$r .l C.lif.mii. lnd lsc rh,l il I rhuld b..om iubj<n lo rh.
<br />\.iI6 conItuhnForuFdof S.dnn !700of rh. trtrlr ( oJ., I lEll. lonh{nh amdt {i'hrt e proruio6
<br />$AtaNlNc lirilurc k, sdur. (.rtds ..nllmsn,n nxdlsc is trnla\ n'1. itul shill suhr( an Enrl(,y- h dioinal Fslli: itrd
<br />cn'l fins !f t, on. hunnrcd rhousd doll!6 (lll)0.(rxr). '. ad i(nr h rh. c.n .l (nnli.nqion. den.*.s &r lrn\idd lar th.
<br />4", '1t,
<br />inrd ,Id dblrE r tG,\
<br /> pprloor: t^'4.- -"'\
<br />r1
<br />I hd-r.L rrrn und( FEhr.f Fjur rh, I m lirqE d mdd Forbnn.f CluFo c (oEffii.s Firh St tirn TsIr).r Diriri'n 1
<br />{l ih. BdnB md ltnfsbc Codr. rn m} li.e a in full forc rn.,Lcl
<br />r i.m.( hs e
<br />,,,,. -f ,, [, .
<br />-to Lxr.3ls
<br />t\L.u\"-,- € r -t--5..-'..-
<br />( (lNslllu('l'loN I rll)lNc AcsN( \
<br />I ffi! dlIrm uftld Fn.lD ol Fju! lhd rh6. k ! colr{rudbn kndtr!.rft! t r rh. FaM. of lh. $ort f.r trhich lha tEn( it
<br />Bu.n (sr r09r. cn (- )
<br />lndd i N.mc
<br />APPLI(' NI I'f, Cl.ANA'f ION
<br />I hdlq rn'nn und.r Fnlll y oI Fjury on. of !h. foll.( in! dckt.lion!:
<br />Doelninn Pmtu-Albe{o! Notificiion lj.d6ol R.Bubtb.r (Tirl. 40. F.no)
<br />R.qun.d l!rld of Nrri6.rbn
<br />I.dit rnd rhc f.J(01rcrulaliotrr rcsddins dl'.skx 160\.1 . nol am,rrahl. k, rhis PtoiRl
<br />I cdiry rh:r I t6c r.!d rhi! rrrlia! i.n ii rtt. rhd rh. !tFr. infom.t sn a .dd I .!ra to ..mrl) *ih lll ( irv tnd Counlr
<br />.d!ffi6 .d Sla. la! s!r-B ro blild'ns conffdbnJd lE tt .'!h.d. r.F.snnB of lhi! (
<br />'l) !d c(M) lo dls l4on rlt
<br />.tn\. ndomn FoFn]_ tor iNp€lioi ruFls
<br />,\tDli(rnr rr '\sr l Sig.ilnrr
<br />fY1c.r"- t1.J,r.
<br />,,.,. ?/ri l'r