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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS (,IT NER AUILDf,N DELCARAIION <br />I lrum und.r F h, of Frptt rhd I m d.fllpl lion lh. (n'nr*lm- LkG t *' lor llE tolkil'i,s re. (s< Torl 5 <br />B$ind! .d Prol6ion ('.d.) Any City 6r (iru , *hi.h r.rlui6 t tEmit lo cotrrrucl, !llo. imProv.. .tarcli$ nr lq.n dy <br />srn.lri prin ro irs is!M.. lLo r.{!nG !h. qDli.el fn iuct rkrmi ro 61. t lrsn.d ndciMt lh.l lE or +. at licou.d luad <br />ro rh. F.ririo6 ol rlE ConlBlo Lt.d.d litr (( lrFd o. (\nmnine s ilh Sdion 7000 or Di1 i.h. I of lht llBin* od <br />PDi6$N ( d.) G t'n lE c ihc s <Er9. lhddFm erl llr bds f.r rh. alks<d .rdF b. An) tirlrio. of S..lih 70ll i q'6] <br /> fo. r Fmn sbjc-lr rlE rrDli.or ro . civil Foh! of R{ mE ltr li\. hundcd drlla ($m) <br />Lso"r.oirh.Fop.ny,or6ymplo'6*hhwdgds!'komFnslion.\rill(hlh.8rr&dllEinrlebnn <br />inldd.d {r ofr6.d for rk (Sd 70.14. B6ilB od Pr.l*io6 ( .!. Tl. Conlriclof ! I tce t * d.rq not {Ply lo 6 oq'.6 ol <br />rh.rmFiy st hrilh d i,rFr!€ llEe ri \lF dE sh q!,t h'nklf or lErlf o. rlmuefi hir or lE out.!llpl0!6, <br />Fo\ id.d rh, !6h inF\uEt E d doxt d d dk !i{ -L ll hr$6!. rlt hitdq q ng.\66r bs5 r.hh iE )a <br />of.onpkbn, $. o*E &iilda {ill lErt lh. hr&i of tre\iis $r lE d JE dn d hild ot itrpror. dE FtFl 6t rlE F,Fr.f <br />fu4 *.onn "r,n --r. u.t(rstrcly $.kacrinrr *nh .onrrerol ro codrucr rh. For..l (sd 71x4. Buind <br />' !d PNlso. Co& Th. co.trror'! L'cru l,$ do6 Fl lrDlr lo u o{nd of lrr F, who build! ot inF 016lhd6n. <br />..d $ho co ndr fd rsh FoFr3 $nh. ( olinclo,lr) li..lcj Ftl:d b th. (\n.*loi! Li.* l^) <br />I m.\crr{ und6 SAlh n-"t/rf//l <br />I hdtr') .mrm und.r Frlr) or rqorr oE ot <br />'h. <br />fdlon <br />'n3 <br />&.b,rx,d <br />I h.rcdd*1llMi e. (-dif{.1. otconsl lo S.lf-l6ur.lor \rcrld' .omFciioo. s Fnwj.d hr t!Seri..l7oo.rth. <br />l ii,or Cod., lor th. Ffommc. of th. q o for$fiicnth.p6mi n i<u.d <br />Ih!\.rhdwilrnainr n$o 6' coryrulhn iBur!rc.. 6 r.q!n.d br sdiln r?(xl.f 0E'r (t.t . lor rh. Ff(ffi. of <br />rh. $dt ld $hkh tnn lann i is/.d M! sort4 sEp.rldhn i.Mre.Mir lrl Fltt Nitd i( <br />Polict Numhr L\ptB: <br />lh,^nrr*.,u-^Ir11rN6f llEuo nr $hkh inn Fnir i' is<d. I lhdl Fr oiolot ur F5. in dt Mc <br />'ra,s!ob.$r$h<rro'h.snlt6'oqmr.nL$!ofctlifomsdi.gcrhrilldruldha.rcotielrtlr <br />woitd NhF!.|{n F.virioB of S..lion 17{Ir of llE Llhr C.d.- I Jill fonh*ih Nnpl, *'hh lLi F.rlioB <br />\rIL!tl:\( j l rlLtr. n, !au'. \f 'lcrs .rtrti(n' irr $\d&( \ tr l]\ lnl.ruhjd .n 6rloF ro cridinrl Ftrni6 Md <br />comrcNln'n, d,os6 a r'o\idai lor lhc <br />t-> <br />DECLaSArlA! <br />I hdd! rmm undd ,6.h, of Fjur lhd I m li.d!.d und.r F.\i!n. ot ClEI'ls 9 (comm@r8 wdh Sdbn 70.r) of Diriio. l <br />of tlE tlllJtB rid Pro&.tir6 (-o&. rd my lic6E ir h tull foG !n dt d <br />(alirf,lJ(rlll!."LllDtlc-ac[lcx <br />I hatry rltrm undd D6rty ot Friury lht lhd. ! . codrudio. laldins .sdy for rh. Fflffi. of lh. *nI 6r *hih ihir Fni b <br />i$ucd (s< 1(n7, Civ C) <br />ATfII(AILDIS.ASAIION <br />I h.dt rfm undo FnlXt .r pdjury on. oa th. folh$,ns d(la.! irnr: <br />Dmolirhn Pmnit!tubcto, Norificliiof, t.dsrl Rquhlionr ('ril l. {0, Pd6) <br />R.{tri,.d ldr6 of Ndifrrir <br />4h <br />I r(lil rhd rh. a.n .nl r.*ubrFE aradmr artEro!ral d..or act'l(.bk n, rhr. tmld <br />Enif!rh{r I Mve rhirrmlirarnrnand d.r in,inFri('n is(nr{ l+ra ro comtlt \ilh all( irv anrl (i,unl) <br />ordimn.6 .nd S'.r. Ls*l <br />.hor. ffirkrE{ FrFry <br />.ty.utbri,c rcF.6lan6 of rhn a y &d Coul! ro drc ulrn llE <br />rpplionr ur ^rdr shnriure <br />It244M trLr/t <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountarns <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communicalions Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bondinq / Groundinq / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Condilioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rouoh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rouqh) <br />Meter Release <br />Rough <br />Service Meter <br />FINAL g'-27-/? ,//.G=1 /;n) <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc