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BUILDIN .INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE-WORK DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNER BUILDER DET,(N'T 'TION <br />I !flirm un& FEh' or Fjur' rnd I m .\m$ fmm th. Coddron' l-kG. ls lo, iE rolb$iry r.en ls< '7011 5 <br />ttNir$ dd Prcr6i.n ao&): Any C -Y or Cou.ty *hich r.qoir6 ! ponir ro .odtu.r. .h6 i.IPror., rt@olth or qmt Mv <br />rtudr., F$ t. tr. ilswc. tL. r.qun6 rn qPlrst for $.h Fmn lo 6k ! s{n n {do6l rh, lE or JE i! lict*rl lil,ld <br />nr $. trrniod of E (-onrrxttr 3 Lic.G.n l:q lcll.rrd q, Commtrins $nh s{lhn r0(ro of Dnilhn I olrh. Bdin6 dd <br />ProfdlnrB ( 0d.)r lttr l* or 3h. 6 dmpr rh6.from Md rh. hds lor ri. nk*.d.tflFbi Ant rhl.thnofsdln. T0ll s bl.n) <br />qDlt&l lor r Fnn sut+< r rlE .r, !o r .n il padlt of ml mE lh! n\. hui&al dollB (l!0o) <br />/ l. n:<** "r,h.F,'ra!. * m\ mnlo)6 \nfi \ rad 6 rho r'k o,mFFdhn. \'ll J. rlr qrrt !d r& cMw E mt <br />inrd&i or olr6.d for ulclsc 7(11.1. Busin6! 6d ltofdioN ( o& rh.(ontr..lo.!l.ic.M|isth6normplvlooosMol <br />rlE I'nrny \ lD tliLlh or nlpror 6 rhdo td sr. dG kh rnd hiroclror hclr or llrou*h hi3 o hs ori onpht6. <br />r.ri'lcd rh6r .u.h imrrovG6lt G. mt i ddqr .r olrddt aor sL lf. hot6'd. rhc rriLrins .r imtrd'oE n skl $nhn onc w <br />of mtrpkn( rlt ()etr Boltila q rll h6. rtE hdd ot F\rts rrd lE m CE dii d hlld s i,+.o. ,E F.rdv tu ttE F,!.3 ol <br />L s o{ nd oirh. ,rop6ly. m ins n h li(.n*! .ontsroB to coNtrucl lh. ftoid (s{ 7ol4.I]!r'n( <br />dd hrk$ C.d.. l h. Conk*M s LE6]G l,r'd.E mr 4rl) t' .$F ofF.ld! \rho n{ild! o mpr.r 6 $non. <br />a.d sho.ontElsfnrsuchFoj.dss{ht(ildnrlorlr)licmvrjpuEnnrrorh.(onro rsIicd(hwl <br />lan.\cnrpl urd( S6ln\n <br />Prh, /a7-2.>--11 **'€l*g?,.?ffi"x <br />DECI.A8AIII}! <br />I h6.r, rmd uoda Foh) olFJUr' oc oarh. lolbtr f,s .k<lrrn irE: <br />Ih!\r,i*!1.of(ocdr!os.ll-lmr.forssrtd.omFdirr.sFo\iL{t,orb}S.t1rn17(.frh. <br />I itor ( o&. lor lh. Fiollrm. of lhc s.l for u hi.h llE tsnit i5 isu.d <br />I hlr. trftj \ ill o!,nr.'n \ 0116' c.mFNl io. iNUBt.. f,r r.qu iEd ls sal i.n uoo of rh€ liutr ('od.. lor lh. psfonMcc oI <br />rhc {.rl for *hich rhn F6( i5 is.d. My *o d'cotrEsri,n iNutM. cmd enFnr) numbd t. <br />I{,lt! Nunrhd: ErI'r6b^^,/r (Jrd] <br />'harm <br />rh.rrf.minc.olthc* rI for*h'(h'hisFnn ir ir$.d.I.h.llmr 6ploy ey F3oi in.nvmeE <br />r' 6ni b.(om 3uhFl rort ubll6 .onFnrnhn htr! of Cllifom( . l4r thd ltl Jhuld taom sti6r t rlE <br />$dkql compcB ion I'or arhn. ol S.d nrn r 70O of lh. l.!br ('od., I shrll. lonhsirh conply *rh lbs p.ovlrirB <br />\vARNIN(; F.iluF h su. rrrtd,n co'd.*. is uilr\tuI- .d irll 3ubj<l u dlhtd ro aiIiMl Fshi.. or, '(ivil nnd ur ro ... hundrc'l rhourdd dollei (tlm.(x)l)). in iddntu. h rh. .on ol.omt nittion dsr*6 a ltdvidat r'r rh' <br />sd ion !076 of rh. tltxr Cot. 116.! ri drorrrt'3 fc <br />,,.,.7-2t-lq I <br />DE(IISAIIA! <br />I hodrr lffrm utuld paalt of pqiury rhd I ab lic.tu d ond6 Provnn . ol ('h.Il6 e (com,nd. ins wnh Sa'lion 7000) dr Dilni'n t <br />ol rn BB|,B ind Proa<GG Cod.. id my lt@ a in turl for(,n.fid <br />qallirauflaNr[BulcagEd(I <br />I h6.ny ,mrn utrJd FFllr, ot rdJu, r_ rh.t th6. i! . .onn ruc1ion Lnding .8tr1 for th. p6lolmmc .f th. work for *hich lhir p<iil i! <br />s!.d (s6 v,97, cir ( ) <br />APPLI('ANT DECI dII,IIION <br />I hdd'y afrn unJd p6.ll, ol l,6ju,,- onc ofrh. followin| dfrlaraliont: <br />D.nolllFn PmnlA.tErN Norifi.arNn F.d(i! R.suldrrn! (Til. l0. Pnno) <br />R.qunal I clr6 or tidtf(dtun <br />t rdif, rhar th. ardftl ..suhtuE r.rEdins stElor rdn,l n. mr tpPlEihk lo rhn pm.Jcd <br />4 i.?,",*, **,.u *".pplic.iio. a'd ir'r. rh,t rh. ah'r. inr.m.lrcn B (ndr r '*ra n, cooplv *nh.I ( n).nd ( oun} <br />ornmEG srl Shr.l:s. F!ti+ r. tlildiis .olBrudio( al hd.$.orL.P. rqrmrrn 6 olltis ( nv Dd Coul, rt' ord uFr rlr <br />ih.\. mdk,nAl l,ord! ror iNp.flinn FUTITE <br />;,,;;;;^;,.;;:;:7,lkii oV@,, e;rt eJr ".'. 7-'25' 11 <br />,er.n.rprin,,: Dkotso oifq"o ? ine/q <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subf loor/VenUl nsulation <br />Roof Sheathing <br />Shear Wall <br />Framinq <br />lns u lation/Enerq y <br />Drywa ll <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />Masonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req. <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Engineer Final Report <br />F|NAL /D /t -// /7 I --z--f/L ,, /)? <br />Certif i cate bf d6cu 6aniy <br />Notes Remarks Etc. <br />n <br />(\.?,,/1-/)/ <br />Flood Zone Certif.