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10179426_1514 E. PORTOLA - Plan
Portola Ave
1514 E Portola Ave
10179426_1514 E. PORTOLA - Plan
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1514 E Portola Ave
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PROJECTION l <br /> TRIB WIDTH'I- TRIP WIDTH - TRIBUTARY WIDTH -- <br />OVERHANG <br />MAR EXISTING <br />ile€ STRUCTURE <br />PROJECTION - <br />TRIB WIDTH -- TRIBUTARY WIDTH -TRIBUTARY I <br />WIDTH i I <br />DIAGRAM . <br />General Notes <br />1. Structural design perthe 2009 International Buitding Code basic foad combinations descfibed inSection 1605.3.1 and no increases are permitted for resisting wind or seismic forces. Aluminumdesign in accordance with the 2005 edition of the Aluminum Associa€ons's spdcifications andChapter 20 of the 1BC. Patio Covers as defined in IBC Appendix [shall be used only forrecreationai, outdoor living purposes and not ascarports, garages, storage rooms or habitablerooms. Commercial Covers may be used for these purposes. Camorts must have at least two <br />opens sides and have floor surfaces made of approved noncombustible material or asphalt <br />2. At least one horizontal dimension (projecijon or width) of cover shall be less than 30'.3. Concrete mix: Fc = 2500,3000 or 3500 psi at 28 days in negligible, moderate and severeconditions as shown in Figure 1904.3 of the 2009 ]BC. Patio structures may be attached toconcrete slab without footings when the post load is 750 Ibf or less and the frost depth is zero.Concrete shall be set back a minimum of 4- from edge or expansion joint of a slab. Posts <br />atached on slab will conform to Details LA35, MU100 or MU102. <br />4. Each application shall show a complete plot plan of the property and buildings. Circle the post <br />spadng, span, etc., in the tables that fitthat particular job-5. Each installation shail bear an idermfying decal giving the name and address of mfgr., live or <br />snow load, design wind speed and exposure and ICC ESR number.6. Lightgauge steetshall be per ASTM A653 unless otherwise specified. Grade will be specifiedunder individual details. Thickness is bape Steel. Negative thickness tolerance is -5%.7. Alternate alum. alloys may be substituted for those specified provided they are referenced in THEADM 1-05 WITH equal or greater guaranteed minimum properties (Ftu, Fty, Fcy and E).Thickness indicated is bare metal and negative tojerance must comply with ANSI H352. 3004 <br />H24 may be subsituted for 3004 H34.8. Lag screws shall be placed in holes prebored 70% diam. For concrete block construdion, place <br />masonry anchors as per the installation instuctions.9. Drainage which otherwise would go over a public sidewalk shall be conected and diverted under <br />sidewalk.10. Structures may not be endosed unless additional engineering is provided or by approval of the <br />locai building authority.11. Ageotechnical investigation is not necessary unless required by 1803.2 of the 2009 IBC. Sci! Isassumed to be Ciass 5 of Table 1806.2 of the2209:iia©- BeeMng 1500 psfvert., 100 psY/ft hortzand doubled as per 1805.3.4. These design values do not app!541*mwd. organic silis. organicdays, peat or unprepared fil!$ and may require further soil investigation. The auikling official mayassign a load beating capacity. Units in asnow load area of 25 psforless maybabulit on 1000psT bearing soil w/0 additional engineering. Minimum footing depth is the [ocal frost depth. <br />ICC ESR 1953 (2009 iBC) 12/5/2011 <br />12. Thereof panels shall have a s?ope betweeh 0.25" and 1" per foot.13. AH steel shalf be gahmnized ASTM A-653 G90, A123 G45 or A'153 8-3, painted ASTM A755 or use an approvedcoaiing complying with IBC section 22032 Paint inside of al! embedded posts from the bottom to 12" above grade.Where aluminum is in contact with dissimitar metals (other than statless, aluminized or galvanized steel) or absorbentbuilding materials, likely to be continuously or intermittently wet, the faying surfaces shaft be painted or otherwise <br />seperated in accordance with the Aluminum Desfgn Manual Part i-A Section Wind vejocity and Ground Snow/Live load are identified in ail of the relevant tables. Roof snow loads have beendetermjned in accordance with ASCE7-05 Section 7.3. Ct=1.2, I = 1.0, Ce=1.0 (All exposures except B and C when <br />located light among conifers) <br />Ground Snow Load Applied Roof Load <br />10 psf 10 psf LIVE OR GROUND SNOW <br />20 psf--20 psT UVE OR GROUND SNOW <br />25 psf 21 psf DESIGN ROOF SNOW LOAD <br />30 pst 25.2 psi DESIGN ROOF SNOW LOAD <br />40 psi 33.6 psf DESIGN ROOF SNOW LOAD <br />60 psf 50.4 pil DESIGN ROOF SNOW LOAD <br />WIND SPEEDS IN THE 2009 EC ARE "3 SECOND GUST WIND SPEED.° ALL STRUCTURES DESCRIBED IN THISREPORT ARE DESIGNED USING PRESSURES CALCULATED FROM "3 SECOND GUST MND SPEEDS:FOR <br />ATTACHED STRUCTURES THE MAXIMUM MEAN ROOF HEIGHT OF THE EXISTING STRUCTURE IS 30'. KztWAS ASSUMED AS 1.0 FOR ALL WIND LOADS. SrrE LOCATIONS REQUIRING HIGHER A HIGHER Kzt VALUE <br />OSOLATED HILLS, RIDGES, ESCARPMENTS) WILL REQUIRE HIGHER WIND LOADS AS PER ASCE7-05 <br />SECTION 6.5.7 AND*RE OUTSIDE THE SCOPE OF THIS REPORT. <br />NOTE: EXPOSURE B: SHALL APPLY WHEN THE GROUND SURFACE ROUGHNESS CATEGORY B. (URBAN AND-SUBURBAN AREAS, WOODED AREAS, OR OTHER TERRAIN Wt NUMEROUS CLOSELY SPACEDOBSTRUCTIONS HAVING THE SIZE OF ASINGLE FAMILY DWELLING OR LARGER) PREVAILS iN THE UPWIND <br />DIRECTION FOR A OSTANCE OF AT LEAST 1500 FT. <br />EXPOSURE C: SHAU APPLY WHEN EXPOSURE B AND D (SMOOTH MUD FLATS, SALT FLATS <br />AND OTHER) DO NOT. <br />SEISMIC LOADMGY <br />MARMUM Ss= 150% SHOWN IN 2009 IBC FIGURE 1613.5(1) <br />Sl NOT APPLICABLE TO THESE STRUCTURES <br />SITE CLASS = D <br />BASIC SEISMIC FORCE RESISTNG SYSTEM <br />POSTS EMBEDDED INTO FOOTINGS = ORDINARY STEEL MOMENT FRAME <br />POSTS SURFACE MOUNTED = GENERIC SYSTEM >> R=1.25 <br />.ANALYSIS. PROCEDURE =EQUIVALENT LATERAL FORCE PROCEDURE <br />These roofs are not subject to maintainance workers and have not been evaluated for a 300 Ibl <br />Maximum mean roof height of existing structure for attached units is 30'. <br />15. The width of single span attached solid cover structures must be at least 100% of the projection. <br />16. Multiple span units are allowed. <br />17. All structures must comply of the foliowing:a. AH structures with a roof stow load of 30 ps¥ or less may be bulit in Seismic Design <br />A-D up to the maximum Ss noted in General Note #14.b. Structures with flat roof design snow loads over 30 pif complying with :BC Sectica <br />do not re*ire additional seismic analysis.c. Structures not comph,ing with (a) oir (b) require additiond engineering seismic anah18. Ail aluminum and steel solid panels ars class A fire rated as indicated in IBC Secuon 1505.2 Excepuu„ ed.19. All screws are self drilling (St)S) or sheet metal (SMS) and in conformance with ICC ESR-1976, ESR-2196 orequivalent and use head diameters equal to #8469,#10=t,#12=0* and #144 orsteel washers with similardiameters. All bolts are ASTM A307. All wood screws must comply with ANSUASME Standard B18.6.1 and AF&PANDS-05 11.1.4. All lagscrews must comply with ANSI/ASME 818.2.1 and AF&PA NDS 11.1.3. All washers are ASTMF:844 wi Dimensions complying with ABME B 18.22.1 Type A. Steel nuts tc be ASTM A563. The minimum washerdiameter for boited connections is 10. All fasteners will have a minimum edge distanc of 2x the fastener diameter. <br />20. Header splice shail not be located nearer to the end of the structure than the first interior post21. Wood used jn connections shall be protected from weather as per IBC Section 1403.2 andor 1503, whichever is more <br />stringent22 Sading snow is beyond the scope of this report Drimng snow is covered under Detail MZ23, Atl muRispan tables assume equal spans within 20%. Ali specifications must be based on the longest aotua! span. <br />Page 1 of 101 <br />1 <br />i <br />O 1 <br />i <br />1.-h i <br />XXO!et-lei <br />SPWI1 < 6 2 iaDm <br />422 1 <br />3441 IVYLINK PLACE <br />LYNCHBURG, VA 24503 <br />CARLPUTNAM@COMCAST.NET <br />OW <br />1. <br />| Cick Gy CMP1 -I <br />2 Figname <br />MUSACE4011*/G i P <br />i S=al 1 page 0 <br />Alr I Pa.*/73ih-10/9 \\ 1\-0% BM Al <br />DEC 5 2014 <br /> concentrated load. ( <br />JUN 1% ¥3 <br />Category (SDC) <br />1613.1 Exception #1 <br />rs-is. <br />r-* Dz.-h•,-- Pr <br />3 <br />2 <br />-,4mnZrmanaZ!W;Mm3mZx:min«IZ@*¤mi*Z12RizmEm!WI2a22m2mima¢?2¤mnGNMmSEmmmXfm2mmiSEmIEEZmMmSEmE$:¥iEm2223M <br />fg,Ii*/MOKe*im5921/102U2ZZEVBME*MM¢43:k
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