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o , <br />902 North Main <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION <br />Beginning at a point in the center line of Main Street, 2776.18 ft. southof the N. E. corner of Section 12, Township 5 South, Range 10 West, <br />S.B.B. & M., said point being 36.20 feet northerly along said Center 1lne <br />of Main Street from a concrete monument set 2 feet under the surface of <br />the street, marking the intersection of the center line of gth Street b,ith <br />mid center line of Main St., said point also being 359.88 fr. southerly <br />along the said center line of Main Stree! from a lead plug set in the <br />surface of said Main Street, marking lhe intersection of the center 1ine, <br />extended easterly of 10th St., as described in the deed to the City of Santa <br />Ana, recorded June 15, 1904 in Book 105, page 369 of Deeds; rhence from <br />said point of beginning south 50 feet along said center line of Main Street <br />to a point 13.80r south of said monument marking the intersection of the <br />center line of Ninth Street uith the said center line of Main Street, thence <br />South 89'45' West (bearing based on said center line of Main Street as North <br />and South), a distance of 285.07 feet to a point in the east line of Sycamore <br />Street, this line extending Westerly intersects the center line of Sycamore Streetat a point 412.69 feet Southerly of a spike set in the pavement marking the <br />i.ntersection of the center 1lnes of 1Oth Street and Sycamore Street; thence <br />North 0"00' t5r' L'est along said Easterly line of Sycamore Street, 50'to <br />an iron axlei thence North 89"45' East 285.09 fee! to the point of beginning, <br />Excepting therefrom the east 35' thereof.