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oo <br />rf the buirding i6 found to be defici.ent under the atandards established by the <br />ordinance, plana and calculrtions necessary fo! corrective york are to b€ suhni.ttedtogether uith the sErucEural analyeia. The otrner ghall cauee the to bestructurally altered ao aa to conform to the standards of the ordinance or cause itto be denolished. Perldts required to accomprish the neceasary atructural altera-tions sharr b€ obtained not rater than one (1) year frqn the drte of service of thenotice to the e.ner. <br />The required arterati.ons muBt cqnmence sithin one hundred eight.y (lg0) days frcmthe date the p€rmi t is issued. The building mus! b€ corrected to 6eet the minimum <br />requirements of the ordinance not later than three (3) yeara frcm the date of serviceof the initial notice to the o\dner. rf the orrner or other person in chalge or con-trol of the aubject buirding fails to cdnply with the order uithin any of the tineperiods prescribed by the Cityra Sei6mic Safety Ordinance, the City'a Director ofPlanning and Devel.olment Services is required to order the entire building vacateduntil all required analysis and structural alterations have been conpl.eted. Inaddition, in cases of non-compliance the ordj.nance, the Cityr6 Dtrector of <br />P)'anning and Develolment Services is provided uith other remedies by the ordinanceso aa to assure compl i.ance. <br />Ttre time requj.renents for completion of work on a building for the purpose ofachieving compliance uith the proviei,ons of the seismic safety ordinance may be <br />extended for an additionar p€riod of three (3) years for a Medium Risk, class rrrbuilding, provided that the owner of any Buch clas6 rrr building ingtarrg and/orprovi.des partial relEirs in accordance uith SecLions 8-2OO4.I and g-2005(c). <br />Your attention is arso directed to santa Ana MunicilEr coae sectitp g-2004.5, per-taining to applications by adjoi.ning bui).ding owners'for extensions' of tine regard-ing the various deadlines speci.fied in the Cityrs Seismic Safety Ordinance. <br />RIGHT OF APPEAL <br />The CityrE Director of Planning and Develolment Servicesr initial order (including <br />his deterninati-on of classifi,cation of t.he subjecL building) may be appealed bythe ohlner or tenant so 1on9 as such appeal is fired rrithin one hundred eighty (lg0) <br />days after aervi.ce of the Di.rectorrs initial notice or order on auch ovner. <br />vle are enclosing a copy of the cityrs current seiamic safety ordinance for yourinformation. lf you should have any questiona, please contact Joe Hazzeo at (714) <br />834-4991 or Steve Cravford at (714) 834-4183. \ <br />fu,.M"",". <br />Planning e Develolment ServicesCity of Santa Ana <br />PFlcaL <br />Enc. <br />-2-