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fi Zet" yotld [taour <br />ctt 1968 <br />Zlb', Wonlo Perr,rou?BoeruousE INC. <br />258 EAST TWENTIETH STREET . COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA 92627 <br />I have cooperated uit.h the city in every way, even Eo t.he extent <br />that I have allowed a c ity parking 1ot on my properry, to facilit.ate <br />the removal of parking on Main Street. f see no uay out of t.his <br />dilemma. Is there any way that you know of that ve could do anything <br />but move our operation out? <br />Are there any other businesses that are to be f orced <br />out? Please advlse me if there is any lega1 recourse being considered <br />by anyone e1se, or any suggestions thaE you might have. Thank you <br />very nuch for your tine and interest. <br />BoATt{oUsE <br />Robert R. rrZeb" ZiemerPresident