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oo <br />If tlE hrildfurg is fourd to be deficient urder tlE stardards established hy tle <br />Ordirnrce, plans ard calculations trecessry for correctirre r6rk arre to be subRitted <br />together with the structural analysis. the o*ner sha]I cause tlte buililirg to be <br />structuraLly altered so as to confom to the stardards of tlre Ordinance or cause itto be dsrolished. Perrnits required to acslPlish t}E recessary structural al,terations <br />shall be obtaired rDt later tlran ore (I) year frcrfl t]re date of servic.e of the <br />notice to tlE cBrner. <br />Itle requi-red alterations nust ccrmence w'ithin ore In:rdred eighty (180) days frun tlre <br />date tlE pe.nnit is issued. The briliii-rg rmrst be orrected to nEet tlp midrom <br />regujlrglEnts of tle OrdiEnce rEt later than three (3) years frcrn t.te date of <br />senrice of this rpLice. If the o*rnr or othej person iIt dErge or qrtrol of tte <br />subject hrildfuig fails to orply witn the Order wit})-ii arry of the tjjrE periods <br />prescri-bed tD, ttle Cityrs Seisnic Safety O!:d.inarEe, tle Ciqr's Dilecfor of Planrriltg <br />ard De\reLc[rlellt Servioes is reguired to older tlre entire brildfurg rtacated until aLl <br />analysis ard structural, alterations have been orpleted. In azrrri tiq1, in <br />cases of rDn-cc(pliance with the OrdfuEnce, the Cidr's Director of Ptanrdng ard <br />De\relwrEnt Services is provided with other rgnedies bV tlp Odinarce Eo as to <br />assure orpliance. <br />the tfue reqrrirslEnts for ccnpletion of rrcrk on a t dLdirtg for tle prrpose of <br />achievirg orpliance witl tle provisions of the Ordinarse may be exterded for an <br />additional, period of tlree (3) years for a nediun risk, Class fII buj.ldjig, provided <br />that tlte c*,rner of any such Class III t rildfury installs ardrzor prolJ.iiles partialrqairs in accordance w"ith Sections 8-2004.1 ard 8-2005(c) . <br />Your attention is also directed to Santa Ana Mrnicipal Oode Section 8-2004.5, <br />pertaining to applications by adjoi-n-hg building o.,nEns for exhensions of tirre <br />regardi-ng tle various deadlines specified in the Cityrs Seignic Safety Ordi-nance. <br />RIGII OP APPEAL <br />the Cityrs Director of Planrrirg ard DevelcE8ent Se.!.ricesr illitiaL older (incltrdhg <br />his deterrd-nation of classification of tlE subject hrilding) may be appealed by tjre <br />c*,,ner or tenant so long as such appeal is filed withill ore h:rdred eightfr (180) days <br />after senrice of the Directorr s initial notice or order on such cnnrer. <br />I{e are enclosirg a ccFt, of the Cityrs current Seisnic Safety Safety Oiairance for <br />1u.:r lnfonnatj.on. If 1ou should have an], questiors, please @ntact Joe Mazzeo at <br />(714) 834 4991, or cary Craig at (714) 834 4981. <br />Ai/ 7",l,,1- <br />PhiI Eeelard, Director <br />PlarlIll-nq & DevelogrEnt Services <br />City of Santa Ana <br />Erc