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LEGAL NOTICE <br />&F ff8/To: Persons in apparent charge or control <br />of unrei nforced masonry buildings <br />Da te <br />Aw- /4.^+ <br />Fo- Knol ,EL <br />Regarding the building located at <br />0ringe County Assessor's Parcel N <br />lorz NttN s7--o and descri bed as: <br />0n February 19, 1980, the City Council of the City.of Sant <br />it,it oroinir.e, enti[led "Earihquake Hazard Reduction ln E <br />xl, consisting of Sections 8-2000 to 8-2007' to ChaPter 8 <br />a Ana adopted 0rdinance No. NS-1518. <br />xi sti ng Buildings", added Article <br />of the Santa Ana MuniciPal Code. <br />umber <br />SEISMIC ORDINAN CE ADDED TO MUNICIPAL CODE <br />D ETERI'IINATION OF RISK CLASSIFICATION <br />SEISMIC ORDINANCE REQ U I REMENTS <br />A field engineering survey and review conducted by the City indicates that the subiect build-'ing ii-oi i deiign"ana ti'p,e of-unreinforced constiuction, containing walls with less than the <br />,"qui..a reinforiement, ihicn falls within the scope of Ordinance NS-1518. Pursuant to the <br />o.linuni",-1'e-subject'bui'lding has been designated by the City to fall within the Class II <br />(high rjsk) categorY. <br />Pui suant to ordinance No. NS-1518, the owner of the subject building has the responsibility <br />to Uiing the bui lding into conformance with the ordinance. <br />under the orovisions of this ordinance, the owner is required to provide a structural analysis <br />6r-i'fi.i.l.i'i["rlir.ut engin"e., civil engineer,_or architect. This.structural ana'lysi.s <br />I','il'iriil;;;-;; irre-citv;5 Department-of Building Safetv for.revlew within two hundred <br />."r"^tv-tiiol iiys r.o, ine Jit" thb city has sent a wiltten notification,_or-order., to.both <br />in,,"u,]irjii,ilr-oin.. ina-io inv person *-ho is in apparent charge or control of the building. <br />Ac,'rdingtotheCity'srecords,awrittenorderhaspreviouslybeensenttothebuilding.s;; ;. io*.r.r, the-Cityit-..iords do not indicate that you, as a person who may be in ap- <br />;; ni .ni.g"-o. control"oi the subject building, has been sent a copy of the required notjce <br />or rrder. itrat is now the purpose of this notice. <br />If the is found to be deficient under the standards established by the ordinance' <br />piuni-una calcilations nu..ttu.y for-corrective work are to be submi tted- togethe r with the. <br />lirr.trrul analysis. Th;-;;;;r"shill cause the building to be structurally altered:9-i: l:;;^i;; io ttre itandards of the ordinance or cause it to be demolished. Permlts requrre6 to <br />accomplish the necessary ii.rlir.ui jiterations -ihatI be obtained not Iater than one (1) year <br />from lhe date of service of the notice to the owner' <br />The reouired alterations must cormence withjn one hundred eighty (180) days from the-date the <br />#;iil;';;r;;;: -in" oriiotng must be corrected to meet the minimum requirements of the <br />[.Oinun.. not later tn.n-ih""."(jl y.u.t from the date of service of thls notice' If the <br />owner or other person i; ;il;il.';; tontrot of the subiect.building.falls to complv with the <br />.i:ii.i^ rvitni^-any-oi u,"'tirie'ieriooi-piei."iuea by thi ordinance,-the-citv's Director of <br />[riiaiiis-iui"[i'ii."qrir"J-t5 o.a"i the entire uiritalng vacated until al'l required analvses <br />and structural alterat.ioni-hiie-ueen completed. <br />-in aaaition, in cases of non-compliance with <br />the ordinance, the cityii oi""it". of Builaing Safety is ptovided with other remedies bv the <br />ordinance so as to assure compliance. <br />RIGHT OF APPEAL <br />s initial order (jncluding his determjnation of class- <br />be aooealed bv the ourner or any person in apparent <br />no ii'sucn apireal is filed within one hundred eightv <br />.rr-iniiiir-hbii." o. order on such owner and person in <br />ing. <br />The Ci ty's <br />'i f ication o <br />charoe or c <br />(180) days <br />apparent ch <br />I re c 0r o <br />Di rector of Bu <br />f the subject <br />ontrol of the <br />after servi ce <br />arge or contro <br />I a ety <br />i 1di ng Safety' <br />bui'lding) may <br />bui l d ing so lo <br />of the Di rectoI of the build <br />I.le are enclosing a copy of 0rdjnance No: ry::l?I <br />questions, pleaie contact this office at (/14) <br />8 for your information. If you should have any <br />834-4186. <br />u <br />)I