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EXEMPT <br />c12 <br />Recorded at request ofClty of Santa Ana <br />Ilhen recorded, return to: <br />BK <br />RECO <br />B9Bpo 1513 <br />N OFFICIAL RECOROS <br />51481 <br />RDED I <br />OF ORANCE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA <br />-2?! P.M. DECl1',80 <br />UEA 88filctl' C.unU Reco(e/ <br />SPACE ABOVE THIS LII{E FOR RECORDER'S USE <br />TIOTICE OF REqUIRED BUILDING ALTERATIONS <br />Notlce ls hereby glven that the certain bulldlng or bulldlngs on the property located at <br />311 North Main Street <br />has beenof unrel <br />found, by <br />nforced co <br />lnspectl <br />nstructlo <br />Ordlnance amends the Santa Ana llunlclpal Code bsectlons 8-2000 through 8-2007 .lncluslve, to Chreductlon ln ex l stl ng bulldlngs, <br />The requl red al teraafter the date the <br />mlnlmum requ'lrement <br />date of servlce of <br />the subject bul'ldin <br />prescrlbed by the 0entlre bul ldl ng vac <br />al teratlons have be <br />extenslon of time f <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: <br />The south forty feet of Lot 6, and the north twentthe town of Santa Ana as shown on a map in Map Boo <br />County, California. <br />and more partlcularly descrlbed be'low,ntaln mrsonry yalls of a deslgn and t_vDethe scope of 0rdlnance tls-1516. Thlsy addlng Artlcle XI, conslstlng of new <br />apter 8, provldlng for earthquake hazard <br />cn rnd revle , to co <br />n that falls wlthln <br />The owner- ls required to.have a structural analysls made of the bulldlng by a Ilcensedstructural .englneer, clvll englneer, or archltelt. Thls structura.l anaiysis is to be <br />;Illltqed to the Deparfirent.of Bulldlng Safety for revlew wlthln two hun-dred seventy(270) days from and after the date of th'ls notlce. If the bulldlng ls found to bedeflclent under the standards establlshed by the 0rdlnanie,-ptans ind-calcula6onsnecessary for correctlve work are to be sub;itted together wittr tne structural anitysts,The owner sha'll cause the bulldlng to be structurall! altered jo as io ionfonn to t-hestandards of the 0rdlnance or cauie lt to be demolls-hed. Pennlts requlred to accompllshthe necessary structural alteratlons shall be obtained not later grari one-(i) F;i i;o;and after the date of serv.tce of thls noilce. <br />t <br />p <br />st <br />Ir <br />a <br />e <br />o <br />lons must cormence wlthln one hundred elghty (l8O) days from andemlt ls lssued. The bulldlng must be corrLcied to mlet theof the 0rdlnance not later than three (3) years from and after theh'ls notlce. If the owner or other persdn'.1-n charge and control of <br />.fal ls to comply with the order wlthln any of the-tjme periods as <br />dJnance, the Dlrector of BuJldlnq Safety ls requlred to'order theted and remaln vacated until all requlred analyses and structuraln completed. Thls 0rdinance establishes provlilon for appeal andr compl lance. <br />yf <br />k2 <br />eet of Lot 3 in Block 10 of, Page 51 of Los Angeles <br />Record owne r:Trustees of Santa Ana, Lodqe #236 I00F <br />Thls document ls the offlclal buslness of the Clty of Santa Ana and ls entltled to freerecordlng-under Sectlon 5103 of the Government Coile. Thls document ls belng recorded-ionotlfy.all lnterested partles of the above descrlbed condltion. itie uriiaiig rn, il-subJect to proceedlngs under Artlcle XI of Chapter 8 of the Santa Ana 1lunlcl[al tode.For further.'lnformatlon, contact the Department of Bulldlng Safety of the Clty of SantaAna at (714) 834-4186. <br />t- <br />ec <br />ry nan <br />e <br />tor u ng a etyo <br />Ci ty of Santa Ana <br />ss <br />0n thls I? dav of <br />cou n ty aiil-TlFe, periona Iof Santa Ana who executed <br />Same . <br />t<-before me, a notary pubtlc ln and for saldy appea nt, Dlrector of Bulldlng Safety of the Cltythe foregolng I nstru ment and acknowledged to me that he executed <br />te &-o , <br />GaTdEra <br />I{ITNESS my hand and offlclal seal: <br />OFFICIAL SEAL <br />ROY Al. tNGAI t.s <br />NOIARY PJSLiC' CALIFORNIA <br />ORA'{GE COUTITY <br />ll, comm. lx9lt ! JU 2a f982 <br />a <br />County 0rang <br />State of Cal'l fornl a <br />o c 0r e <br />a <br />Clty of Santa Ana <br />Department of Bulldlng Safety <br />20 Clvlc Center Pl aza- <br />Santa Ana, Callfornla 92702 <br />STATE OF CALIFORNIA <br />COUNTY OF ORANGE