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o LEGAL NOTICE o <br />Legal o*ner Trustees of Santa Ana, Lodge #236 I00F Date September 23, 1980 <br />Address 309L North Main St. Santa Ana' CA 9270f <br />Regardlng the bullding locrted at 311 North Main Street lnd descrlbed as: <br />Orange County Assessor's Parcel Number 009-031-10 <br />Inspect'lon and rev{er lndlcltes thlt the subject bul'ldln9 ls of a deslgn rnd type of un- <br />relnforced construct'lon, contalnlng ra'l ls wlth less than the requlred relnforcement, that <br />he scope of Ordlnance NS-1518. Thls 0rdinance amends the Santa Ana |lunlcipal <br />Artlcie XI. conslst'lng of netr sect'lons 8-2000 through 8-?007 lnclusive, to <br />vldlng for !arthqurke hazard reductlon in exlstlng bul1dhgs. <br />Under tte provlslons of thls 0rdinance, the owner ls requlred to provide r structural <br />ysls by-a llcensed structural engtneer, clvll englneer, or archltect. Thls structural <br />lnalysls sha'l'l be submltted to the Departrnent of Bullding Safety for revler xlth'ln two <br />hundred seventy (270) days from the date of this notice. <br />falls wl thl <br />Code by add <br />Chapter;8, <br />date the permlt 1s lssued. <br />ments of the 0rdlnance not <br />notlce. If the owner or otfalls to conply wlth the or <br />the D'lrector of Bulldlng Sa!'l'l requl red ana'lyses and s <br />p1 lance rith thls order has <br />The bul l dl ng musl!ter than three <br />her person 'ln cha <br />der wlthln any of the perio <br />fety ls requlred to order t <br />tructura'l a'l terations have <br />not been accompl ished wlth <br />escrlbed by the <br />enti re bul'ldlng vaclt <br />en compl eted. llheneve <br />nl nety (90) days afte <br />nt <br />lng <br />Pro <br />If the bul'ldlng ls found to be deflclent under the standlrds estab'l 'lshed by the Ordlnance, <br />p'lrns lnd calculrtlons necessary for correctlve work are to be submltted together wlth <br />the structurr'l analys'ls. The orner sha'll cause the bulldlng to be structurally altered <br />so as to conform to the standards of the ordlnance or cause 'lt to be derno'l ished. Penn'l ts <br />requlred to accmrp'l lsh the necessary structural alteratlons shal'l be obtained not 'later <br />than one (l) year from the date of serv'lce of thls notice. <br />Thc rcqulrcd !lteratlons must comence wlthln one hundred elghty (180) days from the <br />e corrected meet the nlnlmum requ i re- <br />dl nance, <br />u nt'l 'l <br />cor - <br />the <br />been <br />ector <br />Ana <br />ana'l - <br />tb <br />(3) <br />r9e <br />om <br />ro'l <br />as <br />years <br />and co <br />fr <br />nt <br />ds <br />he <br />be <br />ln <br />to <br />the <br />of <br />pr <br />date of serv I ce <br />the subject bui <br />0'ld <br />0r <br />ed <br />r <br />r <br />e <br />f this <br />i ng <br />dtte the bulldlng has been ordered vacated, or such .ddltiona'l tlme as may hrv <br />granted by the Board (see sectlon 8-200a (e) of the enc'losed 0rdlnance), the D <br />nay order deno1 ltlon of such bullding ln accordance wlth Chapter 17 of the San <br />llunl c'l pal Code. <br />'lr <br />ta <br />The orner or person 1n apparent charge or control of th <br />ln'ltla'l order and detennlnatlon w1th1n one hundred eigh <br />th'ls order, pursuant to the procedure estab'l'lshed by Ch <br />Code. Any such appeal sha'l I be declded by the hearlng <br />days after the date rhen the appea'l ls fl'led. <br />e bu'lldlng may appeal the Director's <br />ty (180) days of the service of <br />apter 3 of the Santa Ana l{uniciPal <br />oiflcer no 'later than sixty (60) <br />ector of Bu'lldlng Safety shal'l flle vlth the 0fflce <br />tltlng that the subJect bulld'lng ls rlthln the <br />Artlcle XI of Chapter 8, "Earthqurke Hazard <br />certlficate sha]l a'lso state that the owner has <br />lly analyze the buildlng and to structurllly <br />ante xlth Artlc]e Xt ls not exhiblted. ) <br />r <br />s <br />e <br />t <br />I <br />Concurrently xlth thls notlce, the Dl <br />of the County Recorder a certlflcate <br />scope of the Santa Ana ltlunlclpal Code <br />Reductlon ln Erlstlng Bulldlngs.' Th <br />been notlfled lnd ordered to structur <br />3trcngthen or dcro'l lsh lt rhere compl <br />If thc but'ldlng ls clther deinollshed <br />or 13 fbund to be structurally caprb <br />thc 0rdinancc, the Dlrcctor of Bulldccrtlflcrtc tcrmlnatlng the status o <br />th! S!nt! Anr llunlclpr'l Cocte, Artlcl <br />, found not to be rlthln the scope of the 0rd'lnance' <br />le of res'lstlng mlnlmum selsmlc forces requlred by. <br />lng Safety sha'l'l flle rlth thc County Recorder' af ihe subJect bu'lldlng !s belng rlShln the scope of <br />c Il of Chrpter 8. <br />Ihenever the correct'lons requtred by thls order have been compl eted, the Dlrector shalI <br />fllc r ccrtlflcrt! rlth thr County hecorder thrt !ll requlrcd correct'lons have been made. <br />Ic rre cnclos'lng r copy of thc Ordlnrnce for your use. If you should hrve any questlons, <br />plcasc contact thls offlce !t (714) 834-4186. <br />Dlrcctor of Bulldlng Srfctyt <br />, <br />t