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ESR-1463 I Most Wdely Accepted and Trusled Pa 9 of '10 <br />TABLE4-WlND RESISTANCE-MECHANICALLY FASTENED ASSEMBLIES'r <br />SYSTEM <br />NO, <br />MAXIMUM <br />ALLOWAALE <br />WIND UPLIFT <br />(p3f) <br />DECK3 INSULATION 5 MEMBRAN€MEMARANE <br />FASTENING <br />MAXIMUM <br />FASTET{ER <br />SPACING <br />(inch€3) <br />MAXIMUM <br />FASTENER <br />ROW <br />SPACING. <br />1 .15 Noncombustble <br />Foam plastjc insulataon' 2 <br />lr-inch-trrick tlb€6oardo or <br />banier board <br />(S6e Sec1.3.6) <br />HP-X Fastenor & <br />M€tal Fastenrng Bar 12 <br />2 75 M€tal Fastenrng Bar 6 6 tl6 inches <br />3 52 Noncombustrble HP Fastener & <br />Polymer Seam Plate 6 I ft 6 inches <br />45 Noncombuslible Same as Syslem No. I Sure-Tough Sure-Tite Fastener & <br />ST Fastoning Bar 12 I ll 6 rnches <br />5 30 Noncombuslible Same as Syslem No. 1 <br />Sure-Tough <br />(75 mrr) <br />HP Fasl6ner & <br />Polymer Seam Plale 12 I fl 6 rnches <br />6 60 Same as Syslem No 1 <br />Sure-Tough <br />(75 mrl) <br />HP Fastener & <br />Polymor S6am Plate 6 I fl6 rnches <br />7 45 Noncombuslible Sure-Weld or <br />Spectro-Weld <br />HP-X or HP-Xtra <br />Fasl€ners with Piranha <br />or Piranha Xtra Plales <br />12 7 ft 6 rnches <br />8 45 Noncombuslible Same as Syslem No 1 <br />Sur6-W6ld or <br />Spectro-Weld <br />HP-Xtra Fasteners with <br />Piranha Xtra Plates 12 9ll6 rnches <br />I 60 Noncombuslrble Same as Syslem No. 'l Sure-Weld or <br />Speclro-weld <br />HP-X or HP-Xtra <br />Fasteflers with <br />Piranha or Pi€nha Xtra <br />Ptat6s <br />I tt 6 inches <br />10 67 Noncombuslible Sure-W€ld or <br />Spectro-weld <br />HP-X or HP-Xtra <br />Faslen6rs wth Prranha <br />or Piranha Xtra Plales <br />6 7ll6 rnches <br />11 30 Noncombuslrble Same as Syslom No. 1 <br />Sure-Weld or <br />Sp€ctro'W6ld <br />HP-X or HP-Xtra <br />Fasbners with Piranha <br />or Piranha Xtra Plales <br />11 ft 6 rnches <br />12 60 Noncombustble SameasSyslemM'l Sur€-Weld or <br />Spectro'Weld <br />HP-X or HP-Xtra <br />Fastoners wdh Piranha <br />or Piranha Xka Piates <br />6 11 ft 6 rnches <br />13 53 Noncombuslrble Same as Syslem No. 1 Sure-F ex HP-X Fasteners with <br />Piranha Plales 6 <br />14 83 Same as Syslem No. 1 Sure-Flex HP-X Fasleners with <br />Piranha Plates 6 2lt 1 1 rnches <br />15 30 Same as Syslem No 1 Sure-F ex <br />HP-X or HP-Xtra <br />Fastenars wiih Piranha <br />or Plranha Xtra Plates <br />18 6lt 4 rnch€s <br />16 45 Noncombustrbl€Same as Syslem No 1 Sure'Fiex <br />HP-X or HP-Xtra <br />Faston€rs wilh Piranha <br />or Piranha Xtra Plales <br />12 6 tl 4 inches <br />17 53 Noncombustible Same as Syslem No 1 Sure'Flex HP-X Faslen6rs wth <br />Prranha Plates 12 2 ft 11 inches <br />18 45 Same as Syslem No. 1 Sure-W€ld HP-X Fasten6rs with <br />OMG RhinoBond Plalos 1 per 5.3 ft'z <br />19 60 Same as Syslem M 1 1 pat 4lf <br />For Sl: 1 inch = 25.4 mm; 1i=0.305m; 1 psf = 47 8a Pa. <br />rFoam plastic insulation must b6 any of the following (1-inch min to 6-inch max. thickness):Carlisle'Socurshreld Polyrso',"Polyrso HP-H'Hunler Panels <br />'H-Shreld'or Hunt6r Panels 'H-Shield- CG". <br />'?Allfoam plastic insulation must be UL-classified foamed plastic lor roofing systsms, and musl b6limit€d to th6 maximum thicknoss rn accordance wilh <br />Section 5.4 of lhis roporl or the maximuln thickness in accordance with this tiable, whichever is l€ss.rsleel deck must be minimuln No. 22 gag€ galvanized st6el [base-metial lhickness O.O3O inch (0.76 mm)]. Concr€to musl have a minrmum compressrv€ <br />str6ngth (f:) of 2500 psi. See S€ction 5.6 of lhrs report. <br />'For sxisting metal roofing, lhe ass6mbli€s listed musl b€ inslialled by last€ning through ths roofing and rnto struclural momb€rs (purlins, angl6 iron. b€ams, <br />6tc.)capable of rosisting all €xpectod toads. The maximum aliowabl€ wind uplift (fi6ld) pr6ssures ar6 shown in Column 25ULClassifiedEPSmatbeinstialledbelowmin.f-inch-thickCarlisleorHunterPan€lspolyisocyanurat6rnsulations(maxslopel:12)orbelowminr/-incn- <br />thick Carlisle Securshiold HD or Huntor Panols H-Shield HD (max slope 2:12)on noncombustible d6cks.6Carlisle Securshield HD or Hunter Panels H-Shr€ld HD may replaco fib€rboard and may b€ used as a covgrboard ov€r any insulalion. Wh€n lhese two <br />boards are us6d diractly below th€ Sur€-Weld membrane. th€ slop€ rs hmrtod lo r/r'12 <br />' Wh6n th€s€ systems are used for rerooUng or rocovering, installation musl b€ in accordance wilh Sections 4 2.2 anc, 5.7 of lhis r6port. and IBC Section <br />1510. IRC Section R907. BNBC Section 1512, SBC S€ction 1510 or UBC Appondix to Chapter 15, as applicabl€.!Faslener row spaces shown ar6lor field of roofonly. S€e S6ction 4.3lor recognized fascia systems for mochanically tasten€d roof ass€mbli€s. The <br />maxrmum allowablo load lor Carlisl€ S6curEdg6 300 is 234 plf (348 kg,im). The madmum allowablo load for Cadrsle S€curEdgo 3000 is 200 p[ <br />(298 kg/m). Oistance b€lweon the edg€ of lh6 rool and th6 firsl row of fast€ners must be delermrned accordingly. <br />Sur6-Tough <br />Noncombustrble Same as Syslem No. 1 Sur€-Tou9h <br />Same as System No. 1 Sure-Tough <br />Same as Syslem No 1 <br />6 <br />Same as Syslam No. 1 <br />12 <br />6 fl4 rnches <br />Noncombuslrble <br />HP.X Fasleners with <br />OMG RhinoEond Plates