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ESR-I463 I Most Wdely Ac@pted and Trusted Psgs 5 of 10 <br />5.7 v\r?ren applicstion is over existng roofs, <br />documentatioo ot [te windudifr resistance of the <br />composrte roof construction must be subnitted to the <br />code offcial tur approval 8t the time of petmit <br />application <br />5-O The roofing membranes are manuhdured at Carlisle, <br />Pennsylvaoia, Greenville, lllinois, Tocle, Lnah; and <br />Sonatobia, Massissippi, under a quality control <br />p.ogram with inspeclions by ICC-ES. <br />5.9 For buildirEs under the lBC, abovldect fiermal <br />insuhilo board musl co.nply with the applicaue <br />stardards listed in IBC Table 1508.2 or IRC Table <br />R906.2, as applicaue. <br />6.0 EVIOENCE SUBXITTED <br />Data in accordance wrth ICC-ES Acceptance Criteria <br />lor Memb.ane Roof Covering Systems (4C75), dated <br />July 2010 (edito.ially revised April 20'14) <br />7.0 tDENnFtCATlOlt <br />Each roll of the roofing membf,ane must bear a label noting <br />the product name, ttE manufadurer's name (Cartisle <br />SynTec) or tie name of the additional listee, tie <br />m.roufaduE/s address o. dalt code and tle ICC-ES <br />evaluation Eport number (ESR-1464I). <br />8.0 oTHER COOES <br />ln addition to the codes rebrend in Seclion 10. the <br />produds in this reporl '.,ere evaluated br compliance with <br />the requircments of the bllownq codes: <br />. EOCA' i,/al,oral Bu,ldirg Codel1ggg (BNBC) <br />. 1999 Slandard Eu ding Cdec (SBC) <br />. 1*7 Unilom Buiktng Coden (UBC) <br />For comdiance under the above codes. see kioos 2 <br />through 7 o, this report o(cept revise ttte follotir€ <br />ssdions to read as tcllov/s: <br />3-8 Fl'3hing: <br />Flashirq must b€ provided in accordance with SBC <br />Sedion 1503.2, BNBC S€c1ion 1508.1 8nd UBC Saclion <br />1509, as applicaue VW€rs iashing is ot metal, the metal <br />must be cqrosion-re6istant, minimum No. 26 gago <br />[0.0'19 inch (0 rA3 mm)] galvanized steel. <br />3.1I lmp.ct Rotlrt nco: <br />The EPOM, PVC, and TPO roofing membran6 described <br />in this repo{t meet reqliremerts for impact resistance in <br />BNBC Sectton 1505.4.2, and SBC Section 1504.6, based <br />on testir€ io tlith FM 4470. <br />a.3.1 iLw Co.t3tructon: The allo,table wind uplifr <br />pressurss br ttp EPOM, PVC, and TPO roofing <br />membfttnes as parts ot roof ass€mblias ars notod in <br />Tables 4 and 5. <br />5.0 coNDtTtot(s oF t sE <br />fhe singleply EPOM. Fr'C. artr TPO roofing m€mb.anes <br />descnbed in this report comdy with, oI arc suitable <br />altematives to whal is specified in, those codes listed in <br />Section 8.0 ot this report, sutject lo the frCloring <br />conditions: <br />See S€clirls 5.1 through 5 8. except revise Seclion 5.3 <br />to read as iClols: <br />5.3 Foam dsstic insulatiofl must b€ sepa€led from the <br />interior of the building by an approved thermal banier in <br />ac@rdance with BNBC Soction 2603.4.1.5. SBC Section <br />2603.5.1.5. and UBC Sedioos 2&2.4 dnd 2602.5.3, as <br />applicable.