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9.1 il.14a'tr1 <br />lit YOfl <br />MielrtA. Putilo <br />MAYOR PRO TEM <br />Vin€it F. S.nnbnio <br />COU}TCILTTEMBERS <br />Angalica AlYrazoL <br />P Dwir Bcn.vir6. <br />Mir.h ih,lirE <br />Roitan Rayna <br />S.lTln j.lo CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />PTANNING & BUILDING AGENCY <br />20 Clvlc C.nter Plaza <br />P.O. 8ox I9E8 . Sanu Ana, Crlifomt. 92702 <br /> <br />NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER <br />Oear Property O^,ner <br />An application tor a building permit has been submined in your name listing yourself as the burlder of the property <br />improvemenls specified at 01 tu. <br />We are proviling you with an Owner-Builder Acknowledoment and lnformation Verilication Form to make you aware of <br />your responsibilities and possibl€ risk you may incur by having this permit issued in your names as the Owner-Builder. <br />We will not issue a building permit until you have read, initialed your understanding of each provision, signed, and retumed <br />this form to us at our official address indicated. An agent of the owner cannot execute this notice unless you, the property <br />owner, obtain the prior approval ol the permitting authority. <br />OWNER'S ACKNOWLEOGI'ENT AND VERIFIC ATION OF INFORMATON <br />DIRECTIONS: Road ancl lntdcl erch 3,atomcnt b6low to slgnlly you undorstand ot wrtly thls lnlomtdon.r ,l <br />,Ilt)'t , undersEnd a frequent practice of unlicensed persons is to have the prop€rty owner obtain an 'Owner-Builder' <br />t uldfig permit that enoneously implies thal the property owner is providing his or her own labor and material personally. l, <br />as an Owner-Builder, may be held liable and subject to sericus linancial risk tor any injuries sustained by an unticensed <br />person and hiS or her employees \rfiile working on my property. My homeowneis insurancs may not provido coverage br <br />those injuries. I am wiltfully acling as an Owner-Builder and am av/are of tho limits ot my insurance coverage for injuries to <br />vorkers on my property. <br />240 ,understand building permits are not roqurred to be signed by property owners untess they are responsibte for <br />tnd c{nstludion and are not hiring a licensed Contractor b assume this responsibility. <br />....4\ ,understand as an 'Ownor-Build€r' I am the responsible party of record on the permit. I understand that I may <br />iffi TrtrX[T <br />potential financial risk by hiring a lnrns€d contraclor and having the permit filed in his or her name <br />4A <br />-.&.f,a I understand Contractors are required by law to b€ lbensad and bonded in California and to list their license <br />np;ht!5rs on permits and contracts. <br />-L* ,undetstand if I employ or otharuiso engage any p€rsons, other than Califomia licensed Contractors, and the <br />tqFlBFlue of my constructon is at least frve hundred dollars ($500), including labor and matorials, I may be considered an <br />'e-mploye/ under state and bderal la\fl. <br />A\ ,understand if I am considered an 'employer' under state and Federal law, I must register with the state andWrll govemment. withhold payroll taxes, provido lvorksrs' comp€nsation disatility insurance, and contribute to <br />udemployment compensation of each 'employee.' I also understand my failure to abide by th6se laws may subject me to <br />s€rious financial risk. <br />NIf tundersbnd under Califomia contractors' State License Law, an owner-Buitder who builds singte-lamityr{$n]tial sructures cannot legally build them wilh the intenl to offer them tor sale, unless a/l work is F€iormeo 6y <br />lic€ns€d subcontractors and ths number of structures does not exceed four within any calendar years, or all of the work is <br />periormed undar contract with a licensed general building Contractor. <br />SAITIA AM CITY Co(JNCIL <br />ara*r.d6 MaflrE raart-/n rl}d ft e-.f.E O8-i.dra.-rki @ <br />CITY IIA'{AGER <br />Oavid Cavazoa <br />CITY ATTORNEY <br />Soiia R. Carvalho <br />CLERK Of THE COUNCIL <br />lLria O. Hut r <br />idn- tb.r S.l l,-ovYtrts vt daEEdEa Sl&rfllo