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t a <br />AtL-AMtRtCA CI f 1982-83 <br />:oClVlC CtNT[R PLAZA. p O BOx 198s <br />SANTA ANA, CAL IIORNIA 92702 <br />FINAL NOTICE AND ORDERRe: Orange County <br />and commonly <br />August 7, 1984 <br />Assessor I s <br />known as <br />Parcel Number 009-031-10 <br />309 North Maln St r'eet <br />Robert C. Thee1, Gen Partner <br />Odd Eellows BIdg. Pa r tnershi p <br />309 North Main St ree r <br />Santa Ana, Ca. 92707 <br />THIS NOTICE is beinp spnr ro you pursuant to santa Ana Hunicipal code (sAMC) section8-2004(e) and Sectiin 701(c) ;f ti,," u"ii".r-cli" ror the .cuatlieni-Ji i"ng"rou" Buildingsr <br />YOUR ARE HEREBY NOTIFTED that tlre above-described structure has been deemed ro consliru.ea dangerous building due Lo non-compliance wiLh Arricre xr (.orri"iini'it s""tion" 8-2007) of chapter 8 of the smlc'eniiiiea-;;";;;;;;"";");;;";:;;:filn in Existins <br />3:tlli"3:;;""1::1.,. xr or chapter a-"i-in"-srffi i.s conmonly kno;-;;-;;" city,s seiimic <br />A review of our records reveals that you obtained building permits to conduct fu11 . seismic <br />de, Section <br />offi cial <br />nd void 1f <br />ys from the <br />repair of your buildin 8 on July 27, 1 981.The 1979 Uniform Buildin gCo303(d) enritled Expira tion slates that, "Every pe rnit issued by the buildunder the provi sion of this code shall expire by limitation and become nu <br />an8 <br />the building or work aut.hori zed by such permit is 11 a <br />date of such pernit, or if t he bui 1d in <br />not commenced vithin 180 da <br />abandoned a <br />or work author ized b such rmit is sus ended orE any time a fter the work 1S Commenc ed for a eriod of 180Jour records i nd ica tes that cons t.r <br />p a S.A review of <br />has beensuspended in excess of lg0 days, <br />uction uork unde r your seismic repair permi t <br />YOu ARE THEREI'ORE ADVISED rhar pursuant. ro section 701(c) of the uniform code for rheAbate,cnt of Dangerous buildings, ""t-"i,ich is attached herero as Exhibit ,,A,, andillcorporated by reference, thaa if the'iequired sej.smic repair or demolitionis notcommenced L',ithin thirrv (30) days or tne issuance of this Finar Notice and order thebuilding witt be po"t"d "" ; "D;;s;;";;'B;ii;i;8,, "tr;'i;,;;;;;".'J"."-1r"" required. Beadvised Lhar commencement of "o.r."pri=r"ni-i.-i'ii" Norice must u" ,..iii"o by rhe permirand rnspection services.Department. i"-".n"iri" an inspection please call g34-4g92betveen rhe hours of 8:00 io 8:30 ".r:-.;-;;;0'to 4:30 p.m.rt is suggested that you notify each of your tenants of the contents of this Notice sothar they can take aDpropriate action beiore ine Oeaafine. <br />This Notice and Order is not appealable. <br />-a <br />6 <br />6. <br />I <br />6. <br />*J <br />Yours trul v%,l*_ <br />Phil Freeland, Execu!ive <br />Community Development & <br />PF: sm <br />Altachment <br />Director <br />Housing Agency <br />a? <br />l!,1AYoR <br />D.niel E. Crirer <br />VICT MAYOR <br />P. lee lohnlon <br />COUNCILMTMBTRS <br />John A.olra <br />l\ rllon B. Ha <br />R. \{. Iurembourter <br />Parri(ia A. M(Curgan <br />Dan Young <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />CITY MANACIR <br />Robert C Bobb <br />CIT\ ATI OR\t\ <br />tdward I Coopcr <br />cttRI ot THt cot r\ctt <br />Jrnrr c C Cut