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Recorded at request o <br />City of Santa Ana <br />Idhen recorded, return to <br />City of Santa Ana <br />Planning & Developmen t <br />20 Civic Center Plaza <br />Santa Ana, Ca. 92701 <br />L 8ri-21q567 (' <br />Services <br />Hl9 <br />XE MPI <br />cl4 <br />3F3Ji:?,i"",i^iig,:3^?,..%T?,i <br />-3Ig PM MAY 23,84 <br /><>{'6 >/J.-..1-,gtdl" <br />NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN'3lI llorth llain Streat <br />EXEMPT RECORDING REQUEST PER GOV'T CODE 6103 <br />NOT]CE OF SUBSTANDARD BUILDING <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA'S SEISMIC SAFETY ORDINANCE <br />lhat the cerrain bullding or buildings located at: <br />, Santa Ana,California, descr j. bed g9 fn1 'l 1r.'c.0ut ort eet oe ot an he llorth 20 Feet <br />0 f the Town of Santa <br />CA <br />na as s own on ma n a oo ao e <br />Santa Ana, <br />TRLISTETS OF <br />County of Orin <br />SAIITA AIIA, LOD <br />e, Stat e of California, <br />E i ?r[ ]f^F the record owner or ovners beingI <br />G <br />has been found, by inspection and revieu, to contai-n oasonry wa11s of a design andwithin the scope of the Cityrs Seismic <br />subject t.o the provisions of Article XI <br />type of unreinforced construction that fatlsSafety Ordlnance. As such, this building isof Chapter 8 of the Santa Ana Municipal Code. <br />0n February 19, 1980, the city council of the city of Santa Ana adopted ordlnancelio. NS-1518. This ordinance, entitled "Earrhquake Hazard Reduction i.n Exisri.ngBuildi'ngs" added Article xI , consi.sring of Seitions g-2000 ro &2007, to chaptEr gof the sant.a Ana Municipal code. on September B, 1991, the city council adoptedordinance No. NS-l598, uhich amended Arricle xI of chapter g of the Munlcipai codeby arnending sections 8-2002, 8-2004, 8-2005 and 8-2006, and by adding section g-2004.5lhereto. on March 14, 1983, the city council adopted ordinance No. is-1673, rrnicnamended Arricle XI of chapter 8 of the Municipal code by amending Sections g-2003, <br />8-2006 and 8-2007, and by adding secrions 8-2b03.r, 8-2b03.5, .nI 8-zooa.r rhereto.Hereafter ln thj.s Notice, 0rdinance No. NS-I51g, as anended by ordj.nances Nos. NS-151gand NS-1673 r^'i11 be referred to as the city's .seismic safety Ordinance". <br />The onner is required to have a structural analysis made of the bullding by a ]icensedstructurar engineer, civil engj.neer or architect. This structural anallsis is to besubmitted to the DePartment of Planning & Development Services for revi;v within tvohundred and seventy (27C) days fron and after thi date of aervj.ce of the Director'silritial Notice. If the building is found to be deficient under the standards -.stab-lished by the ordinance, plans and carcu-r-ations necessary for corrective L,ork are tobe submitted together lrith the structural analysis. The omer shall cause the buildingto be structurally altered so as to conform to the sLandards of the ordinance or causeit to be demolished. Permits required to acconptish-tr,. n"i"s".iy'"ir J!tu."l altera-tions shaIl be obtained no.t latei than one (r) iear tron and after the date of serviceof the Directorrs initial Notice. <br />The required alterations must conunence withj.n one hundred eighty (1g0) days from andafter the date the permit is issued, The building nust be corrected to neet the <br />minimum requirements of the 0rdinance not later than three (3) years from and after <br />o o <br />I