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o o <br />l.}CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />ALt-A\ltRlcA clT\ 1981-81 <br />CITY ITA\ACTR <br />Roben c Bobb <br />CITY ATTOR\IY <br />td*ard I Coopet <br />cLtRI or THt couNclt <br />Janr(e C. 6uy <br />, Santa Ana <br />4tt-r'\1AYOR <br />R. w. Lurembou8er <br />VICT A,IAYOR <br />Oaniel t. Cnset <br />COUNCITMTMBTRS <br />lohn A(osra <br />Cordon 8n(ken <br />P. Lee lohnson <br />Patncra A. M(CuiSan <br />Dan YoongApril 20, 1984 <br />Mr. Robert C. Theel . Gen. Partner <br />Odd Fellovs 81d3. PartnershiP <br />c/o RCT Development <br />309 N. l'lain Street <br />Sanra Ana, Ca. 92701 <br />Dear Mr. Theel: <br />Subject: Building Located a <br />Described as Orang <br />t 311 North Main Street <br />e County Asse ssor's Parce1 No.009 031 10 <br />0n SeP tenber 26, 1983 , the owner of record r.r as sent <br />classified the bu i 1d-ln8 re <br />(Medium Risk) pursuant to <br />ferenced above from Ciass II <br />the City's Seismi,c SafetY Or <br />a letter vhich re- <br />(High Risk) to Class IlI <br />dinance (Section 8-20O0 <br />through 8-2007 S. A '1"1. C. ) <br />This letter is to inform <br />j.s required to Provide a <br />enS,ineer, civil engineer <br />you that under the P rovisions of the Ordinance Lhe owner <br />structural analysis P repared by a licensed structural <br />or architect. This s tructural analYsis, togethel' wit h <br />plans and calculations necessary for corrective uork, is to be submltted to lhe <br />Citl''s Departnent of Planning and Development Services for review by April 24' <br />1984. Pernits requJ-red to accomP lish the necessary structural alterations must <br />be obtained by Ju1 29 1984. The req uired alterations oust connence uithin one <br />hundred ei8hty 80) days from the dat e Lhe permit is issued, and the building1 <br />nust be corrected to neet Ehe mininum req uirerDents of the ordinance not later <br />than July 29, 1986.As you should be aware,this is the same information Pro- <br />vided you in the or iginal Notice and Order s ent to you on July 29, 1983. <br />Very truly yours, <br />The consequences of fail-ing to comply L'ith any of the dates of the 0rdinance are <br />that you vi11 be required io vacate th" b'iloing and leave it vacant until such <br />;;;; lh;a you n"u" completed the seismic rehabilitation rrork or you may be required <br />to denolish the structure. In additionr you may be subject to crininal or cj'vj'l <br />,ltion tuk"n by the City Attorney. In ord"r to avoid these consequences' I <br />recormend Ehat you take imoediate action to submit the siructural analysis, plans, <br />and obtain permits as required by Lhe Ordinance' <br />This letter 1s being sent to you as a courtesy so that you I'iI1 be aware of up- <br />;;;;r;-ai;y aitto's-and of uhat ts required of you Eo cooply uirh rhe seisnic - <br />Safety Ordinance. <br />If you have any questions about these requirements, please call Steve Crawford <br />in this office at 834-4992. <br />fr^! frril"lPhil Freeland. Director <br />Planning and Development Servj'ces <br />oPF: ih o <br />20 crvrc cENltR PLAZA . P.o. Box r988 <br />SANTA ANA, CATITORNIA 927O2