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t o <br />EXHIBIT A <br />Chapter z <br />ENFORCEMENT OF THE OROER <br />OF THE BUILDING OFFICIAL <br />OR THE BOARO OF APPEALS <br />Complianco <br />S!c.701, (a) Genertl. Afler an).ordcr of lhc building official or lheBoard of AFpeals made pursuanr io rhis code,r,"ri r,"..6..o..]irrr, n"person ro \rhom anr such order is directed sha fail, neelcct or rcfusc roobc! an\ sr,jch o-rder. An) such person $ho fajls lo "i,f., "niru.f,order is tuilt) of a misdemeanor. <br />_ (b).fsilure lo Obet Ord.r. lf, afrcr anl order of rhc buildinr officisl orBoard of Appeals madc pursuanr to rhrs codc ha5 bccor. f,;;i:,h. ;;;;;to \rhom such order is direcl.d shall fail, neglccr or r.furiio;;i;;:;ordrr,-lhc building official ma) (i) causc,rih p.rron to U. rr"il.r,.ounder Subscoion (a) of rhis scclion or (ii) insriruri anl "pn,opr.iaia;;;;;ro abarc such buildin8 as a public nuisancc. <br />(c) Frilure to Commtncc trlorl. \\,hencrer rhe rcquired rcDair ordemolrrron is nor commcnccd .lilhin 30 da)s "f,.r. ,nr-4,;;i no,;; ";;order issued under this code becomes effecrir e: <br />L The l"uilJrnS offriia) shall cau!e rh(. build,nt dr,.;rrt,eci jn tut.l i(,lr,la.nJ. orde, ro he \aaared b) posung ar each enrranie ,f,ara,o " noi;.araadrng: <br />1979 E DITION 701 <br />DANCEROUS BL'ILDING <br />DO NOT OCCUP'I' <br />Ir ii a misdcmeanor lo occup).this building <br />or to remo\ e or defa(c I hi! noljcc. <br />::,,::::i3l:::: <br />2 No. pcrson shall occupy an) buildin8 $hich has becn posrcd asspc.ified in this sutts.ition. No-person shall rcmorc or aefacc'an.'iui.tnorice so posred unril thr repalrs. demollion or rcmo\al order; hr.i;;ljrlCrnE of,rcral hare heen comFlelad and a Ccrlftaare of O.iuoanrrs. ucd.pursuanr ro r he pror isrons of th. Buildint Code. <br />3. Thc building official ma), in addilion to an].othcr .cm.dt hcr€in <br />Frg\ rded. causc tha buildrnS to b. raparrcd ro tlrc citenr n*.rs"ri ,o-ior-r..r rhc condrrron( u hrch rrnd.r the t,uilding dangerous a5 scr foril", i:r L.tnoricc and ordcr; or, if rht noticc and ordrr rcquir.a O..oiiiior, ,o i"rr.thc burlding ro bc sotd and demolishcd or dcmolishcd <br />"rO rf,. m"i.iiJ..rubblc and dcbris rh.rcfrom rcmotcd 8nd rhc lol clcancd. en, ,u"i i."ri,or demoljrion -r orl shall bc sccomplishcd and thc corr tf,.r.Jo"iJlnarciovcr.d in the manncr hcrcinaflcr provided in rtri, coac. nn,: iuroirircalizcd from rhc salc of any such buildint. o, fro. rf,. a.-oiiiiJn <br />:ffi iiil',1"j:il,';ffi iff :'J ;:,:.# llliX,l,,":l,?,'J,,i"],Jl',' ",",,