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oo <br />\IAYOR <br />R. W tuxembourger <br />\1CT N,IAYOI <br />Oaniel t. Cnter <br />c ouNcrL\,rtM8t R5 <br />lohn Aaosta <br />Cordon Brc|en <br />- P. tee Johnson <br />Patri(ra A. M(Cui&n <br />Dan Young <br />AIL-A,\ltRrcA clTY 198:-81 <br />CITY \,IA\ACTR <br />Roben C Bobb <br />CITY ATlOR\TY <br />td\aard, Cooper <br />cttRI or THt couNclL <br />lan,(e C CulCITY OF SANTA ANA <br />2l CIVIC CENTTR PIAZA. P O BOX1988 <br />5A\TA ANA, CAI.ITORNIA 9270? <br />Aprl1 26, 1984 <br />Mr. PauI H. Pol lock <br />Rockingham Bui Iders Cor p. <br />11471 Sunset Blvd. <br />Los Angeles, Ca. 90049 <br />Dear Mr. Pollock: <br />I am replying to y our letter of March 20 1984 , requesting re- <br />classification of Ehe building located at 410 North l"laln St reet <br />Sec.8-2003.1.Alternate determination of rating classification. <br />Santa Ana from Class III (Mediurn Risk) to Class IV (Lov Risk). It is <br />virh regret that f must deny your request for said reclassi flcation per <br />section 8-2003.1(a) of rhe santa Ana Municipal Code which reads as follovs: <br />(a)Fi ling of floor n of utilj.zing Table No.33-A ofDlan. I <br />Chapter 33 of the <br />classification of <br />Uni form <br />a buildi <br />Building Code for determining the rating <br />ng, the ovner of any such bui.lding may file <br />L,ith the director a floor plan of, and other supPortins documents <br />pertaining to the bui1din8, together lrith a vritten request that the <br />ultern"te determination of rating classification be used for such <br />building. Such floor plan and suPPorLinS documentation sha11 be <br />fited uitn the director no later than one hundred and eighty (I80) <br />days frum the dare of service of the director's order under subsection <br />(b) of Section 8-2004. <br />The ' <br />JuIy"director's order" (initial order/notice) vas mailed to the <br />29, 1983 . Therefore, reclassification h'as Possible <br />Januar 24, rg9tt <br />-proper t Y Olrner <br />only up unti 1 <br />If you have any questions Please contact Steve Crawford in this office at <br />834-4183, <br />Yours very tru1y, <br />.-\ <br />r--r- , -1 . /./: +(-i /.LLl,Lt'<\ <br />Phil Freeland, Di rec tor <br />Planning & DeveloPment Services <br />PF: ih