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Aug-16-99 OZ: I5p T <br />Al]0. ttj i999 <br />a <br />nyo Lum! !icul\l,)li.)u <br />760 7ztrl6355 <br />l!v. f l'.,1 <br />P -02r.1 t <br />QoxsrnucrroN lbsnxc r f,xcrxEERrNG, rNC. <br />sAN rltlco, cA <br />l.aa rE!.r.,t lra <br />Sltl G <br />fs{aao, CA <br />O€t1.,r4s <br />OOI 'AIX rrr <br />TIYEISIDf,. CA <br />i E hi!&a Ct!.L, <br />Corrr. CAl,'ltlt <br />,i9 rn-rrn <br />rIr)rl.l[a'rt <br />vrxnir, cr <br />laa! H. A'. <br />tdt l0l <br />Oa( (l9f0l! <br />rll).+aa?, <br />(51) a*tal, ?rr <br />TlACt, Cl <br />to w.lrd <br />Sdr. t <br />fr&I, CrrrtL <br />lD! rrlrDo(l,,l,ara..r <br />LittcA.tII fl.. cl <br />ar:r lGt tr *. <br />trd ILe.r. Cttt${ <br />{aal) rrararl <br />(6al) 7]tf,li r^rENGINEERINC, INC. <br />Augusr 6, 1999 <br />Nutoch Eotcrprises, Inc. <br />Ann: Pae lrvdle <br />4749 Occansidc Btvd., Suite J <br />Occansidc, CA 92056 <br />Subject. Addendum I - South Sundard Ave. <br />Total and DilTcrential Sa cmen <br />CTEJobNo 40{613 <br />Refcrcnccd <br />Report: <br />Rcport of Soil InvEstigrlion <br />2215 Sotlh Strndard Aw. Proposcd Addition <br />Srttr Am, Crlifomb <br />Prepucd by CTE, tnc. <br />Dared April 5, 1999 <br />Dear Mr. Lrvcllg <br />The followiry laler is prcser[ed to povirlc clarificarion regarding edthment values r"hted to <br />comfuction aod li(lucfrctioa scttlcment. <br />In scction 10.3 2 thc maximum tolrl long-t€rm structure scttlement was €,q)ected to bc less thrn <br />I irch. Differcntial scttlcorent duc to lorg-term wnsuuction scttlement is expu:.ted to be lcss <br />than % inch. ln soction E.4.5, totrl set crncnt as a rcsrlt of liquefaaion during thc predictcd <br />scisrnic event was ostfuiated to be 0 9 inches Differcnrial scttlement as a rosult of this <br />liqnefactioo is exgecred to bc in thc order of % irch Thcrcfore thc toal oombined diffeterlial <br />Iloundation satlemcnt fronr long-term conswction scttlcment and liqucfaction from thc predictal <br />seismic event is cstimotcd to be a maximum l-inch ovcr the lcogth ofthe hrilding. <br />Based on our expcriencc comrcte til up *ruatnes cen typically rccommo<late di{fcrential <br />sailement of this manindc without rigoificut srudunl dicrcss. <br />It hrs bocn e pkasrrt to be ofscrvicc, if yur haw aay qucstions, plerse do not hesitate to call at <br />qD-l7r-t890. <br />Sincerely, <br />CONSTRUCIION TESTING & <br />GE t2t73 J. Patula, EG d2057 <br />Geot*hnical Engio*ring Fnginccring Geologis <br />, \ti!* (c(IEd la dls-Iln^|.-lri, &. <br />No. 2173 <br />E$. l,30mo <br />GEOTECIINICAL AND CONSTf, UCTION ENGTNEERING TESTING AND II\SPLCTIO:{