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SITE.WORK DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />SubfloorA/enUlnsul./-- z r'lRoof Sheathing 1e'zo <br />Shear Wall ?-e-zt ec- z 7 <br />Framing <br />lnsulation/Energy W.2o lLc- L 4 <br />Drywall <br />@ltnt. t+ttr ?46 lLr-;,-\ <br />Brown Coat 9+,t-D U* *et <br />Masonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req. <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Engineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif <br />FINAL ,-l-z(P c,g lelts"Z1 <br />Certificate of Occupancy <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />/ <br />".- __l <br />,o..t,l <br />fu., c.a{ <br />--1 <br />O'r.lul& D..&rrbn <br />u!d- Fif, olFrrr ltrl I e d6!l fqa lll. Cocrc..r' Li(ru l8 for dr tollosir tts (B?ot Lt auilE <br />Co&). An, Cr, n cotdy xtid GqliE r Fhr to ooll!u.( .ld, ioFlll d.nollh o. rlFi .!y .rudut, Fior r.i ill <br />..qunr .b.,+?lialn f.,,u.rr Ftut t aL t .irrld ,rrleer rhr lE or rl* . Ii.dr.d pc..u!r ro rlE pevi.iod or ln. <br />hw (C,rptd 9, Cm,ffiihg yirh Sd6n 7000 ol Divnion I ol tlk Bui.d .nd Prolqloa Cod.) or $[ h. d <br />th.r.&om rid th. b.rit fd tlE ru.t.d d!f,ptloi .Any vioLrbi ofs..rioi 70, My m, rpplir.m for . 9..l rubj@u rlE <br />clvil p. lry of Ior mr. $.n flrc tund,..l doUD (l5OO} <br />of rtu Propdtr, or dy 6pby€ qitl {ta , 0,.n 6 h oftp.ulbA wrll do th. srt .!n rlE .l.!46. ir mr ficdc.l <br />r& ( sd.roaa. BullE!.ld Proft.riou Cod. L C6e@ r Li@ br doa Er rp?ly b & ow of d! prcp.ny <br />ihtr6{ d,6q rid {b a€ &.r s limlto. hiElf o, ttuodr hn o, hd os 6tby...' FdiLd U'.r nen <br />rG Et nr.!d.d or o[...] 6r r.l^ l4 bort€, tb. hriltli{ or i6Fora!.!i b lokl vth]! @ F. of @rplaD'\ itE <br />*ill h.w d!. t dd of provi.r Lllr h o,.lE ml tsill or ioproE lor Ot pupo& of !L) <br />6f lh. proFty. t6 qcluiwly 6.r,.dinr wnl lies.d @ntuDr to 6Br,uc rh. Foj.c ( Sa 70.4. Buhs .d <br />Tl,o Co.L6r', Lic.@ Irv d6 Bt rptl, ro u .w 6f Fopdty *h. hlild, n inFoE d--n . ..d ,f,o <br />prols wln r contEro(t) lim.d pununt to th. C.trindoar Li..E. trw.) <br />uid6 S{rir l.&Pcforti@o <br />E0ETIES.CAIIEMAIIO!-SIC!4EAIIqtr <br />lrdd p.uty of FJlry oE oI lr'. !olowi!8 dEh.rrior: <br />eill iuir r Cddfior.ofcorEatL S.lfJEur.lor s 6i 6dD.e!6( s provildl for b/ S6lb. ! 7OO ofrlE <br />d. rdformne ol$. et for which th. rsdir n inu.d. <br />u mirtrh s qr' @dr.drio, ienM, a r.q!ir.! by Sccrbn:t700 of !h. Lbor CodG, lor d'. Flomic. of th. <br />thi Fbn ! 6E l. My ErLd 6hp.Br6n i ase ffir .!rd polty iu6h.. u.: <br />l{t . <br />rct b. @nlcla.d iflh. pe6r ir lor 06 huo&.d dolhd {tloo) or Ls) <br />iDdEFdolrllleotdEv! fd e'ti.rr th! paEn i, ilrcd, I rhrll .ot.6pby .Dy Fmn in ey Ernns ro u !o <br />io th. Erld @mp.nrI6tr Lu olc.lforoir. .rn .l,6 in r if I ould h@m rubr..r to th. so o' <br />Sation 1700 of rh! l,bor Cod., I rhrll, fonlwilr <br />0 L <br />lu. ro t@'. Erld @Eporilo @E rc ! uhetuL .,rd 3b.llrlbj.a u ro ciDiol Dcrlri- rdl civil <br />brl(t d dbd.d rblLn (l100,000).i, rddisn t! dE 6!rof@6!.!..rna dr t.r! FoviLd 60rrL sc.rion 1076 of <br />intaan .d .!d*yt t6 <br />Llcrlasrn coMrl aroili pzct-aIrT]oN <br />uada Frty olp6J'Ly Lt t I u lt it d urd. Plovnli ofcllpld 9 (66n6mt *ith S..rron 7000) ofDivirbi I of <br />ProaabE Codc .d my li6. i i. tull lora rnd.6@i <br />o <br />CONS?IUCTION Lf, NDII{G AGINCY <br />u't6 p6ry of paiory drt thd. ir . o'.ttudbn!s l8aEy for t[. F.lo'Ei6 of rrE wl 6r wtii,b rir F6n u <br />AIII,ICAdIIIICIJEAIIAN <br />NotiIEd,oi r.d6.l R!3lLibu CIrh 40, !.n 6) <br />li. f.da.l rBuLtioo r.aydry !!€rq r@rl !G @! .rdrrbL l. dnr FoJ.4 <br />I t E ,ad l.hir .ppliqtba &.1 .lrt ttu l!. .bov! in ordro b coma I r3r.. to coqly with .ll City .!d Couny <br />Slr[ tr{ ,.Ltrt io hildi!8 @clrucb'\.u{F,iz. Epr@noliq of thi. Cily .n l C.uR, to .itd <br />zol/o <br />BUILDING. INSPECTOR <br />MIWP5lP..Iril+lrp.don Racori.doc 03.31 <br />CORD <br />Erection Pads <br />f------T------