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CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />DEVELOPMENT FEES WORKSHEET -- ELECTRICAL PERMIT <br />Project Addiess: C L.*0 9 ; U,1-6 E- GOAy Contractor: SU f E.'2042¢2- 2.662:Z . MDV <br />Tenant Name:TH C Flac(& EAL) POACE Address:no o VJ . CLW A- A e,c VM gr- <br />Building Owner: 0/1 /4-Kev#- 91202€ru643.0 City: 68 st,: C/1 Zip: 9cd' 1 7 <br />Address:,7-4, f»-- 1-A- A-1·a-MAEd)A Contractor License No.: & 7 /€-9 6- <br />City: CLL,(T6ow\J,re;Ost.: 2N-Zip: 1 2.69 /Contractor EmaW#' C 4 M+4 64- Le Su Aa-.2Jc,/L. <br />Phone:949 ( 3 4* - 737 3 Phone:5-62--4 €?r- 56-08- <br />Contact Person:STadG ZE:*d r f A-060 Contact E-Mail Strongly Recommended PLEASE PRINT: <br />Contact Phone:3/ 0 < L(art - 5--7 03- €iR K.. ee-r 141 T t- c.© CE (Ad»l k d. eoj--1 <br />NEW BUILDING 1-1 OCCUPANCY CHANGE r-1 <br />ELECTRICAL ITEM Count $ EACH ELECTRICAL ITEM Count $ EACH <br />125 Volt Receptacle Outlets <br />Light Switches, Occupancy Sensors <br />Light Fixtures -J <br />Air Conditioners, Heat Pumps <br />Factory-Wired UnitS (So/idHook-Ups) <br />Dedicated Circuits (15 or 20AMPReceptacies) <br />Time Clock, Photo-Cell, Time Switch <br />1.25 LOW VOLTAGE SYSTEMS - EACH: phone, data outlet, <br />speaker, thermostat, door holder, doorbell, pull station, smoke <br />1.36 detector, alarm device, card reader, etc.(circle items) <br />90 COMMERCIAL: <br />83.58 FIRST 10 devices or outlets .29.22 <br />21.39 Additional devices, each 2.76 <br />21.39 Each control panel, power supply 13.93 <br />10.43 annunciator, switch or aux equip. <br />Track-Light, Cable Tray, Special RESIDENTIAL: <br />Raceway, Plugmold, Under-Floor Duct,Single Dwelling unit 31.6721.39 <br />Plug-in Busway, Surface Duct, Etc.Each add'I dwelling unit (2 to 20)27.86 <br />(Each 100 Feet or any fraction thereof)Each add'I unit Cover 20)17.01 <br />SERVICE METERS & PANELS: Service Meter, Reset Meter,MISCELLANEOUS <br />Subpanel, Switchboard, Motor Control Center, Transfer Switch,Light Standard (Pole) with 1 Fixture 21.39 <br />Busduct, or other Distribution Equipment changes or modifications.Additional Fixtures - same pole · 0.00 <br />(circle items as needed) <br />Power Pole (Tempom,y)88.90Use this co/umn ifa Service 5%r-#j A# others here Additional distribution poles 21.39 <br />Under 400 amperes 45.96 Swimming Pool, Spa, Fountain 104.45 <br />400 amperes to 1199 amperes 125.31 Above ground spa 45.13 <br />1200 amperes and over 208.79 Demolition 41.79 <br />POWER APPARATUS: Motor, Transformer, Welder, Industrial SIGNS & neon/LED decorative <br />64.79Equipment, Oven, Rectifier, Generator, Surge Arrestor, Water |ightillg (3200retndablesign bond) <br />Heater, Photovoltaic Panel, or other Power Equipment changes or NEW or TOTAL REWIRE for SINGLE FAMILY DWELLIVGS <br />modifications. (c#cietemsasneeded) Per HP, kW, or kVA SFD Per square foot .12 <br />0101 3.08 Garage Per square foot .12 <br />Over 1 to 10 20.09 SUBTOTAL $ <br />Over 10 to 50 39.86 P/C 65% of SUBTOTAL $ <br />Over 50 to 100 90.52 MIN. FEE - (Nonresidential) $63.28 <br />Over 100 to 500 130.06 ISSUANCE & General Plan Surcharge $ 47.48 + 19,04 = $66.52 <br />Over 500 162.46 TOTAL $ <br />....= ri-,1..· .11-tn. ·3€t:·. '1,·E.:' :1' Y ,.4 LU,i».2,91'92 . 5'-c &:71,OFEICE IUSEj.ONUY&-1ilf<kiliOFE¢29·2<4,1.¢i 2-4·ti,,n.,:-4 i€t:Ut:·ST'ks< <br />BLDG PMT RECEIPT By DATE <br />OCCUPANCY TYPE P/CPAID 2015g €58 <br />APP FOR ELECTRICAL 06-24-2013 APP-02 CEC2013