<br />Waste & Vent
<br />Water-Under floor
<br />Gas-Underfloor
<br />Building Sewer
<br />Area/Storm Drain
<br />lnterceptor/ Clarifier
<br />TOP OUT
<br />Waste & Vent
<br />Water Piping
<br />Gas Piping
<br />Roof Drain
<br />I
<br />I'()
<br />I
<br />Tub/Shower Test )
<br />Rough Water Heater
<br />P-trap/Drain Line
<br />Main Drain/Pool Piping
<br />Fill Line/Back Flow
<br />Miscellaneous
<br />Gas Service
<br />Water Service
<br />Lawn Sprinkler
<br />Sanitary Sewer/Cap
<br />Back Flow Device
<br />Rough Plumbing ,r3-a /Z y'r,il c.<rrg r4q
<br />Final Gas Test
<br />Meter Release
<br />FINAL 24,a /g,a2e/7
<br />tmm u!'& !a.ty of Fjlry dl, I & a.r4r 600 U. Codr.d6' U6* l,e for lh. 6[owi$ lrn (Sc.?o]l.J
<br />.'d Pro&.is Cod.), A!, Ciy o. Coud, *ntl r!q!ir6 r F6a ro 6dtu t .16. iry!$c d@litt d !tP., e,
<br />Fin ro i! illlt& .lo .lqlnB rb tdi.d 6. r.t FEi lo 6L . 3i!.d r.@t ltr h. q rr. i! li.o.d FDd
<br />ol $. cotu*id r Li.E!.d L.w (clrarE 9. c.IrlllEna win sdbn 7000 of Dn6bn I of D. &ri6 Ed
<br />cod.) o. du ln d ilE !! d.q. $drfoD.d rL t ir 6, rlE n,.8.d ddlcdn. &y vbhiE ofsErih 701LJ by tty
<br />tu r ,qEn qbidi! rlE glidd !o . cMl Frly of 6r tuE ib& flc hgnd &[.. {lt@)
<br />ffi olfi. FDF,. d ny.qlorc win wr36. drn -L @iDd.irG wi! & oEwt -d lh t'dE i d
<br />dotutu ot ls4.7oaa. a6i6 6d FtlferiE Co& TIE Co'tEql Li@ re .b6 tur dr ro r o\rc ot
<br />wiD h,ill 6 urso6 rE@ d *tD d€i.i 6t hitcltd tadf d dmlsi in d tE oh.4bta
<br />rh.l iEi o4.oEEr. c @r itl6d.d 6 ofb,.d 6. -L lf, hoM. dr buildll d irFovaH b $U witn c tib( th. ()*E B{il& wil trw rh h,& of Fovrg tbi lr d rlE dd lbl hrld 6, mFE dE FFly lor dE F F.c of
<br />o"c of$e proIErr, @ GclNivcly .ornr.din8 wnh hcaEd conlr.loB lo 6triu1 rlE Fq.d (Sd. 70,14. &Bind
<br />cod.: Tt. conlfttoir Lic6. trw d.6 nor .pply ro d o*G of Flpdty *l& buil& or iE9@v6 th6oG
<br />oirn l. for .u.h wnh . Cod!.to(, ,a@.d pBqi to dE coirdoir LkGc Lr*).
<br />.rdF unda scrior . A a P.C. tor
<br />'hi] 'wn
<br />otv.a latf,EElco!4tBtArlo!
<br />DECIdAAEq!dlm on& F.rt olFiuy oE of rlE folbwiB &ibrir6:
<br />.d will m' .n! . Cdiftd. oacoMt 16 Sdf-lBc ,r 6!4drb.. ! Foria.d 61 1, Se r lr@ ot E
<br />ld tlE Ffolllle ol0E wr for *|iit llt FEi a iq,.<t
<br />.!d rilldir.i! h.ta .oq.crir illltq d Equtld hy Sclbn !?00 of $.lrhot C.d.. for tt. Fel!!E! of
<br />t4(OtoA cl.7f.zt
<br />lt r i. rh. FfolM. of UE wort lor sfii.h lhi! ,6mi r a$.d. Lrll rcr dplo, ry F$D i, oy m.lw
<br />tcomruber to rh.w d'compcadio, Lwrof C.lifomn. Dd!{6thi if I druld bdoru$t..1lollE
<br />comporrion prornno of Sclirn 1700 oflh. ldor ( 6da Lull, fodh*ith @md, $ nh linr FDlisioB
<br />llil@ !o su. *sld oryaErir ova{. ir dd rlull xbirl e alobF ro ciDi!.I rn
<br />rp lo oE hurH tholEi &UE {ll00.000). in b tlE oi ot @iq@riotr do+6 ! FlviLd fo, lt
<br />m76 ofrll Cod.. irtEd &d rldry . fc
<br />a
<br />.flir u& Frt, ot Fi'Ey thr I d llvirir of chai6 I (ffiha t{h s.dbtr 7@) ol lr'6bi !
<br />efilq2r-'Li'zr
<br />.irtrh oi& IEdry of Fjuy rh! thc ir ! otrrruAio! b'diry i{*y for $. p6fo'rlm. of rlE @rt tu $fith Ub Fni h
<br />Pool Heater/Gas Line
<br />lf+o'z{
<br />\7
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc.
<br />t.
<br />l.d'ry lnr
<br />'lE
<br />frdai Eiul!6 EslnEs !td6 @rd e @l Td..t G lo rh! FlF
<br />I
<br />Jifyrhr I l&r Ed rh!.rDlEi&n.n {r.lh. rb..t w i!tumrio! i.qrel.I {Eto otrd,wnhrU Cny.!dCou ,
<br />lB .ad $dc 1... r!U!r ro hildii8 corya& ed lslby dho&t EFsrrivq or6n ciy &d coomy lo and l4oi tlE
<br />L"i. l lmErv nr iir,*-n nrnid-
<br />1,.,u-.,r-,"-, Z n. h'LC'lr
<br />l*^*- W1\ atut+t
<br />"rr,., C 7 L
<br />I AIfi-rc vt Dt'l rlrt'ol
<br />{ilffiffiS*i5ffiHfl;-"