<br />Set Backs
<br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns
<br />Erection Pads
<br />UFER Ground
<br />SLAB Floor
<br />Sublloor/VenVlnsulation
<br />Roof Sheathing
<br />Framinq
<br />lnsulation/Enerqy
<br />Drywall
<br />Ext./lnt. Lath
<br />Brown Coat
<br />Masonry
<br />Pool Fence
<br />T-Bar
<br />Handicap Req
<br />Deputy Final Report
<br />Engineer Final Report
<br />Flood Zone Certif .
<br />FINAL
<br />Certiticate of Occupancy
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc.
<br />lr
<br />FMlry or Fr,lry rhr I m.r'll, iron llE Conlrklnr' Lrcns Liw nn lh. dk,viry ,.rarn (\* 7J.ll.5
<br />C,r.lct Any Ciry or Counry *h(h icqums r lr{nd ti .omnd, !ltd, ,r{,o\r, &ml6h or rF, ..y
<br />rituc., rl*, Equ@r rh. {'p1.,! lo kh Fm' n, nb. 3|3En {rcrd lhr lE or slr i' h.n-d nu i'r
<br />tlE CMULTd'! Lir.rJ L.* (Chrfl.r e. CoImfthi *irn S(ri 7lx)0 orDrvishr I oflh. Bxen.*s r
<br />or rhrr tr or dE n cicmp lscliom .,rl rlr h,ss l(1r rh. sll+cd .rcn{rD. An, vnndrlholSdnn 701!.5|ryr.}
<br />n Nbl.tls th. +r ..trr lo r uvil I'.Dlly ol d BK rhrn nv. filltt<rl dolls (stfi))
<br />lE FsIEny. or ny.trl9loFcs withs03.e$ llEn skonl.nvron, w lJo!h.wdtr{rlE ndEa mr
<br />ror sk (Se.704/r, Dusrc$ .nd PNlir.Ftu CaL: TIE cotu&1rri trttr trw &s flx .tTly ro u owr of
<br />d !r{m,a dI6a 8l rho &B eh u{.t hrmrl, or tErll or itmurh hir .n lEr oen .mplor..r.
<br />innn)vcmds r. di lrrclrl&l nn {t Il. hNcrr, rh. h' 'Lltr,t o ntx,wmnr n v,ll *nhr om ,uBu d w,ll h.€ rrE h{iLn or In,vm3 rh. h. d rlE drj r* [oul ri lqrcE th. ItotEl, l( rlE FqFk ol
<br />rh. Fl?.ny, .n .x.tuswly onrr*1trr *nh liu€rj .odrr&n ro rntur rlE F j.rl (JsL. ,OU, BBiF$
<br />th.Cir.r.&n, !Lr.nrtr*&BB .rplyk'rnoerrdrFdFnyvhohund!
<br />ror ru$ FrrlB w h.Glnh ons) li.!nk! J'ur!u. rorh. Cod,Eroir Lr(a Us)
<br />SalD, .B & llc ln,rhi\r.r(r
<br />YllBf,EBSl:OUIjNIAIq!
<br />Fulrtol Frpryo* ol rh. l;U<,roE J{l{drnr:
<br />I Brrro & Cdfric ol (i,rrm (, S.ltln\urc fttr u{tdr' $ErEnet'r. .r Ir rrL1i li,r ht SrrDn .l7uJ of rh.
<br />Frflmc 01 rlr krt fd vhf,h rh. Fmr R Lqu.,l
<br />dmr.n k"t6r' corqrnEri,n NunN., rr r.apr.n h, Sdri,n !7Ul of tlE l/bltr Gtb. ntr tlE Ftulfrrt ol
<br />'hn Frtu r !.El My wsk6 .rnrDcnurrr m\urd'. qr.r .nl lb[y numh.r e
<br />5 T"4-r ( C o.^1y'?\J ).. lr<r!
<br />z 3-5
<br />in rh( Frlorrurco, rhc wod Ior *hrhrhr Frmn s rnrcd,I sh.ll n r cnlby iny ncAon rn.nyrunxr
<br />ruhrd rr rh. s di omFner$n L*r.l Crin,m!. :il{N rh:r,l sh,![ h.(ntr iubj.\r n,tL
<br />pmrnnns ofS&rr)n rTUlor rh. tlhr Grlc.l l,!ll. li{ hrn h.or{'ly virt rh8 nn,visDnr.
<br />lhn !o su. *uk * ro,{Ensal!'. d'v.Bf. H unhwtul, unJ rh l flbFl .n cmploF (' tul FEls Br
<br />oR hunJr.J rhous,x, JolhF rsl(D.(l$r.
<br />'n
<br />aJrl i'n k' rh. c.n .l .onlEnerilrs. Jrm[c! .( Itnvrl.t] tur rlr
<br />rh. Llrf cfiL. ordcr .nl {j-2 <,2 t 6)..6J,,--
<br />DIII.6EAIIO!xd.r Fndry ol F,juy ln,r I d lEnrJ ud.r Frs.. .l Ch+lq e (oltmBurs *irh SNr ilt 7(Ix)) nf Drvsxln l
<br />nl Pflc$r,n\ Cirl.. nl hr lr.n{ tr n luu ntr(nrlclL(r
<br />B lo36/o2-
<br />'1-Lt"l (i. l.r- ^J F. (.,
<br />!ja85:IA!CUONI.!NDAC.AGEN!}
<br />undd,Ensllyof Jrrjurylh.l rlE. is. cr)tr<turio. hrlo! ry.hy ld tlx Fftllfunc of tlr u nr rh.h rhl( Fhr u
<br />!nlcr pcnrhy.r p(rNry om ofrhc r,)lLvrns ,l(L,rr nn\:
<br />..4\lr.{,^ N.r'fkJrk,n lnL'rlRc!uLr!,n( r I k.lIr. Prn6,
<br />rhrr (,E l.Jn,l ,ctuLrknr\ n !&lm! r+r{o\ r.ntlrlic ndr rn|l
<br />I h.E rc.! rhB .Fptr.lrtMrl .1.r. rld tlE d,E
<br />S0r.IrwirL(xt ro hudJin8 (,rcFc{nhr'v.ror rtusCny
<br />sAJ".-
<br />silhilCiryr Counly
<br />.tul C.u.rv h .m6 u . rb.
<br />= f, /, ."-,
<br />EE'J'-ellIIELflLZVt
<br />Shear Wall