<br />Site-Work
<br />Underqround
<br />Pole Bases
<br />Light Standards
<br />Spas, Pool, Fountains
<br />Signs (monument)
<br />Life Safety /Low Voltaqe
<br />Fire Alarm / Dampers
<br />Communications Cable
<br />Building
<br />Under Slab / Floor
<br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER
<br />Transformers
<br />Torqueing
<br />Sub-Panels
<br />Air Conditioners
<br />Roof Top Equipment
<br />Factory Wired Unit
<br />Walls (Conduit)
<br />Walls (Rough)
<br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rouqh
<br />Ceilinos (T-Bar Rouoh)
<br />Meter Release
<br />I
<br />Rouqh 1-Dntrvlv ,-* tr1
<br />Service Meter I)r
<br />?l DY}.Z ,/FINAL 9 t1
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc.
<br />Xl:*l
<br />o". I ,
<br />q#
<br />*kP.*l
<br />,-U--.,1
<br />podry dl Frtury ta I d adF 6om rh. Contrrlou Ltq& Lrs lor rh. lollowiig r@i (Sc 7011 5
<br />f6ion CotL): Any City or Counry {hth E{ur6 6 Fni! ro .od{tud, .k6, impmv.. .ldmlirh or Epln uy
<br />i$ i!ua., .k rc+iE th. +plkot for ruct FEil to frk. iisn d nd66t rha tl or tE i li.oE d Fllld
<br />.f lh. C.rudc r LiErsl tr* (Clupl6 9. Conrllldin! w h Sdi,n ?0(n of Dnirbr I of tn. B6i6 rd
<br />s thrl h. r dE 6 sanF tha!fron ..d th. b..L for rh..lks.d d@BFn Anyynhb.ofscdboT0ll5 br..t
<br />rubj{r! rh. llplicdr ro ! cNil p@nt Df nor mE rns fiv. hundr.d doU6 (t500).
<br />rhc FoFtr, or my .mph)6 s ih uats6 6 sk corpdsion. eill rh tlE *nI en ll. nrudc a Dl
<br />am sl rS- 70.14. BGiIr ud ftlf<ioB Cod. Th. codrt6i! Lkae lrsd6 nol {Iply io u ore of
<br />hil& d n F.6 dEqa ri $lb dc st uut niBlf or lE*lf o. dFudr hu d lE os arprotc,
<br />iEF.rqlfu ft d dartai or ond., tu xL ll lssEq. rlE hltflll8 d !,Fr6EEr ! $ld *.hf, oft )d
<br />O*Td Eo is will haw th. hdln ofFovms thi h. or str. .lii N trik or inprovc tn. FoFry ro,,E FipB of
<br />rh. FoFry, m coturclins rnh lrs!.d cotudon ro @iiltud rlE Foid (Sc. 7oaa. &!!E
<br />Tnc Conrrdo.3 l,i.c L.* do€ @r .09ly ro o ow of FFy r'ho h{il& or inproc lnso(
<br />for iu.h ,hF3 { nh . ( ondo(, li..G.n p{Budr b rlE CornGroc! l{.e t w)
<br />,B & P C. forlha! r@n
<br />lLaaS[BU:AllfEdlA]la!
<br />p6ulry of lGjury o@ o I rh. followi.S d.(lr.rioN
<br />Iri ri ! Catif&rc of (nlgr to S.lfiBE ror ertd ftmFsio( a FoviLd for bys-:lion 1700 ollhc
<br />Ffol'l1m. of llE w.r ,or *nrh ll'. Firr it sucd
<br />Mi ai!worl6'.onFurio,iBu..,6r.luncdbySerion1700ofth.lrbdCod.,fortlEFfffi.of
<br />th! pdnil ( as.d My wortd .onp.Ndion ed Iblty rumbd ft
<br />lhcp(ronnan(cofrh.s.rl rr trhichrhis lEnrn h issucd.l 0llnol o.ploy lny rd$n r myfrend
<br />rcrn mrl6' omFlnion Lw! .ac.lifomia !d ,3e lhn if I JbuH bdorc suucl lo tlE
<br />FoGrB ofsdnrn 1700 of6. tlhor Codc I tEll. todhsnh omd, \ nh lhoi FvaioE
<br />tuE ro su. *qk6' codpnsllD. or6rs. ! uLstul. ud sh.ll suual e dpbF to simi.rl F!ti..d
<br />orc hundrql rh.usd .lollm (t100,00O), in lddnion lo lh. .ort of.of,p.eron, d,mag6 E Fovid.d for th.
<br />hc kb.r (id.. inldBt ud.lhf,Ey s f6
<br />t[( t..1&\t l()\
<br />poalty o f pdjury lhal ! M licots d undd Fovilaon of (1rpd I {comhdci $ h Scrk,n 7l.)(X)) olDivsnnr r
<br />dd PmfdioB Co&, sll Ey licN n in rull lore Md.ff&i
<br />B
<br />f 9.,."'-,,.., d:*<t'-'*\,e
<br />Qlt[8!.lcrlodudDlrcJcElcx
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<br />v.C)
<br />poahy ot Frjury otu ol !h. followinS d(luarions
<br />ns-Asb6ror Nor'ficario. r_drdol R.sul.ridnr ( I irl. 40. I'sn6r
<br />$. lcddal r.luhtios EssdinS sbdos rdold u. rcr atl')licabk ro rhL pmF
<br />h,t. rad rhk .ptlic.lion .,rl ]lrt. thd llE ltFw intorntion ir .oncr I r8rc ro 6mdy with !U Cny ud Couly
<br />tls Elanl3 ro bildi.! (odrudioa rd lEct'.v .lnlD@ qr6nn 6ofrtir Cily !d Coudylo dllq l4on llE
<br />.," !3J1P
<br />Rcv 08-07-2015
<br />tnll-