<br />Waste & Vent tll 1t
<br />Water-Under floor 7/-(Rpl
<br />Gas-Underfloor
<br />Building Sewer
<br />Area/Storm Drain
<br />lnterceptor/ Clarifier
<br />TOP OUT
<br />Waste & Vent u 6l Dkmot +8'/
<br />Water Piping \'?,1)D&ivtr . kf,t
<br />Gas Piping a.Ll 'Ld I {tfot 1-f ,yl
<br />Roof Drain rl Ir
<br />Tub/Shower Test .L W)tL*,f7
<br />Rough Water Heater I
<br />POOL/SPA
<br />P{rap/Drain Line
<br />Main Drain/Pool Piping
<br />Fill Line/Back Flow
<br />Pool Heater/Gas Line
<br />Miscellaneous
<br />Gas Service
<br />Water Service
<br />Lawn Sprinkler
<br />Sanitary Sewer/Cap
<br />Back Flow Device
<br />Rough Plumbing I
<br />Final Gas Test I /.u D*rocv *81
<br />Meter Release I
<br />It
<br />FINAL (t )KWg^
<br />Notes Remarks, Etc.
<br />I tq*y trrl
<br />*r,:.,:t
<br />rfl
<br />_c
<br />ffiTl
<br />t.
<br />Co&) Ary Cny.r Couiy $hi<h ntrir6 r Fnr lo otdruci .t.. ,lDrcve d@lillt or lry
<br />\ ik. 'Rl'n't\ rh( xorl(rtrr [r\'!hBrtr,rn'i.n!rn.(l{idnoi rhdlrrrrh.6]i(.nhl tr'n'.,!r
<br />.f rk (ir 'rntr \ l r. {(l l a\ (( hx|(l ,).(nnnno(,r{trhs( I orrhc ItL$n.\\ riL!
<br />rfrrlfrh.!'ntNr\.nlln(lrd.i.m.nrlrhttr!\firrh.rl!.!h!rvrnfl('i/\d\\tr,hrtrrrlS(rrinrrL(1,\,r\
<br />$Udr. rh. .polttrt ro ! civil panhy of d mrc rhr fir.lrxH &!llr! (lr00l
<br />lll FrFrt, q -! sl9bG wnh f,.a6 a tlEi bk \'i! 6 dr rrl .n llE iinrE b hl
<br />kr $k (56 r0rl. ttlilB d Phldn6 Cod. Th. Conr(d r I j(tr Lr &a nx @t lo , o{G .f
<br />txilt or inqorG iEEc !n $no (lE sh rlrl hrrelf or lErl, or ilmuafi ni! d ta oan atrpbllq
<br />hnpnrdndndr.n.rmicxldorolTd.rlntr{'kll.h\,66.rkh'L[nqo mrio\ornrFe)lt$ihmoi.\rr
<br />I h E Blitl( fill lE\ c th. hrdcn of Ir$ iry lhi h. or rh. dil Nl t{ild or inFor. lh. FrrEtv h. ll8 F,F & or
<br />f{E F$dtr. m q.h!n!ly o,r[cns *ih li.€r.d @nrf,t<,r to corfird iE F.jd ls6 7fl4. EtiE
<br />'o&: Tt Cofi-r( r Lt.k l,s .tr- mr Sl, m ! o*E orFDFry *ho toik t d ih?6€ ttaa'o.
<br />r-lt fo. st For..$ vih . Cor.r-lo(.t liEed Fdrr ro rlE (tttrard! tiqE lrl
<br />itl inrrh . C.nifEd..f ( oe ro'lBuc for \rntd orFadbn. a FrvA.d foi b,Scrbnl70Oofrlr
<br />th. Ff.lM. ot rhc trdt for whict rt pqmh i! ie.d
<br />lm nrain\orldr'.onrf.*ih.ninstrrinc..icrdtutr.JhSNrtr1ntnnroirh.lilrr(i..inrhtlrn,nn.n(.ol
<br />h rhir FBi ir iqld Mt *dto @nlP.6.b. ilsm. 6ir t'<l tblay urbd rc
<br />ir rh. Ffomr. of rh. wrl f.r lvhkh rhi, Fnn i3 is.d, I .h!ll tul dpLy oy ldsn in ey !M6
<br />rbjet lo 0r so c oopcrstio. bq.t(.lihma.. !i {N rhi i( I rlDuu 6eoE atlcd ro llE
<br />ir. FDtiriE.t s<liin I7m olilE l,h.r ( dd.. Lill. tnt$ifi str+lr- *irh llbx FoririE
<br />ro tu $di6' MFEiid 6Ers. ir uiL{'tul 6d rh.ll $bttl & 6nploF lo ciliid Frrit.!d
<br />rl!lL! (,,J. ,r.,(.r l.'r'f!\ \r!\n{<:).
<br />r)r ( r \!!!!ttr)
<br />FEX' of Fiury rnr I h bG!.d '!& Fritin of clrpid I (6ffiiB $th S<lb! ,IXDI of Dnlbi I
<br />od Prnfdir ( orL. in m! k.@ a in tull r.k.4,.lI<r
<br />b
<br />"+/a
<br />,,,*."*,^n1( {€79
<br />Er&r Fnrhy of p6]!ry rhr rha. !. @llirudbn Lidiie .9*, a llE FG,llm..f llE m.t t'r f,tit lhir pdni i
<br />Frny olFjlry om of rlE folk'ui.| del,nhB:
<br />ile^itdor Nolinc.iion r.{kr.l RquLlhnr (TnE 40. Pln6)
<br />E f.d.r.l E{ulib6 Esddi.s, lfut.l e ror +Cl.dr. 'o
<br />rlia
<br />I lh! ial llli! Sli.rlir rn ! . lhr dE .h.E i.fodir. ii .dEr I BE lo ondr silt tU Cl, .n Coumy
<br />dc l^ls ELi'B
<br />'o
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