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SITE-WORK DATE COMMENTS <br />Set Backs <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground'SLAB Floor <br />Subf Ioor/VenVl nsulation <br />Shear Wall <br />.lnsulation/Ene <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />Mason <br />T-Bar <br />Handica <br />ineer Final Re rt <br />FINAL <br />()$ riuR Itt ll,trLR t)t:1,(,\R,\ r t(]\ <br />d<ld p@n' of Fjurt thd I D aqnF ton rh co io6 Lk.e Llw lor th.lnllowrq '@n(S{70115n Co&): Ary Cnr o. CounIy qnih r.qutrB ! Fnn ro c.dtucr. .hd, mp..v., &moli.h or 8 ., dy <br />ir5 isuft., rto r.qliG thc lpplEsl for lNh Fmn to fikrri3Ed ndmal thdlEor lE it lk6E d FBd <br />oa thc ConrEloie Lr63Gd L.r' (Ct pr6 9, Comtrns *ih SGlFn 7000 of Divnion I of dE &!iB Dd <br />) or rh.l l* or 3lE i! crmfl |ha.6oo..d rr bGi. for tlr db.d .,6Biotr Ary violdiotr ofsdrbn ?0.! 1.5 by &y <br />$bjdrrfic .! ro. civil p@!yolnol mr.lhr fiv. huDdr.d doll6 (tt00, <br />nfih. FrFly, or my ardot€ rnh s.a6 6 rh., $1..onpsrdn,- rrll&,lL*qI El Enndr4amr <br />aor slc (Sc 7Ol-1. Bdi,B ed Pt6l6.e6 Cqb Th. conb&lor'3 Llcdq bw &6 ml +dy lo & osc of <br />&il& or in{nv6 fidotr ed *ho d{E sch wrl himrlf or h.elf or rhrcu8h his or hs o$ ddo)c, <br />(h <br />'mpru\dndk ft rtn miaxlcl or ollirdi tor eL ll hN-6, rh.Ilild'ry or ur!ft)\d n $B r'.hn.ft \@ <br />Os€ ttil& *nl h.E rlE hrrla of pertE 0rr lE o, ,r dn Dr hrild d i,Fov. d!. FlFry 6r th. F,Fr or <br />orrE Fopsry, d d.lBn.t codr!.1iry * nh l(aq<t .odr4ro6 to .6Mrud <br />'lE Frj..l (S*. ?044. &sh6(o& ThrCo r!.1o.3 Lic.M Llw dc nol lpply ro e owrd o f Fop.ny rho blild! or @pov6 rhcair <br />ks for such F4ds snh . coddor(s, lk.trrtl Fl6@ ro <br />'h. <br />Codrdq r l,x.E L"w) <br />ur& liario. . B. & P.C. for thir l@n <br />lla8x&EllalltErsarlQxDl(lJaarq! <br />uid6 Fi.h of tE u.y om of rh. follo*iry d..lsrlioN <br />will @inlri. . C.drn.d. of ( onsr ro tttr sorlc conFuirn, s FDviLd tor by sdi)n 1?00 ol $. <br />lh. Ff(fu. of lh. *si lor *tth lh. F6n i! iB!.d <br />tr1ll m.inr.h work6 cohFEdbn i6ure., s r.qurcd q_ Stls. 1700 oa0E l$o. cdl.. fot tlE Ffollrm. ol <br />^€/I E LA4\+q +a+-u.oi,.,3 . zil -'Lo z L <br />D lhc Fro'r1@. orrh. wo,r rM f,hi.h tht Fnn n is!.4 I dEll m' 6phy ey Fe. in ey 6uF <br />sbj6t lo llE wit6 @mFEdio, hu r of Crlifotuia, &d '3c rhn rl I $ould hfom. lubld ro $. <br />ion pDvBio6 olsdio.:1700 ofrhc lrbo, codc I slull fonhwnhomplyrhn r- FovitirB <br />rlnurc r. ffi $0.16 omFMitn ov6+. i uLwtul. .,<l idl subj.rl 6 orglors ro o6@l Fulb ud <br />b oE rhousd &lhE (1100.000). in &rlirion to th. colt of comFEttun. dd.c6 a [rcvidcd fo. rlE <br />ofth. ljhor ('od.. im66r Md otrrrEy 'Y^l-* Mq \(, lLt ., <br />LrcEf{srt} coNTRACT'()R <br />DEOJAAIIA! <br />udn p@,hy o f Fjury rhd I &n liGre.d uflja Fovilior o t Chapta I l@mtuing wirh s..tio6 70Oo) of Divisio. l <br />d'd PDfBioN c.d.. dl ny li.ce ir in full foG ed.lldr <br />Lc>! \qa 5 <br />r orlc-,-"-,$l.l=LSol- q lr.^c <br />cadsrB!.rcra!-LllpBctqDBgr <br />@dq Fllty of Fjury lhlr lhoc i! . ..dtucrio. lnds8 aSdcy for lh. Ffollrltr. of rh. *!rt ftx *tEh lhi! Fni 6 <br />AftucatfDEcllaA1&! <br />u.dd F..lly olFJury onc oith. iouo*ins d..learirtu, <br />Pmnv^3b6lo! Nor ificar ion l-cdqal Rlrllario6 (Tr1.40, Pd6) <br />BUILDING. INSPECTOR RECORD <br />ID/SIG. <br />r:i l2,c/*'L\ <br />\,"* <br />4,, <br />c r{6 <br />- <br />I lt,ry rh.r rh. 6ra.l EguldioN Eiidbe 6tdd lqEvJ E ml pdsbL lo th. FDlcr <br />*rn t a* ,*t ,t trreldrn !d (.r. rh! rhc .bor intoroaaon n cotrer. I .ErE to @npry wnn dl cny !d couny <br />z dl;..- md Sld. L.B Ehiry b hlikllB @r*uqpa rd hq.t, rrrD@ EF6.(, i€ ofrhn Cilt !d Cou{y ro ds 'po. UE <br />.borr-Dr.d !oDd'' 6r itr',<rb"a'r/E / ) Y^/,.1*^.-,.*.. )41 --"9-zq-?\ <br />[,-"[*.".,, <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Roof Sheathinq <br />Framinq <br />Drywall <br />Pool Fence <br />Deputv Final Reoort <br />Fload, Zoner Certif,.,Nll(t( rrff,illtal)t-'4./ //tt {q/,u ,d)'4t I aqftla/0,V <br />Certificate of Occupancv ' t <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc.