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SITE-WORK DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subfloor/VenUlnsulation tt rl <br />Roof Sheathing ,t t'trtxt wafia /d3 <br />Shear Wall I <br />Framinq <br />lnsulation/Energy <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />I\ra son ry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req. <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Engineer Final Report <br />It l/ <br />FINAL oru3/Uh//nL VE <br />Certificate of Occupancy I I <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />,-,*t^al <br />*,HI <br />{)\\\r R Bl r r)llr,)l Lr \lr \ lto\ <br />u.!h Frny oaFrury thr I m (.nF filE dE Corrr*o. trs tur thc li)tlowlB lEn (Sc mll , <br />r6rEn Co&) Ant C[y or Cou,ry *hi.h Equic . Fd ro odrud. tn6, i4.o]t d@lilt or EF 6y <br />iB t u4e.lo rcqlic tlE.pdtel for sh Fnn b ilr tii.d lriatd thrlEor$. alkoE d F!t!r <br />of rtr CodGrd\ Li.dsd L.* lorp(d 9, Comdos *ith lcrsn 7000 ol Diltio. I of th. lt8rB Dd <br />or fi.r h d sh. i! ampr rhslfron sld rlr b6i for ih. ilLa.d adFbn Any viohion ofs..rion 701 I .5 b' 6y <br />$bj.rr!th. .roli.&t ro.civilFslryof Nr mEtbs liv. hurxlrcddollE($500) <br />ath. FoFny. or hy cmplq@ wilh wds6 s llEr el. comFuion, sll d. rlE wnt ad tlE srElw it dn <br />for salc (56.7044, Aui.d ed PrclsioG Cod. Tt€ Conhcloir l.t@ Llw do6 .ol eply to o os6 of <br />hril.b or irlpreB lhosn, lxl wh) dod tuh Ed( hin!.la ot h@lf or rlmush hir or hq ow oploy6, <br />ih,ro\q1d3 ft ml htdd.d or.fisd for sL. ll ho{dq. th. hrllrins Dr mr**.l1d n $ld sihin o* ]@ <br />olms BoiBd *{l h!v. rlt b.dn of Fo$ns thd h. d sh. did mt hild tr i"rmE th. p.DFty tu ll. F4o* of <br />trlE DrDpdy, e scl$ *nh licaB d.otu&6 to odM llE Flj.rr (Se 7044. Brrl!6 <br />od.: Tnc Coflrsror'. Lic.G t w d.'d Nr .rply to D orE ot!.oFly who bo'ld! or impmv6 th6on. <br />aor *t FDFI! rith . Cotido(r) lxoE d Fltld b E coffid 3 Licc L.s) <br />ulda Seiii- <br />woRr(IrRs' cotrtPFr\sA rloN <br />DECI dtauo! <br />.d6 paahy of pslury orc ofrnc i)lhpiu dclgarions <br />ill roi.rair ! C€1ifrd. oaconst to Sdf-lNw for uorl6 @nF $aion. s FovirLd for by SElion I700 oallE <br />lh. FIoll'E. onh. $d for "hi.h rh. Fnn t is.d. <br />I ruulti, *'0116 .ooFnr.rioi r,sc.. B r.qural by Sd.n ]u(D of lh. L.bor Cod.. ao. rt Flolr'jlE of <br />thir Fmt i s.d M, wo.I6 .ompd.iotr ierBc ffir !,'d rllty n@bo e: <br />in th. Ffolmm€ otllE worl lor which lha pdf,n B iru.d. I nrll nn mpL, &y F$n in e' nd6 <br />iubj.n to rh. *o d'coip<Baioi b*! oicrlifobi,. ud+Bthn ifI rhould baom. subrd tollE <br />rn povisionr .l s<i on .1700 oi'h. ldor Codc I r'Dll. lonh*rn co'nply wilh lhos ,rovnio6 <br />lur. ro su. mdd' co$Fsniotr cov.Esc ir unbwtul. i.d ihlll luhjd E aploF Io cihin l Frli3 u! <br />on. hun<lr.d rhoustrd doll6 {1100.000), h lddnFn lo rh..on or (mp.tudion. .hma86 a Fovid.d for th. <br />rhc kbor Cod., irr6.3 d rlonEyt fc <br />Ap9!orl:_ <br />ucE!$a-co&rBAgqa <br />DTCLAX ION <br />Fshy of Flry rnd I D bcq!.d urd6 Flrirbn of cll4ta 9 (offiins ynh Sdlioo r0O0) of Diubo I <br />!d PrcfdioE Cod.. dn ny licog it m tull roc 8d.fid <br />Licd.Numtq: <br />collrBllcuanlENDrlcacEA(I <br />und6 FEly of Fjury lhn thac n. oNruclbr lqdj,s lsdy for lhc Ffolrl@. of th. wort for whi.h tha Fnl i <br />Civ C.) <br />ASIUIAILDECIJ8AIIO! <br />p€alty ol Fjury oc of rhc folb*ii8 &chdioB: <br />Arbelos Nori6.dio, r'.d6!l R.Sulrtioa (TnL 40. Pan6) <br />rn f.ddal r.guldioN Errdins sSdtos rdovll dc .or .ppli.rbl. ro lhB ta)jd <br />I h&. rad thi. rpt li.dioi trl nr. $r d!. rbor. irfomrnfl 6 (otrdl l.xxdlo @nply hth.I Cny.,rl Coury <br />.ku.Er iie lo b'(!s.orFto.tiotr lrd bdrty dhoriz rcF6ditr6 of lha Cny ad Coudyro and !po. E <br />tmlEly tor 6I<Dn IlrF6 <br />BUILDING. INSPECTOR R ORD <br />Flood Zone Certif.