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PLUMBING.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE tD/stG.COMMENTS OT'lrET BUILT'ET T'ET,CATATION I <br />I hqlly .rm u.dd pa.!y ol pcj(, rt I D qdl tlD ri. C.d-r6 tiaE LN br 0E folhwir lt sr (se-7011.5 <br />8si.s ,!d Prctcob! Cod.): ary Ciry or couny et&h Equn6 . p6!r lo @drud, .lrq, iry.ltt, lhotli d 6y <br />!hEru!. Firro ir. is'r...L ltqti6 rt +lir h. rdt FDi ro ft.ttd rran d ihi t 6L i li(a.d Ftld <br />ro rE Flvtio of dE Co.rxlo* Li.q!.d t v (Ctda 9. Comch8 sit Ssrir,000 of I of lh. DlliE rxl <br />Pmr6iod Co&)d0El h.orrtr i a@'ll dEltoo-dlh td ford.db.d aatFb! Aty tioLrb. ofs.diE 70!1.5 by rty <br />@plird 6..DdDi &bi.n0E .pdi(drorcivilpdriyof 6l dttt- fttch6d,td&u'!(1100). <br />- <br />l, ! 6Ic of lh. FlFiy. m tuy sIPtrlE wnh s.!6 . UEi. .L @Dp@ria wiu & [t El .'d 0E mEe i @t <br />i !:(l.d Eoln6d ft.rr. (S- 7Oa4, B{iEli } Tbc.lrt*rd t tiff lry&cEl l ,lono*Gol <br />rh. rleqiy *rD hlilt o inF9E $.Er .n *tb &s rdr srt hir!.lf d tdslf .r r,nrih ti. d hd oM arbrd, <br />p.orlj.d dd $d, tnFlEr(dt i tur ddd.d d oftld for .t lt horlE, dE bilda d irylvtEr L -ld wtti. @ F <br />ol6oqbi.., rh. 0*6 E!i& wil h.c llt hda orFDtlr ln. b. r {E tlil Dl hiLl d iryoc tlE FlFry h. ri. F.Po.. or <br />l.sffiorrt F$Fry.6 4hriG, @EEitrs 'inLE <br />'r.! <br />lt. FDjd (Se. ,Oa,l. BliE <br />.!il F!t-t CodG: Tt. C.nrsolr Ltd* t w &a Dr @t, r. - ogE of F$Fry vho toild. or inFo€ &dEtr <br />sd who orr-r lor si Fljcl. $Itt r C.ilrElo(!) lk@.d Frir ro dE Cod.doll Li@c Lrw). <br />-l <br />u.idF unda sclio. ,8.&Pc.fdlhit4o. <br />D.r. otrEl <br />rlotxEatlQlrtEdtarla!orct4aarjo! <br />I hat!, .lfm u& pa.t, of Fiu,y oB of rlE fouoaoa &bnb6: <br />-t <br />hwc id will di lii . CdifEr. of Col@l lo s.lf-lm 6r s*d @,4aurio.. . FlviLd for b, setui l7o0 oldE <br /> Codc ld lh. Fftdtl&t of U. *dt fc $dich tb. FEr i itu d <br />ir*i,'"lnd wr ll $ort6 conpcN io. icunE.. { mqun d hy S€lDn 1700 of lhc t$or C.d., for llE Ffolfu(. of <br />FsiiE itgiJld.6lr -d poliq frnb6 c <br />lE lrt.,-n-o-' 1ll(ZS7-UZ-l ,.u"- 3 <br />-l <br />.qri& th.l i. dr Fb,rrc oalh. wri fd wnih rhit p66il it iroc( Ldl ml apLy uy ,6D! i! o, nllE <br />b . b t@m ot*rr ro th. Elt6J oqdrb. bs of C.lilbm.. rd TE r irl.noslllD@coliel lo dE <br />uio d' @Ep6eir Fovirid of Scth. !T00o lE trtd Cod.,l rlr[. 6dt*itb odply wil to. FevirioB.. <br />wAtxINc l-.iic ro sc wt@ @qorrih oc*c i GLetul od cd eqid D qr,F lo cilidl pdli...d <br />civil 6E up ro oc hurH rhoBd dolb! (t100.000). i. .ddtio! to lh. c.e of .oordrion d@ga . FovLLd b. $. <br />Codq htd r dd rldi.y s t 6 <br />Z( <br />I l( r \\r r)r o\rrt\r r(,rr <br />I .IrrD uldq ,o.t, olFju'y $r I E tLd u!.lci Folin! ofct.F. 9 (.oElM.iis rrn sctiE 7000) of D,di.6 l <br />of tlE BdB &d P!o&.bE Cod.. .d -, lt6. a h tux foc &d cficcr <br />,.**.n-, 3 <br />^,., t{4(a vl <br />cqlllll&na!.,lrlBIlliclcElq <br />I hdrtr.frm udd pa.lyofFidydr lba. i.6iln dD li<lta ...'ay rq tt! Ff.lffi of6. *!.t tu *tt! tlit,.!i ir <br />i$.d (sa. 1097. civ c I <br />A&ITCA$LDECIASATO! <br />I h!*? reo !e F.ry ot Firy c ortt f.[c*it dELdiG <br />DoBlirir PaDit -Art.dor Notif.air P.darl f,.rulri(a (Tlh a0, Pn6) <br />-R.qIi!d <br />t td of Lodhin <br />I €iiry lhd th. &dd.l r.suhdoE Egddlu ub.nor lqmrd &! tut .p?lttbL lo rb! prci*r, <br />4&O rre r Le,qa oi qdi{iD.!d flclh. dr.toE i!6,E iotr irdrd.I ttrib @ody wit.x cit,&d cody <br />ordile6 .ad $4. !.s dkll ro btdldilt!.&^ od h66, rllrhoriz EFenriva ofltir Cily &d Co!,ry Io dn l{ot dn <br />.to\. ndnio,ld FFl, 6. rlpcrbn <br />t+€ <br />UNDER GROUND <br />Waste & Vent <br />Water-Under floor <br />Gas-Underfloor <br />Buildinq Sewer <br />Area/Storm Drain <br />lnterceptor/ Clarif ier <br />TOP OUT <br />Waste & Vent <br />Water Piping <br />Gas Pipinq <br />Roof Drain <br />Tub/Shower Test <br />Rouqh Water Heater <br />P{rap/Drain Line <br />Main Drain/Pool Piping <br />Fill Line/Back Flow <br />Pool Heater/Gas Line <br />Miscellaneous <br />Gas Service <br />Water Service <br />Lawn Sprinkler <br />Sanitary Sewer/Cap <br />Back Flow Device ll A <br />Rough Plumbing 7fxle/tYb/bat ,U <br />Final Gas Test lt <br />Meter Release L <br />FINAL <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br /> or <br />^Ial <br />Sl8ulu(r <br />"-u--..,rrr- -[4 rn -,r!*14 <br />POOUSPA <br />q/-b/bl /flrutb ak/6