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ELECTRICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPBOVALS DATE tD/stG.COMMENTS <br />Site-Work <br />Unde rground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />S igns (monument) <br />!!!9 Satety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Bonding / Groundino / UFER <br />Transformers <br />To rquerng <br />Sub-Panels <br />Roof To ui ent <br />Facto Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soff it Rouqh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rouoh) <br />Meter Release <br />Rou h <br />Service Meter tA <br />FINAL <br />Notes Remarks, Etc.I <br />OWNEI BTJILDF.T DELC TATION <br />I rlrm utr&r F ty of FrIry in , I e.&nB tDm tlE Co rd ' li.G t:r to( rtE lolrrf,ira le. (Sd 70lt 5 <br />Bu.i6, ..d Prol*i,. Cod.): Atry Ciry or C@,ry *tth E+iB . Fdit lo .qEisr. d. rlp..v!. &tulit d EFir u, <br />lrixrE Fii'o i. dw..Lo EqliB rlE 4ltur ld.Eh Fi, b tit..iri.d rt.tsrE lh.l lrd dEi UelE d F q.. <br />b th. Fovibd 6l rlt Conrrrtqt Lt tr-d L* {(tEpir q Cffirint * S€li,n ?qn ot Divirion 3 ot E EBirs ud <br />PrDL$i,N Corl) r lhd rE d rlE ir.&nt!r Etrir,orth..ll. cd.&ngiE Aly i,brb.ofsdi.- 701L by sy <br />4?ltrnl lor r Ftu obini r,E +did ro. civil FDly ol Dl mE {rn tir tirdEd do[.B (lJml <br />-1. <br />a o*E olrlE FrFny.6 nr.rpt F6 wnh *.86 ar rlEn s,L dniadbn. rill {t, rlE *!.t rn dE rMF n er <br />iflnid.d ff ofic,sl fr .l (Sd 70,ll. BBiE$.n<l Prof.sb6 C.& Tn Comol. t,i.q. t , dEr mt +plt to.r o*Er of <br />rlE rr{dy eh' tuilLlr or m+.DB irEEr !,i who dcr Bn st hinelro. id*lf or rtDrd hi! dlE om cnpbrB, <br />Imviii.d thll ruh iqmmnrr e d i.En d fto,tild lir d. l( tbEE rlE hiEinS d h!.oEElx i! $B *rnh m F, <br />ot o,q,Llb( llE OwE arilto will hlr dr hd.n of FDvin8 tld tE or slE did Dr tuitd d inFDE rlE FlFry 6r ,!. Frp.r oa <br />I rdcir.r utrJd Sr{rkn, <br />hl. __ OE_worxriii'ory#t-srrton <br />trEgllarq! <br />I E .n, .rnrn ud., FMly 6r Firy oE of rh. lollowiu d..Lr.ti,6 <br />_l h.E .d will mi,! CciifEr. of Cornt b S.ll-lM rd k i6 onFnrrir c Fovit d tor b, scri{ trn o, ttE <br />L.5orCodernrlEFfl'rlreof tEerrtfdxihthrh.pq t <br />_l hrw md rill dirr.i! erlm otrpcM,o. iBur.. s Eqlilrd by Satior l7m olrh. t bo C.d., tor t Ffdllft ofttl *ort f6 whkh rhit Fi n it$.d My hrt6 @npcnrdir in tu ffb in po[cy ru6bd c: <br />Crtr: <br />-llcnirythr <br />in llE Frlormrc.atlf *o ror rhi.i rhn FnI n irrucd, I rhlll mr .nploy &, FMn ji rny ruM I$ .r ro lE$.E abirr ro r,r qot6 onp.Nio. hk of C.lifomi.. rid.sN u if I shoutd bdoa sblrr to lttmrta lr"p.Nrhn povnioN ol S.nion l7m of fic Lrbr C.dc, I ttrlL adtnvnh Nnply eim.b. pmvilbN.. <br />a <br />l{Atnllc rrilE ro sft Ert B ong.nribn ov!r.!. ir unLwtul. .rn nrl sbFr o opl,,tr ro oini'd F ir .dcir nr! un ro oE hnnrtld thded.btt,t {tl@,@). b..t.!itbn lo tlE or of 6,p.diDr drds.r u !6vij.n tor r <br />Vllxlzt <br />IlEE6,.rmu,n6Fn,olFtryrluIolinid!i(bFlirbnofOrprs9t@mi.r*irhSdbr,m)orDivnbn.! <br />of rlt BuiEs trd Prcf.sbd Co&. dn my ltcE i ir tull for.d c,I6r.Gffi--#b44.t'' r <br />CoNSTNIICTTI{I| I r,\lNlNG ACENCY <br />! ltrcby .,Irm ud.r FMx, of Fnlrt llEl ths! ir t onrNi.n ldins .s!Ey fDr tlE Ffm of dE wt to, rtth rhn rEhi ir <br />isucd (se. lmT. civ c ) <br />altutru[DlgllSauQ! <br />I hr$, rtrm !.!&r p.dry of Fi4 or or dE folt *in! &Lr.rbN: <br />D.mhbn P.rmnl^rbrd r.difsti'. tu6rl R.8lhrioN l_lllc 40. P.n6) <br />R.quircd Lcnf of NorifErion <br />-t "cn\trar rlt rcactJ .glhrioB Eg.rdi.S sh.llor Em!.r d rul {,plr$k to ttn p6j..t <br />Ic.rolyrhrrlhnlcrrrdrlri\rtrplic ion{d ndcrhunlrrhrvc itrtrtrnxrnr i\..rc.r l!gretu.o'nfttwirhrIciryrnd(i,u y <br />L.wrclri,E bt{rldugrcidrudi.^ rld rEEh,.uhri& eFrrnltlMr of fii! C,.d Counry ro..rq upon0rT:W^.rlzzhr"",- "frtLoS$ bllL <br />vla I tt <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Air Conditioners <br />r' <br />L !i o*mr .f thc pmlrny. rm ..nrrt ins *ilh lienEd contri oN ro co.{rucr rtx ptui*r (Scc 7044, BuxnE$ral EllBtim Codc: Th. codrdorr Lic.nlc tjw do.s nor eprly ro sn o*na or r,Dpcny *ho builds or imrmEs th.rdrn,.nd slxl ft,dtut tu \uch I'trrck virh. c! drods) ta..rn pusunl h rh. Conrclors Li..ns tre) <br />PolicrNunfi.. / <br />%