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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueing <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rouoh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rouoh) <br />Meter Release <br />Rough <br />Service Meter 1- <br />FINAL Z/tth/> /tub) <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />OWNER BUII,DER I'SI,CARATION <br />I h6cht rrm urda Frlry or p6juy rtn I m adrpa toh th. Confi*r@ Lc.G L.w ior llt hlh*ilg .6)n (Se.?Or I ( <br />&!uB .rn Co&): Art Cny or Co{ny *tih E$ti6 . Fmi b otu. .!a, idFoE .ldih or lP.t oy <br />rlrude Fiorto tu iBue. &o E$i6 tlr +plt8r 6r ru(n Fnn lo frk. rtsEd nr66l Oih.o.dEalE@.d Fltlll <br />ro rh. FDvnioN of ttl ( onrr.crd r Li@ntld Ltw (Ch.pl6 9, CoM*ins with S6rior 7000 ot Di!i!E. I of th. Buri..* sd <br />,ro ( odc) or Od L d lls i qalpl $atto6 &d rh. li.i! lor rh. dkS.d aanFion. tuy viollb. of S.dith 701 I 5 b, ey <br />+plkur 6r . Fni $brdr llr .ppltd lo . <iril Futrof ml mE lhr lir. hu'xt d &lle (1500) <br />-1, <br />e owna ol th. D.s!diy. o. dy .flDlo)G *irh *.s€ s 51. comp<lrlion. *iI .b tn wk !d dE rrudE i! hr <br />idcrLd d oltq.d for rL (s€ 704.a. &!iE sd Pmadbd C6d. Tlr (on..cld r Li@ l,* &E,bl +plr lo o o*G of <br />lh. Fqqry *b hil(l G ,rqrc ttEd -rl stD d6 ndt Nn hi6!.llor lErlf d ttmu,h hir G lE om qprrtE' <br />Fovid.d rhd ru.t inFDvlEr! e ml iio'd.d $otu torsh,I( hoM. tlE hlildi'B r dF.DEG! 6 bld eini. oft ts <br />of compldbn tlr ()"16 tluildq qill hlE lh. h!.Ln oaF.vnu tld h. or !h. dA ml hti! or inSrDE th. FnFr, fot llE F,poE of <br />-1. <br />s ow of llE Fopary, d dclsiwly conrr-ri.s snh liGEal colni&i6 to cdiud rtE Frjd tsa. 70411. t}ilrlr <br />dBl }\!6si'. cod. 'I h. ('onlt.cld r Lic6r. l-.e do6 nor .pply lo e om6 ol prordly qho build! o, idprov6 lhron, <br />&d utE $drxre ror $ch Fj6l! wirh ! (rsro(, l{oE d ,nl,a@i ro th. ('onln.ld r li@ lr*) <br />-,8 <br />& P.C for thB r@. <br />s. <br />I hs€hy sffinn undq ps'Dhy ofFjuryon.olrhc rolkrsss d(brarioN <br />-l <br />hlrc rn *iI @ide . Cdrifsd. of Co6dr lo S.ll-ll!@ 6. wtar' 6ntp.oli,! B Fovil.d nir L, SeriD l7m of E <br />t tor Clde ltt llE Fltu of rhc *qt tui *nt[ ih. Fnn a isr.d. <br />I hrE .rkl * ill minrn. wortsr conFc.lhn iBuucc N r.quiEd br Sd n n 1700 otlhd lrbo. cod., for rh. FfollMc ol <br />llE hrt for shih thi! Fnn L s,.d My wta' @npadEn ilusc ('fu !i Fltt n@bd E <br />_l ..nify thll ,n $. Frfornffi. of th. worl for shkh thit Fmn t 6u.d. I !h!ll flol dploy uy poe. a. ey neE <br />n 6 ro bd.m. sbidl ro llE wlt6 omFldior Lw of (.lif.mia ed e6 rhd if I druld shidl lo lh. <br />B0116' orFdbr F!6i,6 ols€rn. ]700 of tlE tttv Codc I llrll aonh*llh tunply wnt dr- F!yi.iE. <br />WARNTNC: hilur. ro su. *0116 n .dv6Bc i! rnlNtul, Md rhlll subral u oploF ro criond FEhi6 md <br />lm,mo). in ddnio. h rh.ion. datus6 s F.idGl aor rlr <br />itEfla e (on'*__-iir s <br />of lhc R!ii',6eMd ll.fssiotu (i)J., arxl ! l'. <br />cqluBllJl0!..Lld!.llGi(iEllr <br />I 6ilm uidd Fdry of p6JUr, 'h, th.c it r oDrtu.lioi krdirg .sdy tor lhc Ffolllec of thc *qt for whi.h lhir Fhil i! <br />isu.d (sd. 1097. cn ( ) <br />AfIU(AALIIOJAAIIQ! <br />I ho*r arm unds y ol p.rjury o.c ol th. folhwins d(Lrsrion!: <br />Demhion PmieA*dor Nolifrc.lir F.ddll RC8uLlrB (Tnb,r0. Pd6l <br />-R.qun.d <br />lntaoafhi6ciDn <br />mpl) unh.ll CiD.nd ( ounry <br />J ? <br />Sub-Panels <br />TI-IG <br />Ldda't Ad&d <br />- <br />faldrl r.suld ioB Esrdi.s Bt6lot ror\ rl -. mr q,pltlbk !o rhi! Frd <br />I