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MECHANICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNET AUILDEA DEI'AI .IK,,I <br />I ha*y .fm ulda Frlty of Fjr.y thr I d aqtrp( tlE rlE ConncrG L(.u t e fot $. blbw!8 l6.oi (Sc.7Ol l.5 <br />Bci,d ud Prcl6ion ao<L): Aoy Ciry or Coutrty whi.h rcqliE . Fnn to otdrucr. .16, iriprotc, da .t ror r?.n u, <br />3mclu.. Fbr ro il! -utE. & rcqllis rlE rdi.&r ro' rkh pain lo 8l. . tip.d nr6cr dlr L or ir i li!6.{ Fri6d <br />to rlE Fovib6 ol rlE ConlrErdi l,iat d L.w ((llsra 9. CMi.s with Sdid ,O00 ol Diviri.b ! of in Edi!& nd <br />Profrrbo Co&)(rtla h.orrlE i! 6aF Ud.6oorrd Et-ir e. l[..&r.d q@tiiE Aiy ri,hktofseibn 70!l.t byE, <br />+pliod fo.. Fni Nbi6$ dE .p?li6n lo r civil F!n, ormr mE th& fE. huiLd &llr. (ltoo} <br />-1. <br />! o\rG of rlE FoFir, s oy anpbra eith *.96 . rt ir -t @Epardioll" wiu .b ih. sdr !d 0t -laE ir tul <br />idad.d d o&nd b. .t (s-.70{a. hliE rd h!ftiiD cod. Tt Corrndd't Li6. lry do.. id dy to - ffi ol <br />th.FlFry db hiLb d iryn6 rhaarr -d rvlD &. D.h wt iid.lf or h6!.lf o. tl6'l.h h! c td o[ 4bre <br />ForiLdlbr rd ilrotqdcEr irdddrofitld 6rrla t( Elta'.!t hrldi'a- IIFDEE inasiii c !c <br />oronpLrirn ttEov€ B(il& wi! h.EtlrhltteofFvi4ttr h.oriE (H El brld6iqort FlF 616.F P6.ot <br />-1.!l,r6oft <br />FrFiy. E*iddydffiir *nn li6Gd odtEcto @ro!d tlnFi.l (56. ?oa,t DtaE <br />rn ADtin CorL: Th. Codr.<ld r Licc Le &6 Dr @ly to - .'rG of Fof.l, eto b{ild. or ingoE lta.( <br />ed elo @r*r! fd r.l Fdr.ll *it! . C. 6q1.) ltdGd F &d to E ConEcdt Li@ te). <br />-:;/#L/\/? <br />I .rrm uda Fdty rfFj!ry on. oath. folloeins <br />-l <br />h.s.d will didri. Clritu of Co@r io ft. arfl dtrFn itr. FoviLd fot tt kir l70O otdE <br />t t . Cod.. e. lt. Ffo.c. ofd. 6t 6. tit tb. f.ti a br.d. <br />-l ntv. .nd will dirl.n worlo .o,pqllir iEu4q ! EqliEd h, s*lni 1700 oirlE lrbor cod., lbr d. pdfelnet of <br />th. *ori lu stih lhi! pqmil ir io.d My wdkd @nF$rior iBue. ceit lxl polty rumbd Ee <br />-, <br />.diry rhlr id rlE Ffor@e of rh. *orl fo! qhth thb Foir n Lqu.d" I ltrll nol dplo, o, pq&n i, Dy ,lfud <br />s s lo b<!r sbd to tlE rolta'@nFurio. L$ of cdi6Ei.. .!d cG tr if I tDuld t .od utjcl lo lh. <br />$odf, orC@.b. FoririE of S.dion 1700 ottln Lrtd Co& I ftll. l(li*nh @npry w r tho- Fovii(E, <br />cn fin6 up ro onc huod..d lhoued dollrE (!l ..ldirhn ro rhc con ot comp.Brion. dmr86 a provd.d aor rh. <br />ut!-Lt&uru.r <br />I hclty .r[ii ulda parhy of pdio, ltr I 6 !o& FDrtkh 6rch.flE 9 (6ffii!0 wilt S.dte 7000) of Dillio! ] <br />ot lt &!i!6 rn ? Cod.. d 6y ltu{ i a ftll 6.4 .d.f&.r <br />coBsraugrc!.J.t8DtlclcllcI <br />I ha.!, ilfm unda padry olpdirry Oc tta! b ., ladiir {dt for ltt of llE 6l tu eti:t llti Fni it <br />irq.d {56. !097. civ. C. ). <br />axllJcAllp&cuEArro! <br />It 6r.f!E uds ,a.Xy or Fjury oc of rh. folbeirl &.ld.rioBl <br />Dcdohbn P6ull!-Att id Notii.dbo &d R.ssbiB (Ttb rO. Pa$) <br />-R.q!ird <br />lana ot tldiEcrir <br />IL.fli rlrrrl,.ld(ilrrlrl. (,nsqr 1f,3adi:r^,ctrr,ralr'.tr.r.,tIn(flrt,rl'ntr.l.(r <br />-l <br />Grit Or I hi. iad lhi .aplarih rd ll ltr .hoE hfonnrioo . @qr I t E <br />ordi,a6 ad Sl.l. t w Elrios <br />!!oE enir.d FoFry fo. <br />tDildiiB .o6rErb( id n6.q erbriz EFelrn 6 o <br />!o @ady rib .[ Ct, -d C.udy':';\ry? <br />Appliances <br />Melal Fire Place <br />Evaporalive Cooler <br />Furnace <br />Compressor <br />Misc. Equipment <br />Duct Work <br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled <br />Rouqh Ductwork <br />Vents <br />Toilet Room / Clothes Dryer <br />Residential Range <br />Other <br />Hood <br />Type I Hood <br />Type ll Hood <br />Grease Duct <br />Fire Damper <br />Openings <br />lnstallation <br />F.D. Drop Test <br />Above Hard Lid <br />Above T-Bar <br />Rough Mech. <br />Final Test <br />Meter Release <br />FINAL Z/ttho fr'b)TH6 <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />+<t <br />Pre-lnsulation <br />lnsulation