<br />Site-Work
<br />Underground
<br />Pole Bases
<br />Light Standards
<br />Spas, Pool, Fountains
<br />Signs (monument)
<br />Life Safety /Low Voltage
<br />Fire Alarm / Dampers
<br />Communications Cable
<br />Building
<br />Under Slab / Floor
<br />Bonding / Groundinq / UFER
<br />Transformers
<br />Torqueing
<br />Sub-Panels
<br />Air Conditioners
<br />Roof Top Equipment X
<br />Factory Wired Unit
<br />Walls (Conduit)
<br />Walls (Rough)
<br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rouoh
<br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rouqh)
<br />Meter Release
<br />Rough
<br />Service Meter
<br />FINAL
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc
<br />I hn lr' ,lfm uidd parhy of prjnry rht I m anF nom rlE (o'rrnoE l-ao* Iil' [,r tlE 6llo*it8 ia). (sa m] I 5
<br />auJ!r6! aftj Prcfmn Cod.) Any C , .r Cou'ly sh'ch Equn6 ! pqni ki otrntud. rh6, i,lP$e damlih "r ,q.t r'
<br />r .ruc. Fi, to ils ste.. .Lo rdtnic rlE qrlknr f.r s.h Frmir rD lik ! sisn.d ltltmt rhn h. or.lE h li.6.d Feot
<br />ro rh. ForitFB of rlE Coflr-lq t Lt.r!.d lr$ (Ctnl'rd 9. Conjffii.s *ith S.dion 70m oa Dirihn I ot llE BG'E$ ad
<br />Pn,r*ion. ( ql.) or rhrr h. or rh. n ampi rhd.fi'om xd rh. bsir for lhc .lLs.d qdnioi. Any rhldFn orsciio. 7ol I 5 t t Mr\
<br />opplicor aor . Fhir rubjrlr th. .ppli.6r ro ! civ il pdhy or mr mr. th,n fiv. htr.rl,.i dolld (tt00)
<br />L s o"nn of lh. FlFly, d Ey .nphrc wilh f,as6 u lhct $L rorpdrdion, rill d, lhc *dt ttd lh. tuw it mr
<br />i.tori.d or ollatd for d. (Sc 7044, ABi6 ed PrDl*io6 C6dc ft. co.idolr L,i.cM k$ 66 nol Opty to D .wnd ol
<br />E FrFry lho hilih G irq.E dEqn !d sho d6 uh NrI h'eltor hdxlfo. rhrcoSf hi! d lE orr@phyc.
<br />For xL<l rhn kh iflFDvr6i! E d iddd dolEld frr s]. I( n 16!. r,E hlildqt s itrpill@r 6 $ld *irhin om r-
<br />ofcon'pldion, lh. Ow Buil& wilt hav. rlE hm,a of Fovins lhd h. or !l! drd Nl tuild or itrrFo!. lh. FoFly 6r tlE pupoe of
<br />l. s ou,n6 otlh. p.opdry, m .:cl6,vcl, codian irs s irh licaBcd codndoB ro onrdcl llE ,mj.cl (SE 704,1, B6i6
<br />sd Proto i{ Cod. Tnc Conrrrroi! Lic@ l,{ doB mt rmly ro B o*n( oll'opdy *t hlildr or inptoE lt66n.
<br />rrd $tb @nraB ld sch Fni$ s dh r codddGl lkGd FlllM lo llE Co'ir-16 t lidg t rl
<br />I an.r.mfl ondd sdrion
<br />D.r. ()rnE
<br />wonxrts' conPtls,tt roli
<br />I h6.dt rm,n !n&r Fruh\ o,FJu,] on..r'h. r(nkN 'ry &(l,,al'.m
<br />I h!!r xd *ill mhtlin r C6rifrcrlc ol Co6dr ro S.lt lMc for *ork6 @nFMion. 6 F.r id.d for by S6tion 1700 of lh.
<br />L.tr (-odq tu rlE FlolliB. of lh. s..t fd $tit rh. Fnn i! is,cl
<br />Ih!v..!du,illmli.inworl .ont MD. iDue., 6 r.qad b, sdrtrn ITID of lh. r,hor Cod., for lh. pdhtr]@. oa
<br />rh. \qt tor \nin lhir Fin u isd My *.116 ..,rFurioi iBurE..eir rn Fky .dts r.
<br />#ltrr NumtE - I \piB
<br />Od,n,fin, ^r*EIt"tflRorrh.uo rd rhtfi rti' rEmn n su.d, I lrull mr d,pby or rEen in uy lME
<br />$ s ro baod $ti6r ro th. *trld 6mFsb6 Ls. ol ( .lifomr .d +R rhr if I inuld hqor sti(tl lo t
<br />*oltd' comFstionlrretioBof Sdion ]70oofth. trt (ode l Jdl aonhwilh cohply wilh lhoE FlvititB..
<br />ll RNlnC tulu. tr sft *mld oftFMi]n co!
<br />.nrl find uD ro on. hun&.n rhousd tiollu {11ru.000
<br />lELrhn 1076 of rh. tibr Codc int6.d 6d drorrEy ! rs
<br />fuL an dl ruhFl e onp
<br />(".".//-/ f- /E
<br />D&cllaallo[
<br />I ho!6y .ffm und, FEty ol Fiury rhd I m lieN.d ud6 Frvirb. of Ch.Eq 9 {odtMcils wnh Sdb. 7000) of Dililion l
<br />ot rh. BainB ed Prcl6io6 (o&. dd my li.oE s h tull lorc .,i .fi<r
<br />fi:;E 19 Y",(,EE
<br />cQllrBrcllo!.tlBltlcrcEdcr
<br />I holby lllffi u.<ln Fuly ot pdrury rhr rtd. ir . @disrb. lddnB .8d, lor tn. Ffol!ffi. otdr qrt 6. $l&h rhi! Fni i
<br />isu.d (Se l0g7. Civ a).
<br />L.n& r Nm.
<br />aflu(Aflr.DlgJaduax
<br />I hdrt y afiiri un& pd.lty of pajrry on. oa lh. Olowin! d(l'ra' tunr'
<br />l).mhior tmn$Arbdlor NorifK.rion [-.<'a.l R.*ubt.tu (Tn|.40. Pd6)
<br />Rcquir.d t.arn orMrift d6n
<br />ESedi.s a!.r ramrrl r. noi pdK.bk
<br />'o
<br />rfis Foj.ri
<br />r i! (otr..r I lrrd ro coiply *ith.ll aity lnd County
<br />dlbrt. rqreri^ 6 ol rhn ('iry ind Cody to atc lpor
<br />'lErtF\. nEnotr.n rrup.ny tu inrF<r
<br />lY:o*-,
<br />ffi.,,.llot//dqles ylL4 4