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ELECTRICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />I ,rylJ fm u,r& Frty ol Fju.y thi I d sqq,l toE llE coffia Lkru L.s for rlE folbriB l6t (Sc m1l 5 <br />Bu6 .Dd Prof&n Co<t) Any Cny o. C@,ry *trf,h Equic . Fni ro oErucr. .la, !tF!rc, dai6L! d E .n l', <br />rnE14 Fix'. it. ro+E tlE Slt n tor wh Dann b 6L. r(i.d r.a6 finlEdi.iliqpu Dl $d <br />ro rlE FovirioB of rli conr,rtd! Lien-d t r (ch.Fq g, comtrins s'nt s(ion Tooo of Dililior , ol rl|f B$ina! ed <br />PmldioN Co&, m $n lE or dE i a@pr tts.6on rd tlE tG! fo, 0E rllcs.d d@F6n A.y viohhn ors.dion 701 I 5 by Ey <br />applicur tor . Fmir rlbjdl3 tlE ippli.&r ro . .ivil p.ot, ot rcr mr. tho fiv. huidEd dolld (1t00). <br />()$\tR Bt ll.t)t.R Dt.l.(.\R \l t(r\ <br />I lB.ta rmm unrkr IEEI\ .r r'.rlura oE ol lh. rolhtr !n{ &(l,nrrG <br />ioliy N@bd:-Erpi.a <br />inrdd ,rd ltorlw'! f6 <br />l. s ow of rlE Fopqry, or my mptolE wirh w.{6 s $L omFsaion, $ill.t, rlE wort ad dE sure i rcl <br />fiord.d d oII6.d for gL (Sc.7044, Bo.ilB &t Prof6$6 Co&: TlE aonlrr.ln r Lt@ lte &16 .ol Qrt 'o <br />d owffi of <br />rlrFrFiy wrb hiLl d i,rs!\E tlEe &d etn d6 xt wt hiell or hcElf .. rhmuh hlr d lE M stplo,6, <br />Fovilot rhd sh 6Fs!c$ e d n6d.d rofid.d 6.* lt,lbsr. dE h,rldir tr i'rlffi a sE with m )c <br />ols4idin d. (rE Alildg fil hrE ri. hdn ol Fo$t llr lE d tE.lid d bj]d itFsi llr. FlFrt'&r dE tEF* oa <br />-t, <br />s orG ofrh. Fopdt. m codrelDs wnh licosd cofirroB ln 6t!!tu!r rlE Ftr (Sa. ?Ol.l, h!i6 <br />&d Aokih Co& ln. ( ontrctor'r L,..M Lrs do6 ml .p?ly t6 e o{n6 oaFoFlr wh. hil& or iEFotd rnson. <br />ed *ho coni6d! lM .u.h FDjds wnh ! Conlr..1o(!) lica$d plEuol lo lhc cor rdoi! Lic@ L!w). <br />Ih!r.idwillmi e r Csrifrd.of CoMr ro S.ltlBUE nn *ut6. .omp6grion, 6 Fuir.d lor ty kF. !ru of rlE <br />lrbo. Codc for rh. Ffolruc. o I <br />'h. <br />qort for *t ch th. Fnn i! &!.d- <br />I hr!. .nd sill mrinlrin wdrk.ra comp.Ealion iNUeMc, c ..qui(d by s<r io. 1700 ofrh. Libor Codc, for lh. pqfomMc. of <br />rh. work aor whi.h thir Fanit ir isd My vorkd' compstrnion i utM. .nE ftl Fli.y nombs e.: <br />I cslit fid ir tlE Flolrr!!* of dt w fq *'h.h lh! pqhn s isu..! I dlll mr drpb' My pae. i.otlmE <br />s d ro broft $t d ro rhc rdt6 mmFudhn l,s of C.lifomia ud rsr $ri rf l rhould heoB $birl lo llE <br />*'oitd eoFs.lon grovLi,B of Sdion l7m of dE tlEr ( ode I +Ell. tonhq,Ilh co69ly wnt ihoe FrvitioB.. <br />WARNING: trilor. trr suc *rrt6 6nps!.lnro co!q!*. ir*61, d rh.llllbjdl e 4ployq lo ainin.l Frhit Md <br />.i!il n.6 !p to on. huni.d lhoMd dou6 (lloo.o(xl). in .ddition ro (h. cor ot comFMrion. dan g6 a Fo!i'i.d for rh. <br />I hd!b, .rlir u!& padr oa Fjuy lti ! D liE!.d ulb Fornbn olch.grs 9 (offius vih Serbn 7@o) of Dtnbn ! <br />oa ln. BBi6 dd ProfdhE Co{L. td Ey kc n h tuI for tld c,L.l. <br />gtlfrallclxlu.LElDtlc-ao[ucr <br />I hattly rtlm '!xla Fri, of Fjuty thlr thd. a . @iin'srbn Ldins 4cy rot llt Ftdtla. of tlE adt 6r ,nth lh! Pdoa a <br />isEd(se. Jo9?, civ. c.). <br />AITII(AILDEQJAAIIAd <br />I h6d .riE und.r p6.lry of Fjuy oc ol rlr tullo*a.s &.ktrnioBl <br />Damlnion PmnlAlbdd NolitElrior F.ddtl i.3uhioN ( tnl.,l0, Pd6) <br />-i.quiEd <br />tnr6of Niiftim <br />-l <br />.dif} rhd rh. fnla.l r.srhtio6 rBinin8 sbdot rm\.1 r. d +rlf,lbL k, ihu Fojal <br />_l cs1iry rhd I h,r. r6d rhit lpplaarion d'd slrr. rhir v. infom .n is coffil. I isc lo codrly wi$ lll Cil!and (iunly <br />ordinanc6 sd Strt. has rclllrna lo buildins.o <br />6b\. mFrioncd ptup.ny tu iNFd <br />rpp crnr or \ siP rrurr <br />APPROVALS DATE COMMENTSID/SIG. <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER tl.,c,KC AI 1 <br />Transformers <br />Torqueinq <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rouqh) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rough <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough) <br />Meter Release <br />Rough <br />Service Meter s-l- 11 RC trl <br />FINAL 7-ll-zt PB Tt{^ <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />,urhorn. rqrGalllrv6 oll::,:W/; <br />tt ;,:,.^;a*ry)i <br />Lidd r Nm <br />-