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BUILDING- INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE.WORK DATE rD/stG.COMMENTS oltNER BtJILDF,R DEI-('ARA NON <br />, hsdt rmm u.rt r FMh} of Frrry thd I e crftpt 6!n lh. CodrN.R' Lrffi bw for th. rolo$nS r.en {!i( 7O$J <br />&!'nd !d Prolghn ( o&): A.r Cn) or ( oudy *hth r.quE . panl lo mEtruc1. .116. imForq ddmlkh or r4.n Ey <br />rfldue pmr r. n! B!uc. ,'re Equn6 rh. q'plicd lor 3u.h Fnd r. fik ! risEd iddal thal lE or {r i! liceEa pEu6l <br />to rh. Frviliod o l lh. (inlr.crois Licdrd ljw ( G.prd 9. Cohodc us $ h Sd n . 7000 of Oivirior ! of rh( BuriK d <br />hor*nrB (id.l or rhlt Ir oBh. 6 .rdo Oqcnon .nd rh. hGt f.r rh. .lklcn .rotrio. An) \ bhNn ots<rni 70lr I 5 tTq r.) <br />!ppli(!.| for . Fmh 3uqdr rh. @li..d ro r cn il FEI' of mt mE the fi\ . hutrdd drlld (!!0(r) <br />l. a oMd olrh. rrop.ny. r ny qnployE virh *+6 s rh.t $1. coh!.Bdnrr. *itl rh ItE *ort,n tlE rlll.lE ! ml <br />ndd.d orolt6.n f.. $L (Sc 7or4, adiB dd nolshB ( o& ln Codrddi l-tdE t r.dBml +pl'bdo$coIrlrFoFr]'srnbiLlorirForEtlEE(srl*'lb&sa*ttro*hid.lro,h@lto hrcushhtorh6o$rcmphr6. <br />n.ovidd thll ruch iqmvffis @ mr inrad.d d 6fr6d ftr !l.. lL lr\Bc. rlE hiildins d drFo$rEn i! hB ynhir uG )d.f.onplclbG llr()$ffi huildE e ls!rlEhn otFolilf,$.lldiEditdhllddirtbErlEF!Ft'16lEFqrol <br />L c oM6 orrh. FoFrr. d dctun.b conlrdins *nh hc.6.d cutuids to $inrud tlE rrci.rt (SE 7(x.r. 86!r.!n EDasircodc: llE ( onrrroit ti..R t { d@mr 4'Pb to uo*n6of FoFi} slh h{il.l, or rho conlEd. for ruh Fijdr wilh r ( odriclo(3) licrud DuRtr6! ro th.( onrd.r'! l-icd. r'q) <br />lm.\ofl undd Sdrirn <br />D.r. Oin.r <br />lrotI(tsRs, aonrPE^isair(N <br />DE(IdXAIIA!Ihd.byafli,nr dd pdtrh\ oltdjuryon.ofrfi. f('lnrtr'.s d(hr 116 <br />I h.r. ,rl $ l mi.rlin r ( strrral. orco(6r to tNur. lor s 0&6' tunpgsdtun. a trevid.d for by S(rn)n t?00 of rh. <br />lltor ('od.. for rh.,,6fomanc. otll'. sorl to $t'ich rh. ri6mr 6 '.su.d <br />I hlrt.d will @i.lain rorl6 coDrmrion iNure... s rqrun.d Uv Sdio.:uOO of th. trbor Cod.. aor lh. rsaoliMc. ol <br />llF(,ll.l$hnlj'l,hl(lTJlsyolv\({l6( <br />r,rd .< N-?,\ro.{,-. Cn;.,.q[, \.1 <br />,,.,.\\,n,r-l fRw(dllb/Y / <br />ucc ffE md Frlicr numb6 a. <br />r/t/ = o <br />I cdifyrh'l in rhc n rlortlle. of lhcqotl fo.$hrhrhisFhit i! i$u.d.l lhill not mplor lny p€6o. i. !n, nmnd <br />s a lo tE on ruB.rt <br />'o <br />th. *o 6 onpoinio. bqs of C.liaomi.. dd .eE ihd if I .lrrB tE nft tub.c1 to ttr <br />tr 0116' omFndil. I'ori.6B ols.di.n ! 7@ otth< tltxr (-o<|.. I tulL fonfi$nh omrl, *ih rlF. For sio6 <br />\IARNINC F ilu. to su. $Mt6 .omrEstrn cov6r*c ir unLqful. ed sh.ll 3ubjd d dplor< ro oiminal lFnrii6 6d <br />cNll nn6 u! k) on. hundEn rhoc.nd doll06 {llu).lxxr). <br />o I <br />oEctdBAItQ! <br />I dnm u.dr Fn lty oa psjury ihd I o li.or.d unds Eovtion of ain',ra e (comlm.ine u{h sfiion 7000, ot l)n i$. l <br />ol th. BBin6r Md Pr.l6n B Co<L, &d ny li.@ it h tull for.. ni.lt6r <br />Ctu t"277L/r- -TfrtedbA"-."4.@.< t.,-< t- <br />callral(]tatu,frDrxc-acllcr <br />I lrrm undn Ftuhy of Fiury rhd rha. ir . odtudnn bdins r{ftt for rh. Ftotuc of tlE s$rl &,r \ htt thi! Fni iris.d (s( 110q7, cir ( ) <br />AIIIICAII.DECIASAIIA! <br />I hod, Drnn undd pmrlty oaFjury onc ofrh. follosinr dalodoN: <br />Iro.ohnn P.m gtuIxrto! Ndrnc ion r-cdol Rcsold ions tTir l. .10, Pin6) <br />Rutuncd ltltd of NorifMi,r <br />I Ldift rhd tlr fc&r, EsuldioB EsErti.B sbdd l.mvd c mr qlpltrbL lo thi Fqd <br />I cdlrry rhar I ha\ . rad rht .pplicdioo ed { c rha lh. .tntr rnfomdn'n i .or.d. I rsG 16 snp!, wnn ,I Cny .!d County <br />ord'n!m6 a.d Srrr. l,$! Eh!n! ro t i n6 olfin Chtd Counry lo 6rd lFn rl! <br />rho\. lmlirnd Fltxd\ ntr <br />\ppricrtrr .r \*dl \i|]nsr lo,/t f/. ? <br />4'ut )lt &a f,n.nn <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Sleel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subfloor/VenVl nsulation <br />Roof Sheathing <br />Shear Wall <br />Framing <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />Masoniy <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />De Final Re rt <br />En ineer Final Re ort <br />Flood Zone Certif <br />r .l T .a\ <br />FINAL ilfft'il,,LXt**-t LIJY <br />Certificate of Occupan cy <br /><.,/ <br />lnsulation/Eneroy <br />Drywall <br />Handicap Req. <br />Nolesi.RernelKs, Etc.