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10180120_1125 N. JACKSON - Plan
Jackson St
1125 N Jackson St
10180120_1125 N. JACKSON - Plan
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1125 N Jackson St
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7.0 Requirements for Surface Mounted Posts on Concrete Slabs or Footings for Sigle Span Attached Lattice Structures <br />REQUIRED NUMBER OF POSTS FOR SINGLE SPAN LATTICE UNITS WITH SURFACE MOUNTED POSTS ON CONCRETE SLABS OR FOOTINGS <br />Table Lla: Use this table for the following headers Table Llb: Use this table for the following headers <br />3x8 Alum Header Double 3x8 Alum Header <br />Double 2*6.5 Alum Heade:Double Steel C Beam <br />Single Steel C Beam <br />Seismic Size Requirements Table L2a Table L2b <br />3,[8 Alum Header Double 3*8 Alum Header <br />Double 2x6.5 Alum Heade,Double Stee] C Beam <br />Single Steel C Beam <br />Post Height (ft)Post Height (ft) Size Size <br />1 Required 8'9' 10'11'9' 10' 11' 12';Required 8'9' 10' 11' 12' 1 8'9' 10'11'12' Ss Allowed Ss Allowed <br />Wind Nurnber Wind Exposure B Wind E*posure C Wind Number Wind Exposure B Wind Exposure C (cubic feet)(cubic feet] <br />Speed of Posts MAXIMUM TRIBUTARYWID™ ALLOWED Speed of Posts MAXIMUM TRBUTARY WIDTH ALLOWED. -<20%1949 20% 2996 <br />85 mph 2 er 3 1 9' 7' 6'5 4' 6'5' 4'3' 2'85 mph 2 or 3 14' 12' 10' 9'8' 10' 9'7 6' 5 30%1299 30% 1997 <br />4 14' 12' 10' 9 8' 10' 8'7-6-5 4 15 15'150 15 13'15'14'12'10' 9'40%975 40% 1498. <br />5 ; 15' 15' 14'12 11'14'12'10' 9 7 5.15 15' 15 15'15 15'15 15 15 13'50%891 *50%1370 <br />6 15'15'15 15'14'15 15'13'12'10'6 15 15'15 15'15 15 15 15 15'15' . ·60%743 "60%1141 <br />7 15'15'15 15'15' 15' 15'15'14'13'7 15 15'15 15'15 15*15 15 15'15'70%636 70%978 <br />90 mph 2 or 3 9' T 6'5 40 5 4 3' 3' 20 90 mph 2 or 3 14'12'10'9' 8' 9' T 6' 5' 4'80%650 80%999 <br />4 14 12'10' 9' F 9' 1 6' 5 4' 4 15'15 15 15'13'14'12'10'9' 8'90%578 -*90%888 * <br />5 15 15'14'12' 11' 12'10' 9'8' 5 5 15'15 15 15 15'15'15'15 13'11'100%520 100%799 <br />6 15 15'150 15'14'15'13'12'10' 9 6 15' 15' 15 15'15' - 15'15' 15' 15' 15' :110%515 110%792 <br />7 19 15'15'15 15' - 15'15'14'13'11'7 15 15'15 15'15 15 15 15 15'15' 120%473 120%726 <br />95 mph 2 or 3 8' 6' 5'4'3' 5' 4'3' 2' 1'95 mph 2 or 3 15 11' 9' 8' T 8' 7' 5' 4' 4'130%480 130%737 <br />4 12'10' 9'8' 6' 8'6' 5 4' 3' 4 150 15'15 13'11'13'11' 90 8' r 140%446 140%685 ** <br />5 15'14'13'11' 9'11' g'8' ¢ 5' 5 15'15'15'15'15'15 15'13'11'10'150%416 150%639 *** <br />6 15'15'15 14'13' 14'12'10' 9' 8' 6 15'15 15'15'15' 15' 15'15 15'13' <br />121 81 <br />7 15'15'15'15'15'15' 15' 13'11'10'7 15 15'15 15'15'15'15'15'15'15 Directions for using Seismic Table Ua or L2b"***' <br />100 mph 2 or 3 7'5' 4'4' 3' 4' 3' 2' - 2'1' 100 mph 2 or 3 11' 9 8'T 6'T 6'5'4' 3'1. Determine Tributery width <br />4 11' 9'8'T 6'T 60 4'4' y 4 15'15'13'11'10'11' 9'8' r 6'2. Determine width of structure <br />5 15 13'11'10' 8'10' 8'7' 6' 5' 5 15'15'15'15 140 15'13'11'10' 9'· 3. Determine height. of structure <br />6 15'15'14'13'11'12'10' 9'8' 7'6 15'15 15' 15 15 15'15 15'13'1 40 4. Determine number of posts *ucture has <br />7 15'15'15 15 14'15 13'11'10' 8'7 15'15'15'15' 15 15 15 15'15'14' ·5. Determine Ss foryour area (contact <br />105 mph 2 or 3 6' 5' 4'5 2' 30 3'2' 1'10 105 mph 2 or 3 . 10'8' T 6' 5 6 5 4'3 2'your local building department)**** <br />4 10' 8'7' 6 5 6'5' 4'31 7 4 15 14 12'10' 9'10' 8'r 6'5' 6. Choose Table L2a or L2b based orl the header \ <br />5 13'11'10' E T 8' 7' 6'5' 4'5 15' 15' 15'14'13'14'12'10' 9' 8' 7. Determine the maximum size allowed on the chart <br />6 15 15'13'11'10'11' 9'8' T 6'6 15 15'15'15 15 15'15 13'12 10'8. Multiply #1, #2 and #3 and divide by #4- <br />7 15 15'15'14'12'14'12'10' 90 7 7 15 15 15'15 15 15 15 15'14'13'9. If #8 is lower than #7 the structure is OK for seismic <br />DEC 5 2011 <br />110 mph· 2 or 3 5' 4' 3'3' 2'3 20 1' 1' 0' 110 mph 2 or 3 9' r 6'5 4'5' 4'3' 3' 20 <br />1 4 9' 7'6' 5'4' 5 4' 3'3' 2'4 14'12'10' 9'8' 9' 8' 6' 5 4' <br />5 12'10' 9' T 6' 8' 6'5' 4' 3' 5 15'15'15'13'11'13'11' 9' 8' T <br />6 15'13'12'10' 9' 10' 8'7' 6'9 6 15'15 15'15 15' 15'14' 12' 10' 9'*no check needed for Patio Covers attached to slab under these conditions <br />7 15'15' 14' 12'11' - 12'10'9' 8' 6'7 15'15 15' 15 15 15 15 15 13'11'-no check needed for Patio Covers that are 10' tall attached to slab under these cor is <br />120 mph 2 or 3 4' 3'2' 2' 1'2 2'1' 0'0' 120 mph 2 or 3 7 6'5' 4'3' 4' 3' 3 2'1' -*no check needed for Patio Covers that are 8' tall attached to slab under these coryntiorB <br />4 T 6' 5' 4'3' 4'3' 2'2' 1'4 12'10' 8'7' 6' 7 6' 50 40 3' -Ss is the Maximum Considered Earthquake Ground Motion (0.2 sec) <br />5 10' 8'7' 6'5' 60 5 4'3' 2'5 15' 14' 12'10' 9'10'9' T 6' 5' mapped on Figures 1613.5(1),1613.5(3) in the 2009 IBC <br />6 13'11' 9' 8' T 8'7' 6'5 4'6 15 15 15 14'12'13'11'10'8' 7' *"** Alternatively, divide by these numbers <br />7 15' 13' 12'10' 9 10' 8'7' 6' 5'7 15' 15 15' 15'15 15'14'12'10' 9'For 2 post Structures divide by 3 <br />130 mph 2 or 3 3' 2' 2'1' 1'2' 1'00 0'0' 130 mph 2 or 3 6'5 4' 3' 2' 5 3' 2' 1' 1' For 3 post Structures divide by 3 <br />4 6' 5 4' 3'2' 3'2' 2'1' 1'4 10' 8' 7 6'56'5 4' 3' 2'For 4 post Structures divide by 4.5 <br />5 8' 7 6' 5' 4 5' 4 3'2' 2'5 13'12'10'8' 7 8: 7 6' 5 4'For 5 post Structures divide by 6 <br />6 11'9' 8' 6' 5' 70 5 4'4' 3'6 15' 15 13' 11' 10' 11' 9 8' T €For all others add 1.5 to number of posts 1 \ 1[2'lli <br />7 13' 11' 10' 8'7 8'T 6' 5 4' 7 15' 15' 15' 14 12' 14' 12 10' 9' T .„***Not for use in areas with flat roof snow loads exceeds 3¥ psf: \&* 1 <br />i?61 <br />40 UT¢¥1% <br />MEFIETH_S SH®L <br />Tables Ll and LZ need to be checked for surfac, <br />mount concrete attachmenl <br />M5-09 <br />j <br />BUILDING PRODUCTS <br />2440 Albrighl <br />Houston, TX 77017 <br />(713) 946-998£ ESR 1953 (2009 mc) 1215/2011 <br />Carl Putnam, P. E. <br />3441 Ivylink Place <br />Lynchburg, VA 24502 <br />Page 98 of 101
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