<br />I rElhy lmm und6 p.ulry ot prjury rhd I &n .xdpt film rh. ( onr..1oE' l-t<G l.s for rh. irnk*rs ltetr (s< 70:t.r :-Itusi.* 8j Proa63'on ( od.) Ant Cnr' or CNdr_ *nkh rquG i Fmi b .o.dM1, .lra, nnFole &Bniih or lq6n dv
<br />(oclue rft{ r. il! isuE.- .lar r.ciric rhc {,plic&t for such p.,nir lo lilc ! sisn.d stdooi rhd, n or !h. it lic$cd t@d
<br />to thr ffornioN of lh. (\rnlrrciorr Lic.nkd Llw (Ch.D'6 9. (-onm6cinx ailh Sdb. 7(r)0 .f Dnirion ! of rh. l]B'B od
<br />Pt fdrFtu Cod.) or rhar lE or ri. ! er6pr r[6!6om sd rrE bcn for th. dLs.n .rsnprrn Ar] \6bibnofsdion70ll5b-trn.
<br />r0pli.d for r p(mi! rubjGk !h. +plicmr to . ci\ il p6,lly 6f @t morc rhn fi\ . hun&.d dollm tt500)
<br />l, a orE ofrh. proFf}. or n) dpht6 s n$ $LcooFdir.- trill&, rt!*orr&rl$.rMRbmr
<br />intdrld oroll6.d forsl.(Sd 7044. Buird.nd Pmfan'N ( nl. rt ('odndo.! l.i(w L,B do6 ml fglyloeo$Mor
<br />rh. F rdr- trh, bil$ or unlin\6 tlEol! rd srF &E sh s.rl fii'rlf or lEr<ll or llmuth hi! or lEr o{n drl6yc.
<br />pror irLrl rh.r $dh i,nprorEidr R mi hiarLd or.fi6cd tu sl. l( tbs6d,
<br />'rE
<br />lnildinx or imrrn!6M! ii $ld sihin.k ,a
<br />.f FntLrD., lh. (rnd &'k d *ill h.w rh. hrdo orForus lhi tE o s& dn mi ll d or irqnr! lh. rmFry 6r dE FIFE or
<br />l. Bouc of lh. troFi,, m eclll.n.b conrdiry r nh licau.d.ond6io odrucl tt: Fi.rl (Sa '701-1. &!trB
<br />.,i Fs&sih ('od.: 'rh. ( onrkl.r-s l-i...r.I,w do6 nor rrtlr ro aown6 nfpro!.ny * ho buil& or inprcv6
<br />'h66n,lnd wlo conrdrs tM such Fnixli *nh r Conebns) lrdE d FIEUII ro rrE ( on,xld'r Lt.6 lrl)
<br />I rtr,.\cn,t un(1.' S..rnn'
<br />s!tal85:-t.a!ttIatAra!
<br />I hd*r{ .mm undc pauht or Fj$! orc or
<br />'h.
<br />follo$in8 d..h i,B:
<br />I hrv. sd r,ll mlif,rai. r ( din..!. oaconsr to s.lf-lBur. fo. * 0116- e'nFM6n. s pm*Ld for by S6lhn !70(, of llE
<br />l,rn Cod.. for rh. rE[tu..f rh. rorr ror stah lrE Fnn i iq.d
<br />I h.r c rnd $ ill mrinrain s rt6 .omFMirn iMo.., 6 Ertli.rt h Sd hn 1700 oltlE l,bor ( o&. for rh. pgfotu. of
<br />rh. $orl tu "hkh rhk G is.d My $ orkd .omFMioD iNuffi. cair dd Frlky rumbs ft
<br />I cdily thdr i. rhc Ffomlrc oalll *ol[ n, whrh rhi Fn't i3 Bu!d, t rtlll nn dproy tur F$n in ] m.nk
<br />$ a ro lE$ft slhd lo tn $ort6'$npadion Lss oactlifomir ed r3R thn ial rnouu b.{om rubjel lo ltr
<br />wo*6' $rFNrr ion prcvnioB of S..rnrn 1700 of rh. trbr ( od., I slEll. ldh* h onpl, wnh rk* I'oruioB
<br />WARNING [-!itu.G to Fu. *dl6 oniFlnir. srqrs. a uilrntuL od rldl ubi.<l o nplola ro Giminrl FEh6 dri
<br />ci 616 u! lo oE bundErl rh6us4! {blla (1100,000), r rddirn. ro rh. cor of .o6FNxo.. ddn g6 B Fovid.d lor lh.
<br />s<r $n .!076 ol rh. trh)i (-o<L. i.rfd 6nd dbnEy 3
<br />Ih@byilTmu la Dqlhy otp.rjury u I @ licd.d u*b lrorirbi of Ci.gla 9 (@@,!s *nh Sdn. ?000)olDivnio,1
<br />of rlE Buind rrd PFl6iru Co&, en hy lac* b h tull foR -d.ltat
<br />,,.,. l0llq ljq
<br />gr!$al]lllo!Itdll!c"aq[!(I
<br />I hd.t'! llItrm u ld I!Ml') ol FjuD lhd tlEc i! r sdtudnrn hftlin*.8tr]_ for th. Ffol]ffic of th. *ort fttr uh'ch rha Fhii 6
<br />isu.dls< :1097, Civ ( )
<br />affu(ANt-Dtcu[6-uqli
<br />I lE t'y ornn trndcr !.nan y o f rEaNry on. ot rh( aollowrn,r dRlsd k,.s
<br />D.m.lirir. P.mi3 Ash.stB No! rfi.d b. lid:b.l R.!uhkrm (Tnt {, Pd6)
<br />R.qutr.J l..n6.f Norikdi,n
<br />I rclil} rhar rh. r.Jsilr.Sulnr()hs r+ddtrlg aslEt)s rono\ !l rrc ior aml(rhl. t, ihis frt,r(r
<br />l corify
<br />'hd
<br />l hrv. rad rhn rppli..rion !d 3l.r. rhd rh. !h,rc inforn tion i! .ord I oSG kr comlly s nh r Cilrmd ( ounr,
<br />.rdinin.6 od Srd.Ir$ Elaing ro hndi.s cocntu.l6l! nd t'lllhrr. r.Fedii\d ofrhircny!i (tu ) lo dr6uFntlE
<br />rhn. nElioo.J Fond! for iNr'.nFn
<br />^
<br />or \Edr sisn,rure
<br />ilcj va D ioAow
<br />l0lztlrl
<br />Set Backs
<br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns
<br />Erection Pads
<br />UFER Ground
<br />SLAB Floor
<br />Subf loorA/enUl nsulation
<br />Roof Sheathing to-15o - t q o6rrf I o>
<br />Shear Wall
<br />Framing
<br />lnsulation/Energy
<br />Drywall
<br />Ext./lnt. Lath
<br />Masonry
<br />Pool Fence
<br />T-Bar
<br />Handicap Req
<br />Deputy Final Report
<br />Engineer Final Report
<br />Flood Zone Certif.
<br />FINAL rl-?3-rq dlot
<br />Certificate of Occupancy
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc
<br />,-,*,.,('4p5
<br />Brown Coat