<br />I hd.t, iltm urb FElry ot Fjury rh.l I d ci6pr Fom rfi. Coftrxr6 Lictu LN for rlr folto*iry lg$ (S< 701I t
<br />BBin6 .,i Profdio. Cod.) Any Ciry or coonty *hth r.qun6 . Fsi to oiFN.r. .n6, ,nFote dqmlirh .r np.i &i
<br />slildue pritr lo ils isu e rlso t.qliE lh. .prliol foriEhFnnlo 6k. r'9..d rrdErr lhilEordEirli.o*d F rrr
<br />lo lh. provilioa of rl' ( o.h.cloir Limsd L.* {(]14(6 9. Comnin8 wnh S.dbn 7000 of Dilnion 1 of th. Builld xd
<br />PmfdioE Cod.) n thd lE d slE ir .rmF lHron ad rh. b8ir for fic .lh8cd dcrdion Any viohion of Scrioi ?011.5 b, sny
<br />,p? tor . Frhn ubid! rh. .99lic&l lo . .i\ il p6!hy ol ml mE llEtr 6v. hundrd dolls (1t00)
<br />l.B omE otllE FoFly. or ny.nploycr wnh w+6 B rh.i $L.onFdrn. f,ill&' E$f,t rn rrndEirDl
<br />i a!dq, orofdcd ld $1. {Sc.7O{4. B6iB ed ftli*hB Codc TIE Conr*rd ! Lio& l,rdcmr Tplyroeo*cof
<br />ih. FlFty slb toill ( inr.llE tlE6^ od sho dG if,6 $st hinelaor helf or rhmllh hi! .r hd om .nploy.6,
<br />F.t iLd rh, sh inFo\61dr G ml iioit d ffoflid for d. Il lFE6, thc hildiqB or itrgrovaEt b sld drhi. ft,6
<br />ofonpldiotr E (xM &nldd willh!*,E hEd, ofFovins ihd h. o.nE dil d htldc irFlE E FoFi,6rdEF,Frol
<br />l. c.ur ofrh.Ftdr-, m6.lun!ry.odarins *nh L.d!.<l to conno!.t rh. rr!<t (56 7044, &4ds
<br />nd hDlsir Cod.: Th. Conlra.loi3 l, i.cN. ljw do6 ror tpply ro d offd ot pmFny *h. t{il& o. imFor 6 rlEon.
<br />rnd who conrd! for 3uch Fo]cdt wnh ! Co.rdo(, ltd<d Frl$ln lo rh. Colf.1oie Ltde la).
<br />I m .roF Er&r serio.
<br />r!af,tf,i(l)lrfErsAlla!
<br />llE(tJAA.Itq!
<br />I hdb, rnim und6 poulry of pdl!ry on. of rh. nnh$ ins deld.rhtu:
<br />I h.v.,i * ill ruinlln r Csrift.i. of C6@1r lo Sclf-lnuc a.r so d onFEdio., s p.uiLd lor by S€ri.n l70O.fth.
<br />lrh cod.. ror rhc Ff(ro. of rlE ed tor s hi.h rlE FEn t is.d
<br />I hivc ud q,ill sotl6 conFE.rion iBuEft.. a ..qunal b, sdion !7m of rh. t b.r ( od.. aor llE Ffollff. ol
<br />rh. *o.t fu *hth drn Fnn a is,.d ,t ) *d6 onp.dirn iBu.m c6ir, -d Flty numb.r m:
<br />l.ditrhd in rh. Ff6,l1m. of th. sotl f.r *hich thi parn 6 usu.( I !h.llmt dployey F@n i. ot tlffi
<br />b N
<br />'o
<br />b..ot $bJd lo lhc uo 6'compqallion l.B ofcJiaomia Md.Br ihd if I should tcom sb.d
<br />'o
<br />lh.
<br />mdd conFB.rion proviaod ofs.<rrn 1700 otrhc L.&r Co&, I idl fonluirt co,qiy r nh rh- pmviirN
<br />$ARNINC: fnl@ r. ffi wrtd' ooFdion ie unhtrtul. rrd .hrll objcl d drllors to diniol pasti! ed
<br />dil fia up ro oE hundrdl lho@d dollc (t100.&0). in lddiion ro rhc con oa compcBdioi, damsd 6 prond.d to. rlE
<br />S(tion 1076.1rh. tjbor ( od., inra6r Md drohr.)\ fc > -;^>/\D ,, /D,2\^ ,/4
<br />Ltaffir'p(()Nrr{AafuR 7 -trl ( l,1Rrr(rN
<br />I h6*, arm n.d6 Fuhy of Fiury rhi I d li..r.d urls FErEi,n of Ci+r6 I (offii'S trnh Sdbn 7(1001 ot DiBl,. 3
<br />oa (hc BuliB sd PofdFE Co<l.. .!d hy lt.E ir h tull 6r rd.fid
<br />/2'25^ /n ,-,-*.(7z-
<br />coNs-rRU( Tto r
<br />'{DINGacEN( v
<br />I hotl, lllm unds Frhy of Fjury thd thq. ie r corBlN.lioi Lrdii* rX6cy for lh. Ff.mffi. ot th. $st 6r uhi.h lht FEi ii
<br />L$ucd {Sa. :1097. Civ C )
<br />I [od'y rrm uida parhy oa psjury onc oflh.ftlllosinS.k leliioB:
<br />Domlirion PmireAib6ror Norificrion F.da! R.8!lda,o! (Tnk40. Pm6)
<br />--R.quiEd
<br />t rt6 olNorif'dbr
<br />I .dlify rhn rhr faldrl r.*ubrnrB csEdi.s Eh.sros rooral d. nor q'plrcal,k kr rti rr.i.(.
<br />I csliar rld I U\.E d rhn.prli.l6n.d r.t thd dE$or. infotubn i...rd I .!rc !o com!|, wnh lll cir, dcounry
<br />ordErd ad SEi. llq! Ehi'* ro hlildi4 conrrudiotr !d aut6riz. r.F66r.l'G o r lhn ch, Md co!.ry ro 6ra won rlE
<br />lbvc morion d nmldy f.r iEp.d
<br />7c
<br />2.rO ,,,,, ./o 2-s'/?6)y-.'d
<br />Set Backs
<br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns
<br />Erection Pads
<br />SLAB Floor
<br />Subf loor/VenVlnsulation
<br />Roof Sheathinq
<br />Framing
<br />Drywall
<br />Ext./lnt. Lath
<br />Brown Coat
<br />Masonry
<br />Pool Fence
<br />T-Bar
<br />Handicap Req
<br />Deputy Final Report
<br />Engineer Final Report
<br />Flood Zone Certif .
<br />FINAL It{o l2o Dlma u*61
<br />Certificate of Occupancy
<br />Notes , Remarks, Etc.
<br />UFER Ground
<br />Shear Wall
<br />lnsulation/Enerqv