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PLUMBING.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS o*Ntt Eult ra DULCAIATToN <br />I h6d,r lrIm mda pdd, ol Fiory lhr I 6 aai{, ilE tk Co r-rm Li(q* rs. toi t 6lb*it (Sc.r011.5 <br />&!iE -l Proliio. Co&)r A.r Ci, or cod, *t!th GqoiE . Flri ro <!d.E! .1t6. irr.ovc. &Dll' or qt ry <br />rlructc Fhr ro ir. i$u.G. .!o l.qli'q lh. rpdic.n for Dctt Fon lo 6k r.bEd nddlelll fin lE or dr i licd.d Ftu !r <br />lo tlE F$AiE of th. c<rr..ld. Li.did r.* (ct?G 9. colMi| *ih Sct6 7@ of Dtbbr , ot llE &d6 -d <br />PDftlion. Co<L) ot dd h.6rlE il sor fi6.6or!' lld E bdt fo. $..lhscd dal9lioo 4.,vhbb!ofsErbn70tl.tbd, <br /> 6r.FEi &li*L rh. Alt r to.o F.trof @l dEft- fE h.(H &tlr! ($@). <br />l. r ffi otulE FloF r.d myotpbr€ lih w.36. rlEi $lc on'pd.b& wiu & dE rql.d dE.tEG i Ei <br />inad.d d ofr6.d td -L (Se.704a. hliB rd h!ftsbB C.d. TIF CorrErd r tis L* dos Dr +ply lo n osr ol <br />lh. FoFly r{s Lrib d !tp$E dlaqr -d *h. dc aln 6l hiMll or hclf o, rl!.crl har ( h6 os!.@btq <br />Fovi.t d lhr ,rl iFFcrd G bl i.EiLd d oftrd fr, -t l[ ho6r. dE bidit d irgffi ir -ld .thn c ]d <br />of@ipldhi- rlE ()'16 B'llta win t!v. rh. br&r ofFoviry rlE lE or tE dil 6r hild n irymrt tlE FoFt, tu rlr prro- ot <br />l. . NG of$c FlFrr. m a.bdE con *ri[ sii laca!.d.oir' .td ro otir<r E Fojd {56. 70,t4. E!n- <br />.n Phhir Co&: TIE ao'nr-roir Liug L.w d6 mr +p1,6 o osG of FoFry tho t{iLL q i46€ rt 6.! <br />E.l slto o,rr*n for reh D.liari s1th. Co n 16{r ltaE d prrlll brh.Cort.tort LkE* l!w) <br />I n 'r\.i,rr trtr(]. \.(i,{, <br />.uoaf,l$:gtMt8ltall0!lfI:utArla! <br />I lflm undd pdlhyofpdjuryon of$c tollo*ins d.(hi!rioN: <br />'Emfd$nt6omFlldhn.aFDrid.dtorbrS6tt1tr1700ofrlE <br />trhr ( dq f lfi. Ffl)llll,a olrlE lort nx rtth llE Fni i iq6d <br />I hr\r ud *iU Eri,x.h wort6 conFE lion iN!l.E. B r.qliEd b, Sctio. l?00 otllE tt5o. Codq tu {r Ffcffic of <br />tlE $aI 6r *htt rt6 Fhi i io.d My $oir6 .orp.t i, icffi tri, td Flig a6bq G <br />t..dify rhsr i. rh. pninrl@.orrh. *oit tu {hich th's p.r'nir r irru.n. I rh.lln.r drLy any Fr$n in.n! meli <br />r 6lotE$Ea'tdbtlEtrn 6'NmFMFr hsr.r(-.lfom!, mt4Rlhi if I !tn!U t(or rut <(i lnrli <br />$.rI4' snrpo!0|n'n pnn iio6 of S.d ion I7m oflh. uh, ('.n . I 3lEll. fonhNlh compll \ nh llFr provrions <br />S<ton r(,76oflh.I.tu(i .. rd66r od Erktrm,\'r fc <br />I I'c'(1tr ,!rli'nr unL!fl trn.'lr\ rf t{r [tr\ llri I rnr ](dk\!r,.1trk,n fr( hitrr <br />I h.r.h rftnn on{|.' Iuxlr\.f trr,^ rl rrlE.'s! <br />rltrnlr\d riNr ( r1 ( l <br />,tr(!r{, ldtrl,nr r(.n.r i' rh. Bl lni,n 'n!r fl rhc \!ql i! <br />aPPl rclrYl nt(l At.Aflolt <br />I h.d, rEn ui& Frly of FiEy E ol lt folbeila.L.hi6: <br />D.mhh. Pmi!-A$.io l.lolifrnbi lcrltdionr {f ik a0. Pfi6) <br />Rqrilt(l lnra ol i{off.46 <br />I cqria) lhr llE rd.r.l rqrlrh6 E3-dIA -t lrc rm$l ft mi {'9lt.t,t 16 lh. Flitt <br />I dii rhr I h.E rad dti' Itli.dbn trl rrc rhi rlE,t r. hfoldi[ir(ffi I ..E ro orPly r'irh.ll Ciry.i Coury <br />odniR6 ani Srdr. I .rs <br />,\prlicr l or l*.nl Sltnrlurt: <br />nr coI,ruclh( d ts.t, !h!v. 'qrcsl,r6,,rrh'r t r\ trnd (, nr\!,drt}trFtr&z,t*, 1r/rt <br />,/ <br />UNDER GROUND <br />Waste & Vent <br />Water-Under floor <br />Gas-Underfloor <br />Building Sewer <br />Area/Storm Drain <br />I nterceptor/ Clarifier <br />TOP OUT <br />Waste & Vent <br />Water Piping <br />Gas Piping <br />Roof Drain <br />Tub/Shower Test <br />Rough Water Heater <br />POOUSPA <br />P{rap/Drain Line <br />Main Drain/Pool Pi ptng <br />Fill Line/Back Flow <br />Pool Healer/Gas Line <br />Miscellaneous <br />Gas Service <br />Water Service <br />Lawn Sprinkler <br />Sanitary Sewer/Cap <br />Back Flow Device <br />Rough Plumbing <br />Final Gas Test <br />Meter Release I <br />FINAL /z/a /t/t nW,-LZA TV <br />I <br />Noles, Remarks, Etc -74