<br />I lE.ta imm un&r Fn h! of Fjury ihn I r ddp( 6on lhc Co'rrrloE Lt.e l,u for 0r tollorirB lai lscr0l I t
<br />Buin6r ,rrl Prof*ion Co&) Any Cily or (ouiry wtth ,cqutrd a Fmn ro .odru(. ah6. imFove d.s.lnt o, re.r uy
<br />itudr( Fr ro n. is6... .L rcquiB rlE.ppltd for s.h Fnn !o 6L r sisn d {rml fi. rE or 3lE. li.ducd Fr,.d
<br />to lhc FovnFns of th. ( o'{r&roa! l-icdlcd t.!w ((iaptd c. ( om..cios snh Sction ?0oO or Dirilion I of lh. Bsin* ed
<br />PiofBi.tu (i'd.) o rh! lE or rh. i .rdnpl rls.from ed rfi. t6u f6r rlE .lks.d sdFnn AnyvnLlb.ors..rio.701l5 by Dt
<br />ipplicnnr for ! l.mil subj<ts lh. spplicul lo a civil r,6ohy o I nol norc lhd fivG hund.ol dolld ($m)
<br />l. &t ow.6 ofrn. F.Fny. or my .nplo)E r h raBB E lhci snc comparnion. will do lh. so ad tlE ndrG i! B{
<br />idqd.d ( orEld for s,.lsa 704,t, AlllrtBed Prrfs.6 Cd!. IrE(o redr Ltret $&Bd +tlr toaotrffi.f
<br />lh. FoFny who toil& or impror6 tn6on. Exl who &6 Mh mn hiFr.lfor h.elfor rhoush h6 orh6oM oplot.6,
<br />ror iLd rh.r Hh rqorod. ft d -ndr& d o&!d tu sk lf,In$66. rlE hildir* r introrffi B$B *nhin m
<br />'d6f !.dtkrion, rh. Os n6 lluik 6 $rll hlvc rh. liid6 ot roling rhd tE o' !h. dd nor h'U 6r 'n sr. dr Fpdy 6r rh. Frtns of
<br />l. a ow ofth. FrF!, m dclNn.ly (odki,B $nh [.d!.d..drdo6 ro mddd
<br />'lE F.nF (Sd ]O1,1. &!tlB
<br />ed PbAsFnCod.: Th.(onrrlcror'r Lic6r. Lr* do€ rcr.prly to otr n6 otroFd' r ho buildr or imprc16 rhdo..
<br />.rd trlF tuntu3 for sct Foj.(r $irh r Co rxr.(t) ltdB.d pllBu.,i lorlECod&ro,3l -ae lsJ
<br />I m.rc'nfl un& Sdrhn
<br />lLqaf,ESr-coutElIArax
<br />I h-.6r rmm onL!.r F.rhr oa Fj,r) oft oflh. aollor!ts &.l,rd h6:
<br />I h,r. dn *ill minrxn. (dirrr. of ('oBd to S.lf-lBuE ld $ tc onpdui.n.6 Fordcl for br Scdan l70o ofrh.
<br />uhor ( od., lM rh. Floro.. oarh. worl for *tich lh! p6nir ii itru.d
<br />I ha\ r ed qill mlinr.il sorl* comt Mlion iBuoN., s r.qut d by 56r ion :1700 .f $. Lrr{r ( ode lor th. p6{olruc. of
<br />llE trot for uhrhthcamrF is!.d M! nnla Frp.luren,'umc (fr rnp.lr) nuhbd ftdranfd-+}.
<br />p pUrlcc N74lt ,<- zo
<br />I.cliayth,l in tlE Ftol ft. ofrh.rort tc $hth lhir Fmi lr inu.d.l Jdld onploy.n! rE$r in 6) daE
<br />r, 6t' helmc sut!6r ro rh.wo*@'codFts rion la$r ot(olifomid. ed rsB rhd it! lh.uld tE oe 3ubjd to rlE -
<br />sorl6 NmFsbnForai,Bof s<di6n 17(x)of rh.lthn ((1. I shrll. ldhirh mod, wnh rh.r F\ith6
<br />\IARNING F.iluE to *dc *0116' conFerion m\6.s. i! unL$ful a sh.ll sutiF & odqq k dininil FEli6 i,i
<br />ro.n. huntlr.J !h.u$J doll6 tlr00.l)00). in arl]lilhn k) lhc cosl ol comrENrion, d&Dr6 a rrolidcd tor 'h.(_dL, mrdd rrd d'dE '! f6
<br />3 \4
<br />!&ui)tJla!&[llrl]Dt( I \ktIl()\
<br />I hd.ny lmnn unds p6ahy ot Frju.y thd I m liGr.n uodd FovnDn ol Cru,nd 9 (onm6cin! *nh SElirn '7000) of Divi.nn l
<br />oa thr B6itB ad Pmf6i,B Co&. !d m) lro& 6 in tull lor. .d.r.(1
<br />L-o looYss 7
<br />,,". LoE,I lA
<br />catfrBuglaNtllDtxclliE!(r
<br />I Hry rfird ,ndcr Futy o f Frur- rhr ihd. n . otrrtu(l.n lcihr rsd] for rh. pafollre. of E *!rt tu *ndr rhi Fni ;
<br />i&.d (sc 109?. civ. c ).
<br />I hdtby ,&n u'r& Da.lty of DGjul- or of 0r aollo*ins &.lsnon3
<br />D.nolilion Fsmilr-Arholos Nolifrllirn F.dqll RcruLtioN (TnL 40. Pan6)
<br />R.qunql kx6ofNoi6.dbn
<br />I (.nify rh.l rhc Lddtrl rquhn)N lclrdrn8 abehr rflrval o. nor lral(abl. ro rhlr pn)(1
<br />lcd'ry rhir lha\..6d rhli ippl'carnr el srar.rhar rh. ,hr. ,nhfrar
<br />'oh
<br />ir.oftd1 lasrd h.onp! wnh ill( (y.nd (i,unl,
<br />n,J,uE6 J \ar.l!"r,.ld'n* r, txrl.hs!.q{udNtr_&rl h(.t* aurknrT. rli6rdi\6 ofrhi3(nv.rd(i'! ]ro6lqq{nr}r
<br />:::ffi"I.::.*fficn ,,,, 1oJ!,fs
<br />Site-Work
<br />Underground
<br />Pole Bases
<br />Light Standards
<br />Spas, Pool, Fountains
<br />Signs (monument)
<br />Life Safety /Low Voltage
<br />Fire Alarm / Dampers
<br />Communications Cable
<br />Bu ilding
<br />Under Slab / Floor
<br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER
<br />Transformers
<br />Torqueing
<br />Sub-Panels
<br />Air Conditioners
<br />Roof Top Equipment
<br />Factory Wired Unit
<br />Walls (Conduit)
<br />Walls (Rough)
<br />Ceilinos (Hard & Soffit Rouqh
<br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough)
<br />lVleter Release /z-a- 1J Lcz))
<br />Rough az- 2-/?2c zr I
<br />Service Meter /z-7 t)lL <- e)7
<br />FINAL .z-q- /9 2<-L,)
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc.
<br />DATE