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BUILOING. INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE.WORK DATE COMMENTS OWNER BUILD'N DDL('AR IION <br />I rfim uBj.r Fuhy ol Fjur_ rtr I m d.mF trn lhc Cod'!tuu lis lor lh. hlh*inE rc]n (Sa?oll.t <br />aGind an PiotdnD (o&) any Ciry or Cour y $hi(h rcquud ! Fmi to cordNcl. .ta. inlFore damlih n qu dt <br />rNdu.. Fnr !o ir! irrMc., !k r.quir6 lhc apilltol for such pdmit ro lil. , 3irncd naoiH rhn lE or tll ! li6.d Fm.Ir <br />k' rlE FovnioN of lrE Cont.ctor3 Lic6s.d t,w (Clupr 9, condcrB wnh t{dDn 7000 ol Dilitbn I ot tlt BGi6 Md <br />PFLshs cod.) or ihd lE or c d.r@p rhd.from xd rh. bGit for th. tlL$<t d@gn. A.y violdhnols6inn7011tbv&v <br />rrplc&r for . Fhn rubjd$ rh. rpgli.d lo . cir il pdull] of mr m( rhtt fi!. hud,.d dollB (ltoo) <br />r. s o*E oarlE F.Fl', d my qiploy6 *ilh u.86 s sk snpdsdnrn, will& tlE s(i rd $. nnrrE i m' <br />il od.d or ol[6.d td lr]c (sa 7044, Auin4 ud PDa6rnrs Cod.: Tlt. Co.lfud ] Li(fu l4 do€ d ?Plv b e oqE of <br />th. Fnrsly *lE bil&or iIp.ov6 rluEl\.n *i[ dctEnw hilrlf or hs!.lf o. rlmuSt tir n tE o*! ctrpbt6. <br />pFvid.d rh !!ch imF.ErEb E r)l nd'd.d qotu d 6r rl. lt ln$!€. rlE tlildiog d itsorurld i!' 5ld *illil w )s <br />ofcorpkia rlE ()\c &ikb *iu hE dE h,rb! ot FovilB lld lE or nt dA N m nnFlw thc poFty br th! Fr!... or <br />l. soM6 of$. Ir.pcry, oqclBtrtly.odrdin8 $nh li.qsd co,rr.i6 rc olfud llr Fojdl (Sc 704'l BGIB <br />ud hliibd Co<L 'Ih. codra-loi3l,k.B lls &6 bt !t?ly to d o$E of FoFry sh6 b(ild! or imPrcv6 th6.Dn <br />r.d wlF o'rEC!fo. *h FoFtrrih. Conrdo(!) ltoB.d I)16@r r. rh. ( ontdor't UcGe tiw) <br />I e.r6pl ud6 S(xon <br />!aaE$i-lo!ll[!lA]Ia! <br />DECIAAAIIAB <br />I lmrh undd p6ah, of tcr!ry on. ofrh. rdbl inr ddltr.rh6 <br />I tuv. .d * <br />'U <br />tuFrrn . Cdif.r. lo Sclf-Ituu. lor *orld conpqBdion. s pbvd.d lor bv S..lior 1700 of rlE <br />tlbor ( o<L fm rh. Ffo.Ie. olrlE $ol lor q hth th. Fnn i! isu.d <br />I h!v. lnd sill n.inuh uorlm conFdio. iMrft., s 'qliEd br Sdio. rr0o olrlE L.boi Co&.lot lh. Fnffi. of <br />rlE mrt for $hrch lhir rEin a iqd M, s$I6 ohFurion ilgc..sit &d polty nu' a@ <br />I ..nify lhd in lh. Ffotu. oait wo ror whth lhn Fmn i! i$ucd. I lhill ..1 mplo, My Frsn r Dy maE <br />$ 6 ro h(oc Ntiir ro rhc hrld'conpdlolior hwt of Crl'tomi& !i.88 thn ill $ould i'dor sUFl lo llE <br />*orld' .onpc$ri6n F.viioN of Sdir. l70o of $c I ddl. fonhvilh onqry vhh rlb* FDri3io6. <br />WARNING. FliluE b sr *vld s,rpddion 6td.a. i sltstuL ri tull $bi<l e dnpbF lo aitiel F*lai! tnd <br />.ivil fb6 !p lo m hudEd rhouldd rt lEs {tIOO.OOO}. in lddnio. 16 $c cor of cotup.elioi. dauB6 B Fovidcd 6t lh. <br />sdi.n r076nfrh. rrf,or ( oda hrld rdrtolBi f6 L.-- <br />,.,., ld[5r]rq^fut 'I ucrrlEDrallua(Iaa <br />DEC|ISAUAX <br />I lElty lftm ud6 Frty of Fjur' th.l I d lica!.d undd F.vilion of Ch!F6 I (@6,i@in! snh S.dbn 70001 .f oi ifin I <br />of rlE &Bind !d PDfsios ( od., .!d my lacr i! h tull forc. rd .iEd. <br />,.,. r_oIbr{\'t <br />I haby .IIm udq Fraty o f ,qju.y thn thq. b . olnMlbn lrldiB .a*y fot llt FfomE of rh. wt lbr *hi.h 0!i! FBil ir <br />isu.d (se. 1097, Civ C ). <br />l.n<b . <br />- <br />AIfII(AILDECI.ASAIIA! <br />lhd6 drm un& po.hy ofpsjury onc oflhc folh$inB dc|ftlaB: <br />Dnrln6. P6milr-A!b6lo! Nox6. ion F.ddrl Rqll.rioB ( t k r0. Ptn6) <br />R.qund L.rl6 of llorificri, <br />.l cdli& lh.r rlE f.dd.l r.suLriod Egedlns sb.tro! .cmvd e nol .al9l.lblc lo rht FoF <br />I cErit) th.r I hiv. rad G6 e?ltdion rd cn. lhi llE .lnrt infotuion it .ntl I tsrc ro @mply unh rll Ctv ud coulv <br />ordiffi6 rd St.t. L&! Ghrg lo hildins odrl*lio!! .d ho!b! .lll[riz (F&lrdi!6 of lhi. Cn, ed Couil, rc dnc .pof, rlE <br />rho\. rmttui.d lropgry tor rspdrio. plrpos <br />Appli(rnl or AIcnl Sisnrlurr <br />l+-*r-t ---1*17-61q*- <br />,,.,. td[3t/r<T <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subfloor/VenUl nsulation <br />Roof Sheathinq <br />Shear Wall <br />Framing <br />lnsulation/Energy <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />Masonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Enqineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif. <br />FINAL ll//lln 'llt->"tx alert ) <br />Certificate of Occu n <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />ID/SIG.