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APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS <br />_t, ! ffi.irlr FoFir. ff r, ar'et'r6 wi0! ! dEi D! ors6.rbl! sil & dE $dL.i $. r'urG i Drir6rB do6r.d ft. rb(Sc.70a.1, B{.i6 &d Prof6irB Code n Co,rr6dr Li.Er. ta &c rbt idylo - osE nt <br />tliFrFr_! r{b hdbq ls!€llEEo. !d*tb dEulwrt hinelld ha.lfa ro'dr th d h. om €ndor!... <br />Fori<Ld nrr B! iiFDqd e 6l iia.t d 6otu fr.5l.lf. ho66. rtE tuiht a iqlrqH a!& f,ibi! d rr <br />of @qbbo. rl! ()lG &jrE win |!lr ilE h,rbr .f F!!it tti tE d L .id iat hid r i'Vs! dr. FlFty 6. rlt Frtcot <br />-rl\Ll <br />^Ilrlr os of rtrc popary. m acl6'v.b.oirrtrry wnh li6.d onrxr-! b o'*ur th. Fi.d (sd. ?ol,l. EuiE <br />.'d Pbt*a Co&r Ih. Coilr*1or'. lktG rr* &€ n(, ply ro n o\lE of F!Fr! *lb b{iLlt d iq.o€ ftaoi. <br />.!d who @iE*l. f6r dci FDi*$ *it . cdrrdd(!) li.d.d Fcrd ro t Coir.lar U.c Le). <br />ryi;i'wrq <br />/ .raer to,,r,o,*,n*,4 DrfMMq NGU?€rw' ll ol{r Es' coit PstsaTtoN <br />DECIJSAIIO! <br />I hc.6t .r!o !r<b FDl, olFiry oB ofrlE lblh*bs ddbrlioB: <br />I l'.8 rrd $ill dirn.h . Cdi6cr. otcoMu ro Sdf.ltu. foi mrt6 shFlrion. . FDlit d 6r b' "ccrlb lr00 of rlE <br />L.!.r Code 6r lhc Ffalrre oloE srl lq $,tth rh. Fhn ir iq.d <br />_l h.t .trd will riln.i, mrt6 .oop.Ediotr illgJje.. a Equi.d b, S6ikn 1700 ofth. L&. C.d. 6. dE dftrlsc of <br />rh. {nL tu whil rhi' FEi ii My mrta @EF!di, iErc c'c id Dolir, @ob. G <br />ryI .airy rhd ir rk Ffotffi or E mtt frr *hkh o! FEi ir .pql I tt ll @i @pby e, Fs in uy ME <br />. s ro b*oc eUci lo rlE wra'oqE!.ioi h$t orcdifomi.. nd tE rlr if I tlDdd b.or. &t*.1 lo dE <br />ertd'6!r?d.rbnFoviriEorsciihlr@orrlEt-&.c.rlclldLfod$ntoql}*ihrhorF.vuod <br />lv?l&lrNcr F.ilu. !o GG s.ld' coo9dlrhn @vdsc ir dlrwtul- !d ih[ tuliJl - 69b!d lo silid FIli..."d.ivil fiB lp lo o't. lEdEd ll'ouud &ll4 ltlm.oool. b .ddibc to rlE cot of o,a.o.tio. .Lq6 . Flvid.d for th. <br />s<laa 1016 ofrlE Lrt(tr co<lq idq!.l rn tlro'rc? . f6 <br />DEtdf,AIIOU <br />I tdlh .lEn unda F!ry or Fir, {. t G li.a..l 6rb Foviii of ctq6 e (.nl,lffii{ ,tt Sdir 7000t orDiviir 3 <br />or tb Bud6 .!d PD&ti.B Codc, .!d or lidE i i! tuU h.a nd.&t <br />(ollrBtlcloB.jIautE.AcENcx <br />,.Irdu&F y ol pEjury ltd thd i.. olrrruda. lclrdi!!.8ct for llr FtiIrc of llE mrl lr vltin dlir Fnt ir <br />ie.d (S( 1017. Civ C). <br />AIILICANLDECIASAIIAB <br />I hdrl, ,{frr ui& Filrt of FIry m olrlE lolbwitrt .|rlrd iou, <br />Dcmhion P@ieA.h.nor |*ii6crbn F.d6.l RcAuhird {Til.r0. Pd6) <br />- - i.quitd ldra .ltLiifidri.n <br />-[r10, "-'tr'a'"*,r..s!rrbcEsrdDs6rdo',omlrtEmr .eprE.hkrorh!Flict. <br />\-rdit 'ld I h'v! Ed <br />'h6 el.! hn id rdc rh, rh. .thv. irfornion a rn6r. t .rE lo adpry sit .ll Ci, !n codt <br />ddb.E rn slrc t^r Glrtrg ro h:illint ..6t&cr o[ ild hse+,'rhorir EFrEr.h6 of rhs Ci, d Codr, lo. s rF.0E;#:Ht;"*'"'Yk//,,1? xloQt/t7 <br />"--u-*.,,*k NA-lHlArai d(etu _ <br />UNDER GROUND <br />Waste & Vent <br />Water-Under floor <br />Gas-Underfloor <br />Buildin Sewer <br />Area/Storm Drain <br />lnterceptor/ Clarifier <br />TOP OUT <br />Waste & Vent <br />Water Piping <br />Gas Piping <br />Roof Drain <br />Tub/Shower Test <br />Rough Water Heater <br />P{rap/Drain Line <br />Jr4ain Drain/Pool Piping <br />Fill Line/Back Flow <br />Pool Heater/Gas Line <br />Miscellaneous <br />Gas Service <br />Waler Service <br />Lawn Sprinkler <br />Sanita Sewer/Ca p <br />Back Flow Device <br />,4. <br />Rough Plumbing rc-2\-l YttU;Yl /tr,Pr) <br />Final Gas Test V <br />Meter Release /A <br />FINAL t\-\$-"rl +w <br />PLUMBING-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />NqdlFN <br />POOUSPA <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc.